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Indian govt changing Kashmir's demographic: Pakistan

Plebsicite can never ever take place for many reasons. One main reason is Aksai Chin, the land that Pakistan gave away to China. Without that land and the fact that Pakistan has changed demographics in Azad Kashmir, a vote can never ever take place. So Pakistan can cry all it wants.
Why they are real son of soil? Because they look like biharis so it make them real son of soil? Remember that bihari minister statement on high caste hindus? Think before writing.
Only people from Bihar are called Bihari's where as Kashmiri Pundits are from the Kashmir itself who had to flee the genocide by the terrorists in the valley. Pundits usually perform the duties in Temples and religious ceremony's.
This guy should talk about actual demographic change that is occurring in Azad Kashmir.
India only have around about 40% of less of Kashmir. Plus only hindu areas can be considered integral part of India, rest belong to pure land. Anyway i am sure these fake kashmiri pundits will be taken care of in coming days, just wait and watch ;)

The last time I heard of this that Indian controls 54% of Kashmir....correct me if i am wrong.....

And I know you will take care of those so called fake pundits because you just received some left overs from UNCLE SAM in your begger's bowl.....

Don't worry I will wait and watch how your country takes blood bath every so often....Just two months ago I guess we saw one...sure there will be more....
The last time I heard of this that Indian controls 54% of Kashmir....correct me if i am wrong.....

And I know you will take care of those so called fake pundits because you just received some left overs from UNCLE SAM in your begger's bowl.....

Don't worry I will wait and watch how your country takes blood bath every so often....Just two months ago I guess we saw one...sure there will be more....

Dumb yindu India control barely 40%. And don't forget assam massacre which will soon be repeated as usual.
Indian government is reversing the demographic change which happened in 80's and 90's

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