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Indian intelligence agency RAW starts exporting terror to China


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RAW starts exporting terror to China | THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN

RAW starts exporting terror to China
MARCH 25, 2010

Islamabad—A credible source has revealed, on condition of anonymity, that an NGO has been established by Indian spy agency RAW in Badakhshan which persuades Chinese nationals to join. They will be subsequently trained and sent to the Chinese province of Xingjiang for creating instability. These Chinese nationals are believed to be the members of East Turkmen Independent Movement (ETIM) and are considered suitable for creating unrest in Northern china.

Other reports suggest that the Indian agents have categorically instructed their operatives in Afghanistan and elsewhere for maintaining close contacts with Al-Qaeda for their financial need for ETIM leadership. Pertinently mentioned that Indians have made ingress into camps reportedly established by ETIM in Northern and Southern region of Afghanistan. Moral, material and financial assistance is regularly provided by Indian trained operatives to strengthen and then launch ETIM members for Afghan soil against China.

It is widely believed that Indian intelligence operatives based in Afghanistan while taking advantage of the fragile situation have made concerted efforts to attract maximum Chinese dissidents by offering them widerange of incentives. They are being encouraged to target vital installations and high profile personalities in the Chinese province, including security forces.

The Indian persuasive efforts and training of Chinese dissidents are facilitated with the active support of Afghan intelligence. It is learnt that these trained Chinese dissidents will be sent to Xingjiang in the garb of businessmen through various routes to ensure their safe landing. India also aims to implicate Pakistani Taliban in these activities.

To this end Indians may produce fake identities and push these passport holders to china and later reveal it as proof of Pakistani origin Taliban involvement in Xingjing. This move is aimed at creating cracks in the friendly relationship between Pak-China. –PakObserver
This is hilarious. As much as I like RAW, China is just too much for them.
Some one is so scared that they started pointing fingers towards India. India and China are not fools to believe this propaganda. People know exactly which players are playing here and whom they are using and from where the terror is emerging.

Article date MARCH 25, 2010
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Xinjiang unrest & foreign hand - thenews.com.pk

Momin IftikharSunday, August 28, 2011
From Print Edition

The occurrence of two terrorist incidents within a short span of two weeks in the month of July, in two cities located along the fabled Silk Route, in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China (XUAR) has shaken the tranquillity of this picturesque and laid back region. The first incident occurred on 18 July in Hotan when a group of terrorists attacked a police station with explosives, killing four people including two women and took hostages.

During a rescue operation 14 attackers were killed while four were taken into custody. In the second incident violence broke out in Kashgar on 30th July. There were two explosions and a hijacked car was driven into the pedestrian crowd killing at least 14 civilians and injuring 40.

A conglomeration of history, geography and politics makes Xinjiang region a rich target for interference from outside. The region is vast and remote — Urumqi, its capital is 3,000 kilometres from Beijing. Its spatial vastness embraces spaces as wide as the Western Europe. Ingress from outside is rather hard to monitor since the nodes of population are far and distant.

The region has always been considered strategically important to the security of China. Two thousand years ago the Han Dynasty, fearing attacks by the Turkic nomads, maintained a military garrison in Xinjiang — literally meaning the “New Dominions”. It was made a part of Chinese Empire in 1759 with the purpose of permanently neutralising the threat from the Central Asia to the security of the Chinese hinterland. Strong undercurrents of ethnic identities; Chinese Hans and the indigenous Uyghur provide the background in which the acts of terrorism take shape in Xinjiang. With the rise of China as a communist nation a large number of Hans were settled in Xinjiang region, which has created friction with elements of the local Uyghur population. The presence of this friction has become an important aspect for foreign elements to rake trouble.

With the break-up of the Soviet Union in the 90s and emergence of the Central Asian States, contiguous to the Xinjiang region, the incidents of violence have shown a marked rise, with inalienable linkages to the foreign elements. Foreign headquarters of Uyghur insurgents operated openly in Amati and Bishkek in the mid 90s before a governmental crackdown under Chinese government pressure scattered them; driving Uyghur separatists under ground. Encouraged and supported by certain intelligence agencies attempting to embroil China in internal security issues these separatists have forged ties with other radical groups in the region.

Apart from the Central Asian region, Afghanistan with a substantially large Uyghur Diaspora has turned into a major hub of anti-Chinese activities. Indian influence with the Northern Alliance in Northern Afghanistan as well as with Central Asian States of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan has added new dimensions to the evolution of the Eastern Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the terrorist organization that is behind string of violent incidents in XUAR. In Afghanistan where the Northern Alliance controls the major levers of power in the Karzai led government, there is no dearth of the safe havens for ETIM terrorists who are being funded and trained under the patronage of RAW. It is worth noting that Hasan Mesum, the acknowledged leader of the ETIM was killed by Pakistani forces while crossing from Afghanistan into Pakistan in 2003.

