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Indian Female Students Kidnapped in Ukraine. One Male Student Shot Dead. Other Female Students Get Thrown Out of the Train by Ukrainians

Lucky to be honest we had the CPC take the reigns of power. They did instill a lot more self respect in glorifying the "struggle" against tyrants and imperialists so they brewed this ... sense of what I like to call "**** it and **** them" attitude in many BUT nowhere near all Chinese. Honestly older people have more of this commendable fighting spirit than comfortable young ones. Materialism naturally makes you more prone to worshipping and being attracted to those with material wealth no matter how they got it. Some Hong Kong youngsters have spit on their own elders and culture in preference for the Anglo Hollywood created gloss. They never been to UK, never tasted reality. Some might do well and lead better lives but many would learn some lessons perhaps. That Hollywood is bullshit.

I find the weaker ones buckle under propaganda of west is best and always right and always kind and always sweethearts.

But yeah maybe less Chinese people do this still they are out there... and since there are over one billion Chinese, you'll find more worshippers and self haters than entire populations of some small countries lol.

Another group that worships whites are Arabs. Particularly those from the GCC.
If it can happen to Indians it can happen to anyone but why is there news only about Indians only?
There was news about pakistanis too, where students claimed embassy did photoshoot only, made them sit in bus and chant pakistan zindabad, then kicked them out and told them to find their own way out. Video was doing rounds.
There was news about pakistanis too, where students claimed embassy did photoshoot only, made them sit in bus and chant pakistan zindabad, then kicked them out and told them to find their own way out. Video was doing rounds.
Quite possible since anything is possible but I do not blindly believe the media.
They have to give a very difficult test after completing that degree
MBBS in Pakistan is very expensive
Ah.. very similar to ours. You guys don't have reservations right? Then how come Pakistani students go out to these countries for studying?

In our case, most central & state universities majority seats reserved for certain castes, groups & minorities, thereby increasing the competition for even lesser seats.
Ah.. very similar to ours. You guys don't have reservations right? Then how come Pakistani students go out to these countries for studying?

In our case, most central & state universities majority seats reserved for certain castes, groups & minorities, thereby increasing the competition for even lesser seats.
The seats are limited and the merit is very high almost 90% in some cases
Wait you guys too have quota system? In Pakistan way too many seats are reserved for quotas which further decreases available seats
There is an additional problem of doctor bahu where women just get in the medical field so that they can find better rishta and they don't do practice after completing degree
I think this shortage is artificial and can be easily removed if government gives out more licenses for new medical colleges
The seats are limited and the merit is very high almost 90% in some cases
Wait you guys too have quota system? In Pakistan way too many seats are reserved for quotas which further decreases available seats
There is an additional problem of doctor bahu where women just get in the medical field so that they can find better rishta and they don't do practice after completing degree
I think this shortage is artificial and can be easily removed if government gives out more licenses for new medical colleges

Yep, we do. Seems like the same nonsense on both sides of the border eh?
It hurts to see Indians saying please, please, and kicked out like that by Ukrainians. Its a sad to see Indian and Indian passport nobody care about it.

Indians are self-important in their own delulu but they aren't important in reality.

Respect is reserved for these who actully respect themselves this is what I have been telling the indians. You learn from Pakistan and follow that lead.. Pakistan is feared which by default belongs under respect morally because you don't fear someone you don't respect or take them as legit but you will only fear these you take as legitimate
Indians are self-important in their own delulu but they aren't important in reality.

Respect is reserved for these who actully respect themselves this is what I have been telling the indians. You learn from Pakistan and follow that lead.. Pakistan is feared which by default belongs under respect morally because you don't fear someone you don't respect or take them as legit but you will only fear these you take as legitimate

True, Indians live in their own well of dillusions, seeing from outside, nobody cares in reality. Its a hard fact. Nobody really wants to pay much attention to what India says or its media says!!! Reality is very different.
True, Indians live in their own well of dillusions, seeing from outside, nobody cares in reality. Its a hard fact. Nobody really wants to pay much attention to what India says or its media says!!! Reality is very different.

Someone can dislike you but it is key then that they fear you because that is undeniable respect and admiration
It hurts to see Indians saying please, please, and kicked out like that by Ukrainians. Its a sad to see Indian and Indian passport nobody care about it.
It's a freaking warzone and those are medical students. What were you expecting an untrained young student to do? Knock the guard senseless, take his rifle and take out all the other bullying Ukrainian guards?

Maybe you should stop watching too many action movies.

FYI, Pakistani students were in the same spot. Contrary to what Pakistanis here assume, Ukrainians don't see you as whites.

Someone can dislike you but it is key then that they fear you because that is undeniable respect and admiration
I would like to see you face up a trained soldier in a warzone in a different way, assuming you have a fantasy version playing in your head for the same.

You'd be exactly in the same spot, probably worse if the Azov Battalion found you, seeing as how they were dipping their bullets in pork lard.

It's easy to talk garbage when you are not facing a war, with bombs bursting all around you, and not having to look up the barrel of a stranger, pissed off soldier while you are merely trying to get home.
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