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Indian female spy arrested in Pakistan (Pak-Afghan Border: Indian Terrorism)

I'm sure if she is a spy the truth most likely will come out. (of her one way or another). I'll bet there are more than just her if she is a spy. You have to wonder how many other spies could there be that came with the same mission and perhaps didn't get caught?...
Awesome the first Raw spy caught alive and belonging to India.

It's amazing, Indians have become brazen enough to send in Indian national spies into Pakistan through the tribal areas instead of mercenaries.

they are upto something. I hope we don't hand her over to India just like that.


No need for evidence this time?

A real spy would not carry documents?
This is good news. A lot of baseless accusations have been made in the past few days against Pakistan. Pakistan needs to use this opportunity and present the case to the world media.
You're on a Pakistani DEFENCE forum. Get used to it and quit whining. You chose to join up to be a part of our expressions and mentality. Atleast we aren't like your counterparts on the Indian Defence Forums. Who btw, don't know **** about the LEASET Bit of decency and respect. You might feel more comfortable there.

This is forum is the most fair and nice place where Indians are given all the rights to post even post against Pakistan but it seems Indians are taking it for granted specially after Mumbai attacks. They are here only to mock even mods at times but still if they get a fair chance to post here then they should understand that defence.pk is a friendly fora where everyone irrespective of nationality is given respect and fair chance to participate.
i thing all pakistani channels now flame this news as soon as posible as indian channels do.shuld we write to UN abut this indian secend side of his face.they start proxy war one side other side they show they are victem of terarr.shuld after investigate this lady show her on whole world mediea.

No need for evidence this time?

A real spy would not carry documents?

There is no official word on this from GoP so don’t jump over it.

The same rule applies to India when it says every time anything happens in India the attackers are carrying original documents and ID cards of Pakistan.

Real attackers don’t carry documents which lead to their easy identification
:enjoy:Very good news inded we must seek wat she was up to put her on the news all major news channels let the world have look at wat or next door friend is up to she was caught on our soil time to play the fair game enough is enough and if we need to get rough iam sure we know how hahaha great news lol loven it :chilli: :victory: :bounce:
i think how do we not know that she is pakistani. as far as looks goes everybody know there is not much difference. lets hope she isnt a pakistani person being held. if she is a spy why would they talk to the media i think that isnt very responsible of them. if she is then we should get a lot of information and really know who is helping the freaks in FATA
There is no official word on this from GoP so don’t jump over it.

I hope you're not hallucinating, I just asked two simple questions.

Real attackers don’t carry documents which lead to their easy identification

First, reported as SPY not attacker yet.

And then it seems you're still to wake up to the world of forgery, falsification and especially the way spies operate.
I hope you're not hallucinating, I just asked two simple questions.

First, reported as SPY not attacker yet.

And then it seems you're still to wake up to the world of forgery, falsification and especially the way spies operate.

You did not get what i said.
Never mind.
I hope she is not a spy, because if she is. It is going to severely effect the relations between the two countries.
India has probably caused the IAF violation to distract the attention away from this incident.
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