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Rubber won't rust genius, the metal under the rubber would.:lol:

Sure, now DMR 292A steel is supposed to rust. Doesn't matter if metallurgical science says otherwise, because a third rate Chinese troll says so.
This shows how ignorant you are, those metallic addition makes the steel less susceptible to corrosion but if you immerse stainless steel in salt water, it will corrode in no time.

'less susceptible' is the key you idiot, why else is it called 'corrosion resistance' ?

And you think it will just rust away, huh Mr. @Han Patriot ? :lol:
This is a decent technical thread that has been turned to rubbish by the chinese trolls, this is where the quality of the forum is taking a nose dive @Irfan Baloch , @Oscar

I don't see Indians trolling chinese "achievements" threads.
That is if it's coated properly, I suspect your sub was not coated properly and hence corrosion start to appear. The picture is an undeniable proof.

'I suspect'...just like how you suspected 'BN800 ToT' in Indian Fast Breeder reactor due to your butt-hurt ? :lol:

You are just a third rate troll @Han Patriot, nothing more.
'I suspect'...just like how you suspected 'BN800 ToT' in Indian Fast Breeder reactor due to your butt-hurt ? :lol:

You are just a third rate troll @Han Patriot, nothing more.
Why are you changing topic to BN800? We were talking about stainless steel. You seem ignorant to the fact that there is a corroding sub in your Navy. :lol:
Because you're a troll who has a history of making senseless claims. Now with a second ID.

So now submarines are supposed to be made of 'stainless steel' :lol:

Says who ? A troll on CCP payroll...
I am telling you even if you are using stainless steel with high Cr content, it will still rust unless coated properly.
Yawn...now you come up with these arguments to cover up your blunder.
The fact remains, even a highly corrosion resistant stainless steel will corrode under seawater if not coated properly. You still haven't explain to me why are your subs rusting?:lol:
The fact remains, even a highly corrosion resistant stainless steel will corrode under seawater if not coated properly. You still haven't explain to me why are your subs rusting?:lol:

The fact remain that you were thinking that submarine hulls were made of stainless steel :lol:

And who said anything about rust, a troll who has a history of coming up with BS arguments ?
The fact remain that you were thinking that submarine hulls were made of stainless steel :lol:

And who said anything about rust, a troll who has a history of coming up with BS arguments ?
I was comparing it with stainless steel bhai, and why are you changing topic again, why can't you tell me why it is rusting?:lol:
Seems like they are trying to rival the China-Pakistan submarine deal.
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