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Indian investment in US touches $11 billion creates 100, 000 jobs


Aug 8, 2011
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United States
WASHINGTON: Investment by Indian companies in the US has touched a record $11 billion and in the process has created more than 100,000 jobs, a study has revealed.

The report, 'Investing in America, How India Helps Create American Jobs' by the US India Business Council demonstrating the ways the US economy is benefiting from the successful bilateral and business relationship with India, is slated to be released during the USIBC' 38th Anniversary Leadership Summit on July 11.

In October last year, the US Deputy Secretary of State, William Burns, had said that between 2000 to 2010, the Indian direct investment in America grew from $200 million to nearly $5 billion. In his same speech he had said that Indian firms have helped create some 50,000 jobs in the US.

However, according to the latest USIBC study, Indian investment in the US "recently touched $11 billion, with as many as 100,000 American jobs created.

"The contribution of Indian businesses ... is expected to give a fitting reply to all those who have been calling for a trade war between the two countries," the study said.

During a Congressional hearing last month, several US lawmakers and business and trade representatives had urged the Obama Administration to impress upon India against what they alleged as are protectionist measures and discriminatory to the US businesses.

To address such concerns and to protect the interest of Indian companies in the US, which helps American businesses remain competitive in the global economy, the USIBC has launched the Coalition for Jobs and Growth (CJG).

"USIBC supports the free movement of technical professionals. This freedom of movement is essential to US job creation, and is at the heart of our future economic prosperity," USIBC President Ron Somers, said at the time of the launch of the coalition in June.

"USIBC endorses immigration reform, but the legislation as currently written restricts a company's ability to source skilled talent, which hamstrings American competitiveness," Somers added.

The USIBC-led Coalition for Jobs & Growth believes that an open American economy helps give the United States the influence it needs to ensure that other economies stay open as well, it said.
Great to see how our companies are integrating themselves into the world economy... but the business environment in India itself is shitty as usual thanks to bureaucracy, corruption, stupid party politics etc etc etc
Great to see how our companies are integrating themselves into the world economy... but the business environment in India itself is shitty as usual thanks to bureaucracy, corruption, stupid party politics etc etc etc

Policy paralysis, too much bureacratic hurdles hurting India. BTW I would have more happy if those money invested in India.
This will promote more business across the world for India ...good news:cheers:
And they thought that we are stealing their jobs
No jobs here but we create them for the Yanks? :woot: :fie: I think our unemployed need to pack their bags and head for the land of plenty - the US of A!
What a shame! Indian companies are investing in foreign countries instead of India. That shows the lack of confidence of these indian companies in indian economy. No wonder foreign investors are pulling out their investments from india.
Whatever you say this is GOOD for India because it is literally buying influence in Washington. If you think India is bad look to DC to see vested interests and corruption! If India can make itself such a huge employer and investor in the US then US foreing policy is going to be much more favorable to India in the future. All you need is lobbyists and votors- if you can get enough people dependent on Indian investment then the US will be very favoruble to India just look at the Israeli example to see how influence in American shores meets Israeli strageic interests..
What a shame! Indian companies are investing in foreign countries instead of India. That shows the lack of confidence of these indian companies in indian economy. No wonder foreign investors are pulling out their investments from india.

What?! Do you have any idea about economics?

This is a great sign! Indian companies are becoming more and more powerful and are integrating themselves and India more into the globalized world economy by things like this!

Its natural that companies try to get advantages of any form in other countries since no country, especially not a developing country, can provide everything a company wants!

Furthermore, India is known for its bureaucratic hurdles and the usual political fighting which are scaring many businesses.
our corporate thugs are heavily investing even in resources of Africa .
i wonder what we learn from us of a b c d ....except ENGLISH and VULGARITY
and here some random nerd will teach economics that mnc`s milking india ..is beneficial for us
just like false khangress slogan such as ho raha bharat nirman ,ya ka rahe slave nirman market mai bechne ke liye.
What?! Do you have any idea about economics?

This is a great sign! Indian companies are becoming more and more powerful and are integrating themselves and India more into the globalized world economy by things like this!

Its natural that companies try to get advantages of any form in other countries since no country, especially not a developing country, can provide everything a company wants!

Furthermore, India is known for its bureaucratic hurdles and the usual political fighting which are scaring many businesses.

I'm not an economist but I do understand if these indian companies had invested in India as much as they've been investing in foreign countries we would have a better economy, more jobs, would have better GDP and rupee wouldn't have collapsed.
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