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Indian fighting fantasy series (i.e. BS) regarding Balakot air duals.

120 C-5s also have home on jam ability so jamming story is BS.
Sukhois hit ground with a huge blast so it would be easily detected ------- old Dakotas don't.


More importantly Amraams disintegrated after hitting chaff a large aircraft like Sukhoi wont disintegrate if it was hit by an AMRAAM or two.

Even more interesting.

I hope this is your own theory and they did not teach you this in school or university.
Sorry to say this is not adding up. So the Sukhoi's were head on, jammed the AMRAAM, and deployed Chaff head on? How does that work.

It's like deploying flares head on, don't think that's a thing, is it.
No after detecting AMRAAM two Sukhois climbed vertically Releasing chaff and other two used their Elta 8222WB jammers.

120 C-5s also have home on jam ability so jamming story is BS.
That may work against 80s era jammer but wont work with Elta 8222WB jammer.
The Israeli jammers are simply too advanced for AMRAAM electronics and guidance system to even comprehend.
AIM120C7 might have a better chance but not the old C5.
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They did not outrun them but simply jammed the missle causing them to crash.
Once seeing their ANRAAMs busted the F-16s turned back in the few seconds it took for the Su-30s to return to formation.

One more issue, why would the Sukhoi's break formation to perform maneuvers for evasion when they were already effectively jamming. In such a case, they would have been able to keep lock on the targets, and not break lock. And in that case, they would have achieved complete field superiority because both jets head on, both hot and F-16 turning back with Sukhoi now chasing at full speed, surely the turn isn't instantaneous, to keep the distance of 30-40 km would be impossible after going cold and performing a full turn around while your rival is heading straight for you at 1.8 mach or something. Sukhoi's would close in very soon.

But one more thing, at 30-40km range, both jets head on at 1.7 mach speed or something, or lets even assume 1.3 mach for the sake of it; AMRAAM is a 5.0 mach missile, with a good kept-on lock, that thing would be extremely difficult to dodge, near impossible, the closer you get, the harder it becomes.

So this story does not add up in anyway, it seems to be complete bullshit.

Also, kindly enlighten me that what on earth earth does "differential in snap up launch" even mean, hearing such a thing for the first time.

No after detecting AMRAAM two Sukhois climbed vertically Releasing chaff and other two used their Elta 8222WB jammers.

So, my point still stands, two remained in formation and were in complete position to take air superiority role and chase with easily gaining up on the F-16s and not having to break lock.

But that didn't happen, did it.

Even more interesting.

I hope this is your own theory and they did not teach you this in school or university.
It is impossible for 15 tonne fighter to have the same wreckage size as a tiny missile.
Also the Dakota crash happened in 1947 when there no GPS and the area was sparesly populated with no proper mapping

One more issue, why would the Sukhoi's break formation to perform maneuvers for evasion when they were already effectively jamming. In such a case, they would have been able to keep lock on the targets, and not break lock. And in that case, they would have achieved complete field superiority because both jets head on, both hot and F-16 turning back with Sukhoi now chasing at full speed, surely the turn isn't instantaneous, to keep the distance of 30-40 km would be impossible after going cold and performing a full turn around while your rival is heading straight for you at 1.8 mach or something. Sukhoi's would close in very soon.

But one more thing, at 30-40km range, both jets head on at 1.7 mach speed or something, or lets even assume 1.3 mach for the sake of it; AMRAAM is a 5.0 mach missile, with a good kept-on lock, that thing would be extremely difficult to dodge, near impossible, the closer you get, the harder it becomes.

So this story does not add up in anyway, it seems to be complete bullshit.

Also, kindly enlighten me that what on earth earth does "differential in snap up launch" even mean, hearing such a thing for the first time.

So, my point still stands, two remained in formation and were in complete position to take air superiority role and chase with easily gaining up on the F-16s and not having to break lock.

But that didn't happen, did it.
Sukhois cant fire BVR missile until they switch off active jamming mode of Elta 8222WB.
That alone takes almost 20-30s.

