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Indian Government seeks closer ties with Nigerian Navy

Cobra Arbok

Aug 5, 2018
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Indian government seeks closer ties with Nigerian Navy
by Agency Reporter
April 1, 2019
in News, News Update

The Indian High Commissioner to Nigeria, Mr Abhay Thakur, on Monday called for closer working relationship between the Nigerian Navy (NN) and the Indian Navy (IN).

Commodore Suleman Dahun, the NN Spokesman in a statement disclosed that Thakur made the call when he visited the Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Adm. Ibok-Ete Ibas at the Naval Headquarters, in Abuja.

The High Commissioner called for increased collaboration and cooperation between the NN and the IN in the areas of training, hydrography, security in the Gulf of Guinea and in developing platforms such as training ships and landing ship tanks for the NN.

Thakur said he already had discussions with Minister of Science and Technology and the National Security Adviser (NSA) on the possible areas of cooperation between the Indian government and the Nigerian government.

The statement also quoted Thakur as saying that “The Indian government will be willing to assist in the areas of combating insurgency and terrorism.”

He mentioned that the IN would also provide additional training slots for NN as well as providing hydrographic assistance to the NN.

READ ALSO: Indians laud Indo-Nigerian ties
Responding, Ibas noted that the IN had always offered great support to the NN in the areas of training and military cooperation.

On training, Ibas stated that the NN would look at the various training billets of the IN to see areas where the two navies could have exchange programmes.

Also, the CNS stated that the NN would leverage on the vast experience of the IN Dockyard Goa, as it tries to develop and expand its already existing dockyards.

The statement disclosed that the India High Commissioner was accompanied on the visit by the Indian Defence Adviser, Colonel Sachin Dubey.

It also said that the CNS received the High Commissioner in company of some of his Principal Staff Officers in the Naval Headquarters.

India has recently shown the efficacy of its navy in its humanitarian response to cyclone Idai in Mozambique, and improved its relations with African nations while increasing its influence in the greater IOR region as a whole. India should actively seek to improve ties with the navies of countries in Africa and SE Asia to bolster its status as a world naval power and better prepare itself to meet the humanitarian and security requirements of the region.

also @waz @Oscar we already have some trolling with off-topic posts.
The thief has a burning hat ??? Ha, Ha .... :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The fact he is trolling a thread that has nothing to do with Pakistan shows how butthurt he is about India increasing its influence in the world while Pakistan has been isolated and exposed as a state sponsor of UN-designated terror groups.

The isolation by Bob and begana.

In the mean while, you must request Nigeria to train your pilots, I'm dam serious, trust me.
LOL India is Nigeria's biggest export partner and fourth largest import partner. The fact they bought some of your cheap jets does not change that. And why are you talking about the Air Force? This thread was about naval cooperation. Stop worrying about what India does and focus on your failing economy and diplomatic isolation. Right now your growth is down to 3.9 percent, a level only sustainable for developed countries, inflation is out of control, debt is at an all-time high, and you are about to be blacklisted after India exposed your support for terrorism in front of the whole world. The Asia Pacific Group is already dissatisfied with your so-called "plan" to counter terrorist funding. So please stop obsessing over us and get your own house in order.
LOL India is Nigeria's biggest export partner and fourth largest import partner. The fact they bought some of your cheap jets does not change that. And why are you talking about the Air Force? This thread was about naval cooperation. Stop worrying about what India does and focus on your failing economy and diplomatic isolation. Right now your growth is down to 3.9 percent, a level only sustainable for developed countries, inflation is out of control, debt is at an all-time high, and you are about to be blacklisted after India exposed your support for terrorism in front of the whole world. The Asia Pacific Group is already dissatisfied with your so-called "plan" to counter terrorist funding. So please stop obsessing over us and get your own house in order.

You claimed about Pakistan's isolation, and I slap some facts on your face from the same country i.e. Nigeria that you posted thread about. Now go and have a diarhea because you can't digest this.
You claimed about Pakistan's isolation, and I slap some facts on your face from the same country i.e. Nigeria that you posted thread about. Now go and have a diarhea because you can't digest this.
Yes you are isolated diplomatically. As a result of this month, not a single country buys your propaganda on Kashmir. Right after the Pulwama attack, the UNSC passed a resolution condemning JeM and supporting India's fight against terrorism. FRance, the US, UK, and Russia are making an unprecedented effort to blacklist Azhar, and with 14 out of 15 unsc members voting to blacklist him last time, it is unclear whether your sugar daddy can or will save you. Important countries such as the US, France, Uk, Russia, and the Gulf have all openly supported India's position on Kashmir. In the meantime, India is free to use as much force necessary to finally finish of the terrorists, and there is nothing you can do about it. So stop your obsession with us, and focus on fixing your failing economy, which has gotten even worse than it was last quarter due to damages you suffered as a result of this latest skirmish. Also have fun when the FATF comes knocking next month. It is definitely inconvenient for Pakistan that India exposed its support of UN-designated terror groups right before its date of destiny with the FATF.
Yes you are isolated diplomatically. As a result of this month, not a single country buys your propaganda on Kashmir.

You want me to post tons of article that were claiming Kashmir is the flash point which can engulf the world into nuclear destruction?

Right after the Pulwama attack, the UNSC passed a resolution condemning JeM and supporting India's fight against terrorism.

That's fine, you or anyone can pass resolutions against things that doesn't exists. You can also pass a resolution against voldemort or Dumbledore.

FRance, the US, UK, and Russia are making an unprecedented effort to blacklist Azhar, and with 14 out of 15 unsc members voting to blacklist him last time, it is unclear whether your sugar daddy can or will save you.

Absolute wrong, Russia is far away from all this but thumping by west of bhart mata. West but thumping is only to milk bhart mata cow.

Again nonsense, prove here that 14 out of 15 supported the move.

Important countries such as the US, France, Uk, Russia, and the Gulf have all openly supported India's position on Kashmir. In the meantime, India is free to use as much force necessary to finally finish of the terrorists, and there is nothing you can do about it. So stop your obsession with us, and focus on fixing your failing economy, which has gotten even worse than it was last quarter due to damages you suffered as a result of this latest skirmish. Also have fun when the FATF comes knocking next month. It is definitely inconvenient for Pakistan that India exposed its support of UN-designated terror groups right before its date of destiny with the FATF.

Gulf and Muslim nations called india to oic and slammed it and funny part is Pakistan was not even present. West is doing it to milk the bharat mata cow, Russia, it is far away from your clownliness. Yes you are free to use force if you have any more borrowed balls remaining, last time you called your sugar daddy and borrowed their balls but Pakistan nay ghuss k kar diya tha. You lost 2 jets, 1 expensive copter and almost 9 dead indian occupier terrorists. So try again.
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