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Indian election experts in Male ahead of Maldives poll

yup..its true..Indian Election System is World's Largest Voting System..and Election Commission is truly dedicated to a free and fair election..wrongdoing happens,but not from Election commission's side..

its good to hear that biggest democracy has the fairest electorial sys in the world.
in pakistan we also got somehow fair election this time under Fakhru G's supervision.
MALE: In a strong message of friendship, former President Mohammed Nasheed on Sunday asserted the India is the "single most important country" for Maldivian people.

"I think our neighbour India is probably the single most important country for Maldivian people...We come from the same stock, we listen to the same music, we read the same books and we eat the same food so it is difficult to say otherwise even if sentimentally we would like to come out with another," Nasheed, the winner of the first round of presidential election, said.

Nasheed was responding to a question posed by a Chinese journalist during his first press conference, asking him which is the most important country for Maldives.

The first democratically elected President, who was forced to resign under duress, said Indian Ocean would be a far more peaceful place if Maldives does not play one country against the another, an oblique reference to the policies adopted by his rivals.

"I think the Indian Ocean would be a far more peaceful place if the Maldives as a nation does not try to play one country against another. We must be able to live peacefully in the Indian Ocean and international community must be able to have their concerns addressed in the Indian Ocean. I believe a peaceful and democratic Maldives would facilitate that," he said.

When asked what about relations with China, Nasheed said,"We have very good relations with China..."

Nasheed said his opponents are speaking the language of xenophobia and racism. "We are far more international party," he said.

When asked about the results, he said he was sure that he would be able to score a clear majority in the second round.

India single most important country for Maldives: Nasheed - The Times of India

It's pretty surprising he doesn't seem to hold any grudge against India.
It’s Nasheed vs Yaameen in run-off

Former President Mohamed Nasheed and Yaameen Abdulla, half-brother to ex-President Maumoon Gayoom, will fight it out in the second round of presidential elections, . scheduled for September 28.

A run-off has been necessitated because no candidate has managed to get the constitutionally-mandated 50 per cent plus-one vote for a first round victory.

The Elections Commission (EC) announced early Sunday morning that 88.4 per cent of the 2,39,593 voters exercised their franchise. Of the 2,11,890 votes polled, Mohamed Nasheed managed 95,224 (45.45 per cent). Yaameen came second with 53,099 votes (25.35 per cent) and millionaire resort owner Qasim Ibrahim came a close third with 50,422 votes (24.07 per cent). President Mohamed Waheed finished last with 10,750 votes (5.13 per cent).

Though every candidate, barring Dr. Waheed, had reservations about the Elections Commission (EC), Mr. Nasheed and Mr. Yaameen accepted the verdict. But Mr. Qasim and his supporters staged a demonstration in the early hours of Sunday near a hall where an EC meeting was on, alleging irregularities.

EC Chairperson Fuwad Thowfeek dismissed the allegations. “The process has been transparent and overseen by so many international observers. There was no foul play,” he told The Hindu.

The two major Maldivian political parties, Mr. Nasheed’s Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), and Yaameen’s Progressive Party of Maldives, did not lose time in beginning preparations for the second round. “We are in contact with all parties. Dr. Waheed has already pledged support,” Mr. Yaameen told The Hindu. The PPM was also approaching Mr. Qasim’s Jumhooree Party. The PPM leadership had begun a series of meetings after the verdict came out, in deciding a strategy for the second round.

Climbing down from his earlier stance of no allies, Mr. Nasheed said his party would talk to like-minded individuals. “We are a democratic party and we will have these healthy conversations [on alliances],” he said.

“There are lot of sentiments. I will act as the party decides, and how the public is viewing the results,” he added.

Asserting that India was the most important country as far as Maldives was concerned, Mr. Nasheed said the Indian Ocean region would be a far more peaceful place if Maldives did not try to play one country against another.

“We [Indians and Maldivians] come from the same stock; we listen to the same music; we read the same books; we eat the same food,” he said, to a question from a Chinese journalist, who asked which country was most important to Maldives.

Mr. Nasheed charged a foreign country with pushing some political parties in favour of Mr. Waheed before the elections. He said the DRP (Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party) was ideologically closest to his party, the MDP. “Somehow they were led to work with Dr. Waheed. I sometimes feel that this is the work of the international community ...who pushed DRP towards Waheed. This is because they were engaged in the politics of this country. They wanted Waheed...They edged some political parties towards Waheed. I honestly hope they understand the realities. They are backing the wrong horse,” he said. Mr. Nasheed declined to name the country.


we all know about whom he was talking about..right??? :azn:
Maldives should invite experts and observers from other nations like Pakistan and China to keep an eye on Indian 'experts'.

oh come on...pakistani and chinese experts on elections???? that it self sounds funny..any ways heres the answers for those who think that india lost relevance in maldives..:cheesy:
besides heres ur answer

EC Chairperson Fuwad Thowfeek dismissed the allegations. “The process has been transparent and overseen by so many international observers. There was no foul play,”

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...male-ahead-maldives-poll-3.html#ixzz2eNqb4m5R
It's pretty surprising he doesn't seem to hold any grudge against India.

india provided him saftey when he was threatened.and asked him to be patient till the next elections..besides he knew that its not possible for maldives to go against india in indian ocean. ;)
Unfortunately this beautiful 100% Muslim nation is in the poisonous hold of India. These so called election observers are nothing but more RAW personnel. That's why Pakistan and BD have been kept out. Elections in these two nations are fairer than in India - whatever they may claim. Nasheed guy is the Indian protegee. Yameen is a nationalist and feels they can do without India's over-lordship.
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