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Indian govt: " No deaths due to oxygen shortage "

Are you kidding me? It should be that hypoxia is rarely officially recorded in India.
Suffice to say that Modi has been a huge disappointment on just about every level.
1.problem is not modi but state bureaucrats who sent the reports (states ruled by opposition party also)
2. Secondly the question asked was "number of death due to lack of oxygen" there is no medical answer to that. No doctor will report death due to "lack of oxygen" rather answer will be something in the line of "ARDS due to covid pneumonia" or "cardio respiratory failure due to covid pneumonia with some other disease". If the bureaucrats compile their result from death summary , obviously no cause of death will be ever found blaming "lack of oxygen"
3. The appropriate question to be asked was "incidence of logistical failure in entire nation during the pandemic" and than run an investigation to find numbers of deaths attributed to these failures.

Currently no investigation is going on even by the opposition or by liberal media because health is a state subject, and non BJP states simply dont want to see themselves in bad light. It easy to put the blame on the centre and everyone know this.
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And Pakistanis expect these people to admit loss of SU30 at the hands of PAF?

"NEW DELHI: The Centre's statement in Parliament that there were no deaths due to lack of oxygen specifically reported by states during the second Covid wave has evoked very strong reactions even as the BJP has strongly defended the government's response.
Answering a question by Congress MP KC Venugopal on whether several Covid-19 patients died on roads and hospitals due to acute shortage of oxygen, minister of state for health Dr Bharati Pravin Pawar told Rajya Sabha on Tuesday that no deaths due to lack of oxygen had been specifically reported by the states, Union territories. "

So crux is Indian govt can easily lie under the sun. For sure, the report is from provinces (may be from local bureaucrats who are avid BJP supporters), but centre should investigate, as it is a blatant lie. However, as it suits them and possibly they influenced the report creation, the Modi is shrugging his shoulder from the responsibility.

This can be translated to to 26 Feb claims, Indian supreme courts verdicts, etc. So it stains every claims of the Modi government., even blaming Pakistan for infiltration.
@Imran Khan @The Eagle @krash @Areesh @Windjammer @khansaheeb
Indian Govt is now lying on their own dead civilians, how shameful and how predictable..
1.problem is not modi but state bureaucrats who sent the reports (states ruled by opposition party also)
2. Secondly the question asked was "number of death due to lack of oxygen" there is no medical answer to that. No doctor will report death due to "lack of oxygen" rather answer will be something in the line of "ARDS due to covid pneumonia" or "cardio respiratory failure due to covid pneumonia with some other disease". If the bureaucrats compile their result from death summary , obviously no cause of death will be ever found blaming "lack of oxygen"
3. The appropriate question to be asked was "incidence of logistical failure in entire nation during the pandemic" and than run an investigation to find numbers of deaths attributed to these failures.

Currently no investigation is going on even by the opposition or by liberal media because health is a state subject, and non BJP states simply dont want to see themselves in bad light. It easy to put the blame on the centre and everyone know this.

The hope was the Modi will be able to move the babushahi to deliver economic progress. That hope is pretty much dead now. Thus, the disappointment.
The hope was the Modi will be able to move the babushahi to deliver economic progress. That hope is pretty much dead now. Thus, the disappointment.
it will require another 1991 economic crisis or something similar.
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