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Indian Government announces FDI in many industries!!

Man I can't wait for the day when the majority of Indians are educated and won't be buying the cr@p from these ignorant politicans and that we see educated,aware and reasonable politicans in India who are accountable for their actions.
Am I the only one who thinks this Mamata b**ch is a peice of s**t who needs to STFU??! Does she want economic growth or not? Also the politicans of India are too selfish and egotisitic to look beyond their own noses and see the bigger picture. If the BJP is so "pro-Buisnees" wtf is it opposing this? Once again oppostion just for the sake of oppostion.

You see this one thing, and you realize, the reason for India's underdevelopment aka woes. Politicians.

These guys wanna keep Indians poor, so they can rule.

Mamata is the quintessential *** clown of Indian politics. And Akhilesh Yadav? Another moron. This guy's party manifesto, in order to bring in more employment said this - "Reduce the number of computers in govt offices, in order to give jobs to more people" LOL. These morons want to take India backward, in order to give more jobs. How about increasing investments and CREATING more jobs? My God, these guys so fuckin stupid, it blows my mind.
And all those politicans who oppose FDI in retail are they going to provide cold-stoarage facilities to farmers like these outsiders would have to under the letter of the law in the FDI clause? Cold stoarage has yet to be set up becuase no one really cares about these farmers and retailers they only pretend to when it suits there poltiical needs.

India is the largest or second largest fruit producer on earth and yet the amount that actually makes it to the conumser is pitiful somthing like 2-300 MILLION TONNES of fruit is lost each year because of the lack of cold-storage facilities- this is a national TRAVESTY and yet not a single effing poltician has done a thing about it. Opening up the market and letting market forces dictate the supply will benifit all.
To be quite Honest... I dont really care abt Lala`s at Kariana stores... those r@scals.... Paid Little or NO tax ALL THEIR POXY lives and so did their dad and grand father and now their sons...
LOL! Not giving a receipt for a purchase is the norm in India.....ask them and they will make you feel like FOB from Mars :D
You see this one thing, and you realize, the reason for India's underdevelopment aka woes. Politicians.

These guys wanna keep Indians poor, so they can rule.

Mamata is the quintessential *** clown of Indian politics. And Akhilesh Yadav? Another moron. This guy's party manifesto, in order to bring in more employment said this - "Reduce the number of computers in govt offices, in order to give jobs to more people" LOL. These morons want to take India backward, in order to give more jobs. How about increasing investments and CREATING more jobs? My God, these guys so fuckin stupid, it blows my mind.

India should seriously require an IQ score of above 100-110 for anyone to become an delcted offical or run in an election-no jokes.
India is the largest or second largest fruit producer on earth and yet the amount that actually makes it to the conumser is pitiful somthing like 2-300 MILLION TONNES of fruit is lost each year because of the lack of cold-storage facilities- this is a national TRAVESTY and yet not a single effing poltician has done a thing about it. Opening up the market and letting market forces dictate the supply will benifit all.

Yup India is a paradox, in this respect. India is the 2nd largest producer of food grains, largest producer of milk etc., Second only to China in food output. Yet, 20% of its population goes hungry. Just a couple months back, I was watching a piece of news, where 75000 tons of food grain enough to feed 2.5 million people was stored on the side of a road. LOL. And it got rotten in the rain. 75000 tons wasted, because of no storage facilities. These guys launch ICBMs, and thats Okay. Cant these guys build 4 walls and a goddamn roof?!

Now FDI will invest in infrastructure and these morons dont want even that???!!
Yup India is a paradox, in this respect. India is the 2nd largest producer of food grains, largest producer of milk etc., Second only to China in food output. Yet, 20% of its population goes hungry. Just a couple months back, I was watching a piece of news, where 75000 tons of food grain enough to feed 2.5 million people was stored on the side of a road. LOL. And it got rotten in the rain. 75000 tons wasted, because of no storage facilities. These guys launch ICBMs, and thats Okay. Cant these guys build 4 walls and a goddamn roof?!

Now FDI will invest in infrastructure and these morons dont want even that???!!

It is criminal it truly is. I accept the situation as it was but nw steps are being taken to fix this problem and some polticians don't want it? What is there alternative? Leave it as it is? Maintain the status quo where millions of good food goes rotton because it can't be stored? Continue to allow millions to go unnessercarily hungry? There people have no shame- if the electroate knew the trith and could see what ridiculous polticial games these f**kers were playing they'd be out of office in a heartbeat.

A disgraceful state of affairs but atleast there is now hope where once there was none.
Yup India is a paradox, in this respect. India is the 2nd largest producer of food grains, largest producer of milk etc., Second only to China in food output. Yet, 20% of its population goes hungry. Just a couple months back, I was watching a piece of news, where 75000 tons of food grain enough to feed 2.5 million people was stored on the side of a road. LOL. And it got rotten in the rain. 75000 tons wasted, because of no storage facilities. These guys launch ICBMs, and thats Okay. Cant these guys build 4 walls and a goddamn roof?!

Now FDI will invest in infrastructure and these morons dont want even that???!!
Well most people don't see stuff like this every year,like we do ?
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Why Mamta and Mayawati get elected every time, it is so disheartening for guys like me to see her victorious every time there is election in Bengal...What's rong wid people..If she is doing something worth mentioning then pls tell me!!!....Lack of education in main stream(rural) India is giving these brainFarts so much mileage.....Investment in Infrastructure and Technology sector is so important, someone has to give them a tight slap to wake up these stupid politicians!!!
Altough I don't have a survey report here but I think 70% products sold in Super markets are Made in India products other than some really cheap junk, trinkets or electronics that's imported from China. More retail outlets will give a direct boost to the local manufacturing sector.

I disagree. 70% is from China. Don't be naive man! Everything I see, it's Made in China.

And why are Indians booing this? Ok, I agree there may be risks in this decision, but how do we grow without taking risks? We are not diffusing a bomb here, it's not a 50:50 situation.... if it adversely affects our economy, we can always go back to earlier policies.

And please remove misconceptions, most products in India are already Made in China. Made in India? oooooh! Magical Indian factories in the sky make them? Come on! Don't be naive! If India doesn't need Made in China, let it grow it's own industries!
I don't understand- if this is true why does she keep getting elected?

I dunno. Probably because she's the only option. The other option were the Communists.

I bet all Bengalis are regretting now, that they voted for her....

What kind of stores do you visit.

Refer to this -

Made in India is not so wide-spread in India. For example, am sitting at my desktop, and will tell you what I see - my Casio calci, my Samsung Galaxy phone, my Logitech mouse and keyboard, my HP printer, electronic components inside the CPU -- all Made in China :guns:

Only my LG flatscreen, modem, Sony pen drive and a couple of engineering textbooks Made in India :argh:

Damn! Just checked it.. my BSNL modem is Made in China!!! :argh:
I dunno. Probably because she's the only option. The other option were the Communists.

I bet all Bengalis are regretting now, that they voted for her....

Refer to this -

Damn! Just checked it out... my BSNL modem is Made in China!!! :argh:
We are talking about retail stores that focus on day to day needs.Most (All) of the electronics are made in China that is true for the whole world not just India.

Like Bofors, people will forget coal issue soon: Sushilkumar Shinde

to forgot coal scam congress is giving FDI pill ....
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