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Featured Indian evacuations from Kandahar as Afghan Taliban gains reach Punjwai

India has closed its consulate in Kandahar. Taliban control over 2/3rds of the country now. Reports say the Afghan military, despite years of training, funding and equipping by US forces, is not even putting up a fight. So any fears of a civil war are misplaced. Everyone there is simply joining the Taliban.

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Writing off a few billion $ of good faith investment in Afghanistan and focusing on safeguarding our current borders is a far wiser choice than wanting to play some "great game" for which we do not have the appetite, experience, ba!!s or capability. Moreover, its not worth it.
I agree. Pakistan will have to impose a no fly zone and take out the BLA-TTP- ISIS terrorist once in for all. The operation should consist of UCAV strikes, attack heli strikes, fighter jet strikes (utilizing latest JF-17B & F-16Ds), and SSG incursions into Afghanistan (MI-35 would be perfect). I believe Pakistan will give joint cooperation with Turkey a chance and if that doesnt work the only option remaining would be to launch missile strikes on the BLA-TTP-ISIS terrorist networks which threaten Pakistan.

Imagine how much damage we can do with just a few dozen of these assets striking terrorist targets along with cruise missiles/ballistic missiles. We should identify 200-400 of the top targets and take them out in 1-2 sweeps.
Who will pay for this war, you? A country which barely has 4 per cent growth in gdp. Why are you guys so delusional?
Who will pay for this war, you? A country which barely has 4 per cent growth in gdp. Why are you guys so delusional?

Regardless the investment will have to be made into such operation. I look at this as an investment rather than a cost because it will provide long term security, law, and order which will give us many more monetary rewards long term that cannot be calculated.
Regardless the investment will have to be made into such operation. I look at this as an investment rather than a cost because it will provide long term security, law, and order which will give us many more monetary rewards long term that cannot be calculated.
What rewards? Pray, i am really curious to know what we will get by getting involved with fanatics and stone age dwellers who passionately hate Pakistan? Have we not learnt enough lessons from the soviet era war, what advantage that war gave us except ruining our moral fabric and bringing these fanatics close to our home? You guys need to get out of your delusion, Pakistan is a weak country that needs to look after itself and avoid such “great games” and focus on improving governance, infra, health and education.
What rewards? Pray, i am really curious to know what we will get by getting involved with fanatics and stone age dwellers who passionately hate Pakistan? Have we not learnt enough lessons from the soviet era war, what advantage that war gave us except ruining our moral fabric and bringing these fanatics close to our home? You guys need to get out of your delusion, Pakistan is a weak country that needs to look after itself and avoid such “great games” and focus on improving governance, infra, health and education.

No one is talking about invading or occupying afghanistan. are you even reading any posts before your reply?

Pakistan has suffered over 100+ billion USD losses due to terrorist emnating from Afghanistan. Indirect losses are even more and are much harder to calculate ie investment not matierializing due to worsening security situation. In the last 2 decades we sat ildley by while thousands of troops/civilians were butchered. Now that we have the enemy by the throat we shall not give them another chance. Are we going to continue the next decade with another 100+ billion USD losses or are we going to save our losses and once in for all have the balls to strike them in Afghanistan before they strike the Pak watan homeland.

We must learn from the Israelis on how to deal with the ISIS-BLA-TTP nexus in Afghanistan.
Because of ANA incompetency it almost feel that America stayed in Afghanistan for all these years only to provide American made weapons to the Taliban, its funny but sad at the same time.
India has closed its consulate in Kandahar. Taliban control over 2/3rds of the country now. Reports say the Afghan military, despite years of training, funding and equipping by US forces, is not even putting up a fight. So any fears of a civil war are misplaced. Everyone there is simply joining the Taliban.

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Writing off a few billion $ of good faith investment in Afghanistan and focusing on safeguarding our current borders is a far wiser choice than wanting to play some "great game" for which we do not have the appetite, experience, ba!!s or capability. Moreover, its not worth it.

Disagree on the civil war thing. The current Afghan government is the former Northern Alliance + Dostum. They'll eventually consolidate in their own historical strongholds. Once they are relegated from government and a national army status, they'll go back to being the old NA outfit, with armed militia much like of those days. Then there'll be civil war. The Taliban will probably dominate, but Afghanistan is just not governable or conquerable without consensus. The endgame has always been the same, I've repeated this ad nauseam, Afghanistan can only be ruled by consensus and that's the only thing that will bring peace.

As for India, you have no natural presence there, what was there should be swiftly dispatched. In addition to good faith investments, you busied yourselves in targeting Pakistan via proxies. That has to end.
All talk and no action from the Indians:- " We evacuated from our Kandahar Consulate fearing Taliban. What happened to our “talks” with Taliban in Doha recently? Zilch! We should have landed 20, 000 troops and sent a squadron of IAF Bomber jets to defend our Consulate in Kandahar. "
Disappointment o_O
I was expecting a sirjeekal sutrike.
Knowing all what this is, why didnt pakistan take action against these camps? Pakiistan lost hundreds of troops and its civilians due to these camps. What a spineless govt and military leadership pakistan has, so tragic.
100% agree.
They just chicken out on perceived and imaginary reaction.
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