The blame game by the Indian media alleging a Pakistan angle following the turmoil in Hotan and Kashgar was viewed in Pakistan — and China, as a flimsy attempt to draw attention away from the Indian involvement for raking trouble in China.

While there were no statements from the Chinese officials implicating Pakistan in the episode, the Indian media went all the hog to ‘indict’ Pakistan for its involvement in acts of terrorism in the Xinjiang region.

A Hotan government spokesman categorically stated that there was no sign of linkages between the incident and Pakistani based terrorist groups. Not to be deterred, the Indian media quoted Global Times, a Chinese paper to draw in a concocted Pakistani connection. In fact what the Global Times had opined was that the incidents seemed to be the work of premeditated terrorism and that Hotan with its 90% Uyghur population appeared “prone to the influence of the terrorism that has penetrated the country from overseas.”

The paper had mentioned that Hotan was located near the borders with Pakistan (it is 500 kilometre away) — a reference that was seized by the Indian spin masters to spin their fictitious yarns of Anti-Pakistan propaganda and take a dig at the Pak-China cordial, strong and time tested relations.

What the Indian papers had missed out was that an earlier article in Global Times, authored by journalists who had visited the bordering countries of Xinjiang had reported the border with Pakistan as the “most harmonious one.”
Some one is so scared that they started pointing fingers towards India. India and China are not fools to believe this propaganda. People know exactly which players are playing here and whom they are using and from where the terror is emerging.

where were you all these days?
China should just cut off links between areas ruled by extremists and Xinjiang. Or let them do, find who train them and kill them all.
people of tajikistan are influenced by Iran and this is what india is exploiting.
Indian & Iran has penetrated in rural and backward areas of Pakistan, with its brain washing mullas, backed by corrupt mafia.
I gues both states are using same plan in tajikistan and china!
Kalu you are trying too hard. Even the Chinese won't buy it. :lol:

Unreliable source @Aeronaut @WebMaster please close the thread.

Article date MARCH 25, 2010, the desperation :rofl: :rofl:

A credible source has revealed, on condition of anonymity, that an NGO has been established by Indian spy agency RAW in Badakhshan which persuades Chinese nationals to join.

This is hilarious.
i don't know why indian,s forget that china has atleast triple export potential to india and if china gets a TRADE ROUTE through pakistan it will increase many folds...;)
i don't know why indian,s forget that china has atleast triple export potential to india and if china gets a TRADE ROUTE through pakistan it will increase many folds...;)

We also like that scenario, as India gains a bigger market like china, since the wages are increasing in China they will look for cheaper imports within years !!

But Asian nations getting closer and defining this century is not in the interest of West. There are bigger players who are playing here in this region. It is in the interest of nations to leave the policies related to terror, this is one weakness that will be used against this region.
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Pakistani Daily Accuses India Of Training Chinese Militants In Afghanistan’s Badakhshan Province

Pakistani Daily Accuses India Of Training Chinese Militants In Afghanistan’s Badakhshan Province
March 26, 2010

A report in a leading Pakistani daily accuses India’s external intelligence agency Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) of establishing a non-governmental organization (NGO) in the Badakhshan province of Afghanistan to train Chinese nationals to create instability in China’s Xingjian province.

Indian RAW Operating Against Pakistan | ASIAN DEFENCE NEWS

Indian RAW Operating Against Pakistan

According to a daily “The News” more than 100 Pakistani Baloch dissidents have been sent to India by the Indian consulate located in Kandhar (Afghanistan) for six-months training. These people were selected from areas bordering Pakistan as well as Baloch nationals residing in different camps in Kandhar. They have been promised a salary of $ 500- 1,000 on their return to Afghanistan. They will be imparted training in the fields of sniper shooting, handling of technical equipment such as GPS, wireless sets and intelligence gathering techniques. The handlers of the dissident Baloch elements plan to assign different targets in Baluchistan and Sindh provinces to the trained Baloch militants for sabotage and terrorist activities.

Ever since the Taliban were ousted from power and foreign troops landed in Afghanistan in late 2001, the Indians have been using the Afghan soil for sabotage and terrorist acts in Pakistan. Since 9/11, Indian influence has increased tremendously. India is following the strategy of the encirclement of Pakistan by making Afghanistan into a vocal anti-Pakistan client state with five very active Indian consulates along the Pak-Afghan border to destabilize Baluchistan and North West Frontier Province (NWFP). RAW has organized a network of training schools throughout Afghanistan. Some of these training centers are operating in Kabul, Jalalabad , Khawaja Ghar (Takhar Province), Khost, Paktia, Urgun, Kandhar, Spin Boldak and Dranj (Badakhshan Province). All these training centers are being used for indoctrinating minds of innocent people of FATA and Balochistan to work against Pakistan. Refugee camps for Balochistan dissidents have been established in bordering towns of Kandhar, Spin Bodlak, Helmond and Nirmoz where RAW has been given free access to interact for spotting and cultivating them. RAW with the help of local officials is providing financial support to Barhamdagh Bughti for undertaking terrorist activities in Balochistan. Spin Blodak is said to be the main hub of anti-Pakistan activities and the town is being used as a launching pad. RAW-RAAM used to providing weapons via Bajaur, Dir, Pewchar. In order to subvert loyalties of young generation, young Baloch students are spotted through senior Balochistan Student organization (BSO) hardliners, taken to Kabul for indoctrination, issued with Afghan passports and selected individuals then dispatched to training centers in various countries.

