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Is it only on the girls to be moral beacons?

even boys. Polygraph and voice stress analysis can be helpful.
Final fantasy fan?


The ones I played

Final Fantasy 1
Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy Advance
Final Fantasy Advance Tactics
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fate
Crises Core Final Fantasy 7

Finished = None:(:(:(:(:(

The newer ones don't run on my system .:(:(:(:(:(

The ones I played

Final Fantasy 1
Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy Advance
Final Fantasy Advance Tactics
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fate
Crises Core Final Fantasy 7

Finished = None:(:(:(:(:(

The newer ones don't run on my system .:(:(:(:(:(
To finish final fantasy you need two things
1 Lots of free time
2 Stuborness :D
I know. ;)
I have nothing against Hilsa fish head. But I discriminate against the inferior fish heads, like catfish! :sick:
catfish head..? Never tried.. eww..

I have tried Rohu and Katla..Big fresh water fishes.. Hilsa is damn costly these days..
Rightly said .
Most JRPG's are like that .:D
Some like the legendry trend setting Chrono Trigger require less time though

There are times in FF you just feel like you are going round and round in circles at that time only your stubborness can help you escape the bhulbhuliyas of FF
The bhulbhulayias are the ideal location for some level up,ing
Some like the legendry trend setting Chrono Trigger require less time though

There are times in FF you just feel like you are going round and round in circles at that time only your stuborness can help you escape the bhulbhuliyas of FF
The bhulbhulayias are the ideal location for some level up,ing :taz:

I am stuck in Chrono Trigger . Some where around 65 million BC :lol:
Ya :enjoy: The best level I have reached in Final Fantasy 1 to 6 is around 30 .
Replaying Final Fantasy 1 on PSP . Currently on quest to help ill Elf Prince :D

One more thing , I play them through emulator on PC . So they cost me 0 .
I am stuck in Chrono Trigger . Some where around 65 million BC :lol:
Ya :enjoy: The best level I have reached in Final Fantasy 1 to 6 is around 30 .
Replaying Final Fantasy 1 on PSP . Currently on quest to help ill Elf Prince :D
Being stuck in the forest ah memories :)
Are you stuck in the forest where the reptites steal your gatekey?
Darkie:woot:!!Are you talking to me because although if you indeed are referring to me then i must admit the fact that i am fairer than you and that's not boasting,it's the reality:coffee:!!Btw have you seen your thobra on a mirror,pardon me for being rude but you look like a baboon:rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you are fairer than your parents must have some white american neighbors exactly nine months before your birth :lol:
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Being stuck in the forest ah memories :)
Are you stuck in the forest where the reptites steal your gatekey?

Was . I cleared the mission but don't know where to go now .
Used walkthrough to get out of the mess , but still lost .
I played the game about a month ago , so not sure what exact place I am right now .

Being stuck in the forest ah memories :)
Are you stuck in the forest where the reptites steal your gatekey?

Started the game .
I am currently in 65 Million Bc , Save file name The masamune .
Was . I cleared the mission but don't know where to go now .
Used walkthrough to get out of the mess , but still lost .
I played the game about a month ago , so not sure what exact place I am right now .
I think you go to melchoir after that and the story of masamune starts i dont want to spoil the fun but the story of lavos will take an interesting twist
I think you go to melchoir after that and the story of masamune starts i dont want to spoil the fun but the story of lavos will take an interesting twist

Started the game .
I am currently in 65 Million Bc , Save file name The masamune .
no they are not but open talk about sex related topics, one night stands, pre martial sex in dozen if not more gf/bf relationship is more common or considered normal in western culture

So? Sex is the most natural thing on Earth. Talking open about it is a good thing.
you baniya yindoos are going to a whole another level of shamelessness and baygharati.
Dear Bro that type of language will cause you trouble even not required. U can offer your views in a decent manners.
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