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Indian math genius Ramanujan's theory finally proved right.


Dec 29, 2012
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Indian math genius Ramanujan's theory finally proved right.
By Indo Asian News Service | IANS India Private Limited – 1 hour 8 minutes ago

London, Dec 29 (IANS) Mathematicians from a US university have finally solved a cryptic puzzle renowned Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan claimed came to him in his dreams while he was on his deathbed.
While on his death-bed in 1920, Ramanujan wrote a letter to his mentor, British mathematician G.H. Hardy, outlining several new mathematical functions never before heard of, along with a hunch about how they worked, the Daily Mail reported.
Now, researchers say they have proved Ramanujan was right, and that the formula could explain the behaviour of black holes.
"We've solved the problems from his last mysterious letters," Ken Ono, a mathematician from Emory University in Georgia, US, was quoted as saying.
"For people who work in this area of math, the problem has been open for 90 years," he said.
Ono said Ramanujan, a self-taught mathematician born in a village in southern India, spent so much time thinking about math that he flunked out of college in India twice.
Ramanujan's letter to Hardy described several new functions that behaved differently from known theta functions, or modular forms, and yet closely mimicked them.
Ramanujan, a devout Hindu, thought these patterns were revealed to him by the goddess Namagiri. However, no one at the time understood what he was talking about.
"It wasn't until 2002, through the work of Sander Zwegers, that we had a description of the functions that Ramanujan was writing about in 1920," Ono told the daily.
Ono and his colleagues drew on modern mathematical tools that had not been developed before Ramanujan's death to prove that his theory was correct.
"We proved that Ramanujan was right. We found the formula explaining one of the visions that he believed came from his goddess," Ono said.
"No one was talking about black holes back in the 1920s when Ramanujan first came up with mock modular forms, and yet, his work may unlock secrets about them," he said.
The findings were presented in November at a Ramanujan conference held at the University of Florida, ahead of the 125th anniversary of the mathematician's birth Dec 22.

Source:Yahoo news.
Actually during an interview, when a question was asked to Hardy " What was ur greatest contribution to Mathematics"?
He replied without thinking " The discovery of Ramanujam".

Many of his papers were so advanced of his times. People are realising his importance now oly.
no doubt,ramanujan was the greatest mathematician of his time.
the most unfortunate is that he died very early..... had he lived more.... he would have discovered more formulas... and greatly contributed to the scientific community.

Poor chap had a rare disease. And he grown up in a malnutrition environment. And his condition detoriated greatly in England, where the climate was totally different.
A genius.
Poor chap had a rare disease. And he grown up in a malnutrition environment. And his condition detoriated greatly in England, where the climate was totally different.
A genius.

Why do most of the geniuses have rarest of the rare disease? Steven Hawking, Ramanujam and many others. why?

Anyways, Ramanujam gave so much that had he lived longer, he would have bagged at least a dozen Nobel prizes.
It wasn't a rare disease... but tuberculosis.

Then, there was no cure for tuberculosis.

Not exactly TB. It was something about a bacteria, that lives in intestine that causes occasional dysentry. If untreated, it will be fatal that time.
IMHO I think he could have achived a lot more sucesses if he was in some European country. But it is great to have a man like Ramanujan from a closer place to us.
A movie/documentary should be made to highlight his contributions. Many people in India itself may not be aware of this genius, who credited his acumen to his family Goddess, Namagiri of Namakkal. A great human being who left the world because of a disease which could have been treated today. Sad!!
A movie/documentary should be made to highlight his contributions. Many people in India itself may not be aware of this genius, who credited his acumen to his family Goddess, Namagiri of Namakkal. A great human being who left the world because of a disease which could have been treated today. Sad!!
He was mentioned in the movie Goodwill Hunting. :D

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