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Indian girl marries a DOG to warn off evil spirits

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No, there is no mention of religion rather he said "These Hindus are funny". I do not however support him calling you (or anyone else for that matter) as "Hindu clown", but this overall post did not deserve a negative rating. I can show you hundreds of post from certain Hindu posters which are lot more derogatory and insulting towards Islam but were spared from awarding the negative ratings.

I agree there are people who take similar stand on Islam, but you can see the change of the wind in the thread after that post... according to me this deserve a rating, But you or Razzy has the option of reviewing it.... If management think that it doesnt deserve, then it will be reversed..... for me it deserves....
Yaar you people are sick. Cultural Taboos exist every where. Dont make fun of a race or Nationality.
Whats the difference between the people sacrificing Goats and pegeons in graveyards in Pakistan and this girl in India? Do those so called Black magecians represent our whole society?
Relax, we don't mind. See the memes being posted. We know this is a joke. No one's getting killed. Everyone's happy. :)

And haters will be haters :D
These hindus are funny. They focus all of their efforts to undermine Islam, and when their own do stupid things, they quickly disown their own people.

Take the news as a laughing matter, because Indians on this forum will not step up. :lol:

This hindu clown @nair is upset with the truth.....


As If we care about your negative ratings. :lol:

Do you or your Muslim brethren accept that terrorists are muslims?

From what I have read on this forum your brethren does not accept Islamic terrorists as Muslims.

You are no less than those whom you curse. Hypocrite!
Yaar you people are sick. Cultural Taboos exist every where. Dont make fun of a race or Nationality.
Whats the difference between the people sacrificing Goats and pegeons in graveyards in Pakistan and this girl in India? Do those so called Black magecians represent our whole society?

Shut up hijray. :lol:
Superstitious people are on both sides due to lack of education
Pakistan’s eclipse superstition exposed - World News | IOL News | IOL.co.za
In Pakistan

can someone explain,this ritual??
girls marrying trees :mangalik girls are married of to trees first(which are later thrown in river) ,as it is believed that there husband will die,
in my region frogs marriages(two frogs marry,no humans) take place in villages ,for rain.
I find these rituals interesting.
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