Apart from training, RAW also provided financial assistance for publication of propaganda material against Pakistan in Balochi Language, which in later distributed in Quetta, Khuzdar, Turbat, Gawader and Dera Bugti. In case of Baluchistan Indian role is not new. It is as old as the revolt itself. India is repeating the history and trying to separate Baluchistan just like East Pakistan. Pakistan has stockpiles of evidence against Indian consulates in Afghanistan that are being used to fund terrorism in Pakistan through Baitullah Mehsud’s TTP as well as Brahamdagh Bugti and his Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA). A dossier containing proof of Indian involvement in “subversive activities” in Pakistan was handed over by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh during their meeting at Sharm-el-Sheikh. A substantial part of the shared material deals with the Baluchistan insurgency and Indian linkages with the insurgents, particularly Brahamdagh Bugti, Burhan and Sher Khan. Photographs of their meetings with Indian operatives are part of the evidence, which also describes Bugti’s visit to India and the meetings he had with Indian secret service personnel. The dossier mentions an India-funded training camp at Kandahar where Baloch insurgents particularly from Bugti clan were being trained and provided arms and ammunition for sabotage activities in the Pakistani province. Similarly, Talal Bugti said that 300 Baloch nationalists are getting training at RAW’s training center in Afghanistan. The Baluchistan Chief Minister said that RAW was running terrorist training camps in Iran and Afghanistan. It has now set up 30 to 40 such camps in Baluchistan, each with training facility for 30 people who are paid 10,000 monthly.

Federation of American Scientists website comments on RAW, “RAW has engaged in disinformation campaigns, espionage and sabotage against Pakistan and other neighbouring countries. RAW has enjoyed the backing of successive Indian governments in these efforts. Working directly under the Prime Minister, the structure, rank, pay and perks of the Research and Analysis Wing are kept secret from Parliament”. Afghan officials have also confirmed that India is using Afghanistan to stir trouble in Pakistan. Afghan Government’s Advisor, Ehsanullah Aryanzai told, “India is using Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan and Afghan security agencies are unable to stop Indian intervention due to absence of centralized government mechanism”. Indian spy outfits are using the Afghan provinces of Helmand and Kandahar to target Baluchistan. As much as eight foreign spy agencies are cramming this Pakistani territory.

India had invested over a billion dollars in Afghanistan so that it could build a base of operations against Pakistan. More than 10,000 Indian troops were stationed in Afghanistan under the garb of supervising the construction of Jalalabad- Chahbahar road project which was completed. Many mercantile shops run by Indians have an intelligence officer in the rear. RAW is providing them money, training, sophisticated weapons and satellite communication system. According to sources Indian intelligence officials working in the disguise of diplomats in embassy and consulates in Afghanistan have set up a vast covert operation network to destabilise FATA, northern areas and Baluchistan engaging dozens of Afghan, Indians, the drug dealers and the Afghan warlords.

According to sources, the US authorities strongly believe that RAW and some other Indian intelligence agencies base been the only source of terrorism in Pakistan. Jane’s information group, the world's foremost source on intelligence information, reported in July 2001 that the Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created five new agencies to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism. Pakistani intelligence agencies also said that RAW had constituted a plan to lure Pakistani men between 20 and 30 years of age to visit India so they could be entrapped in cases of fake currency and subversion and then he cocked to spy for India.

The intention of the Indian government and RAW is that Pakistan should be so destabilized internally that it could not support the Kashmir cause even morally, diplomatically or politically. There is a need that international community should check the activities of RAW as it operates in a mafia style, each time overstepping the limits of intelligence operations. It has not, only indulged in cross-border terrorism, but also played a very significant role in creating and funding terrorist and extremist religious parties within India and other countries of the region. The Hindu extremist parties which are involved in terrorist activities in India such as Bajrang Dal (BD), Rashtria Sawayamsevak Sangh (RSS), and Shiv Sena (SS) etc enjoy complete backing and support of RAW. The agency uses these parties not only to carve out a role for itself in the internal politics but to divert the international focus from its terrorist activities. For that matter, it allowed these parties to carry out violent activities in India and throw onus on neighbouring countries. Fact of the matter is that Indian RAW is responsible for the present fragile situation of Pakistan as well as South Asia.
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