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Indian Gas Station Worker Shot Dead in the US

So it wasn't all exaggerations on their Part, I had very little interactions with blacks but mostly on work places and that was okish. When I heard the Pakistani's and Indians including my cousins husband talking about Blacks and using abusive language, I was damn they are all very p1ssed but I was not sure what to make of it.

What i notice among the black people is that their normal interactions seems very aggressive and loud, their use of cuss words and the way they talk its very easy to believe that they are in some sort of rage or angry, I work with some and they sounds polite and not aggressive at all, but when you go out to Gas stations or stores and you walk around them talking to each other or behaving very erratically I can see why some people feel very uncomfortable.

You say you work in Insurance business so I guess you would have far more better on ground realistic details from the S.Asian community and their opinion on the behaviors of blacks. I mean I saw similar behavior from the Trailer Trash White people from Country side, (I know the term is offensive but this is what people told these people are called), they are loud cuss a lot with extremely erratic behavior.

Your relatives aren't wrong at all.
I have whites trash talk blacks, but due to being polite, they try to control their anger due to skin color and environment.
. .

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