One more issue, why would the Sukhoi's break formation to perform maneuvers for evasion when they were already effectively jamming. In such a case, they would have been able to keep lock on the targets, and not break lock. And in that case, they would have achieved complete field superiority because both jets head on, both hot and F-16 turning back with Sukhoi now chasing at full speed, surely the turn isn't instantaneous, to keep the distance of 30-40 km would be impossible after going cold and performing a full turn around while your rival is heading straight for you at 1.8 mach or something. Sukhoi's would close in very soon.
1) Doing both with increase chances if neutralizing missiles.

2) If the Sukhois chased then by the time F-16 came in range Sukhois would have to cross LoC which they did not have persmission to do.
It is impossible for 15 tonne fighter to have the same wreckage size as a tiny missile.
Also the Dakota crash happened in 1947 when there no GPS and the area was sparesly populated with no proper mapping

Sukhois cant fire BVR missile until they switch off active jamming mode of Elta 8222WB.
That alone takes almost 20-30s.

They can maintain a lock though, can they not?

Also, this is the first I have heard this, source on that information?

Furthermore, it doesn't change the fact that the 2 Sukhoi's would be in perfect position to draw the fight into WVR which Sukhoi's dominate, or chase and easily draw in closer. A jet heading away won't be a threat after all.

1) Doing both with increase chances if neutralizing missiles.

2) If the Sukhois chased then by the time F-16 came in range Sukhois would have to cross LoC which they did not have persmission to do.

You are being very deflective here. Just seconds ago you said that 2 jammed while 2 pulled their nose up and deployed chaffs.

Now you are implying that they all pulled maneuvers.
They can maintain a lock though, can they not?

Also, this is the first I have heard this, source on that information?

Furthermore, it doesn't change the fact that the 2 Sukhoi's would be in perfect position to draw the fight into WVR which Sukhoi's dominate, or chase and easily draw in closer. A jet heading away won't be a threat after all.
Lock would be useless without missile fire solution.

During active jammer use Sukhois have to change radar mode.
Any WVR fight would have been on Pakistani side of LoC which is a strict no no.

You are being very deflective here. Just seconds ago you said that 2 jammed while 2 pulled their nose up and deployed chaffs.

Now you are saying that they all pulled maneuvers
When did I say all pulled manuevers .
I said the sukhoi fleet used a combination of manuevers by some jets and jamming by others.
Lock would be useless without missile fire solution.

During active jammer use Sukhois have to change radar mode.
Any WVR fight would have been on Pakistani side of LoC which is a strict no no.

When did I say all pulled manuevers .
I said the sukhoi fleet used a combination of manuevers by some jets and jamming by others.

You would be able to achieve a missile launch though after a period of time. But then it is the excuse that the fight would be taken onto the Pakistani side.

Story sounds very cliche.
You would be able to achieve a missile launch though after a period of time. But then it is the excuse that the fight would be taken onto the Pakistani side.

Story sounds very cliche.
Every time an indian story is rejected, they come up with a new one that tells the same story but in a more descriptive way.
This is how they rewrite history and call themselves victors.
PAF F16s have been counted and all are present. So what is the point of entertaining these monkeys?
We all know what happened on 27th. PAF hit india hard and their top brass is still wearing nappies to hide what's happening.
During active jammer use Sukhois have to change radar mode.

When did I say all pulled manuevers .
I said the sukhoi fleet used a combination of manuevers by some jets and jamming by others. (Works best)

What I would really like, all narratives aside and genuinely to know, is a source on this information if you can provide. Thanks.

Every time an indian story is rejected, they come up with a new one that tells the same story but in a more descriptive way.
This is how they rewrite history and call themselves victors.
PAF F16s have been counted and all are present. So what is the point of entertaining these monkeys?
We all know what happened on 27th. PAF hit india hard and their top brass is still wearing nappies to hide what's happening.

Just trying to call out the BS and questioning the information.
I think that the people of India should demand that Modi, Indian Air chief and Army chief should take a polygraph test

Then they'll probably just fake the test! At this face I'm just shocked by the baldfaced lies told by what was ostensibly an official organization. Now that the Americans proved that no F-16s were lost, be prepared for the Indian media to throw shades on the JF-17 and claim that Pakistan was forced to use F-16s instead because it couldn't do its job or something.
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