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Indian Denial Accepting Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism as Separate Religions

Hindu Indians are fools to imagine any Sikh, Jain or Buddhist likes to be called a Hindu. Sikhs have separate Regts. Kitchens and dining are separate for each. Temples are different. They hardly intermarry. Religious scriptures are different. Priests are different. They don't eat in each others houses. Will not share utensils or village wells. All this is a Chanokya move to devour the minorities. Muslims and Christians will be targeted in the next phase.

For the bolded parts, where do you come up with this BS? Is it going to be too much to ask for a source?

Its better not to talk about things you have no idea about, stick with what you have knowledge of, preferably your beloved islamic teachings.

Sikhs - Buddy you really need to start studying the history of Punjab before making claims like this. The founding Guru of Sikhism belonged to the Punjabi Hindu Kshatriya family. Sikhism rejected caste-identity, but even today in Punjab you will see people practicing casteism. It is fairly common for Hindus and Sikhs to intermarry in Punjab where they are found in huge numbers(Siokhs 60%, Hindus 38%), especially in rural/village area if both the Hindu and Sikh belong to the same "caste". Same in Delhi. We Indians aret as obsessed with religions as you are.

Buddhists and Jains - It is fairly common for intermarriage of different Indian religions to take place. Ask Bollywood actress Tisca Chopra (Buddhist) married to Hindu husband. Also, Dr Ambedkar (famous Buddhist activist) had a Hindu wife if I am not mistaken.

Finally, the most important point to make here int his thread, the law mentioned is for purposes of civil law. In India, Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists/Jains follow one set of common civil laws, while Muslims are allowed to follow a separate set of laws (Sharia) if they want to. How does that make everyone the same religion?

Most Western countries have one Uniform civil code. For example, since you are living in Canada, you are following Canadian civil law (No sharia for Canada :bounce:). Would you now classify yourself as a Christian using this yardstick?

Its better if ignorant people like you dont speak, because stupidity is contagious as I have noticed with also other BD members in PDF...
Hinduism too as its share prophets - rishis, "holy books" -sruthi as smrithi and SOP - Agama texts etc but does not qualify Hinduism from not being a hotch potch, mumbo jumbo religion.

The concept of your so called "dharma" / " righteous way" exist in all religions , but its interpretation is subjective. The concept of attaining heaven by fighting a righteous war (jihad) is there in Hinduism (refer Mahabharata)

Even in Hinduism the concept of dharma is not clearly defined, Manu smrithi constitutes the Hindu Dharma-shastras and Manu was racist to the core , who assigned the caste system how righteous was Manu ??

The Hindu philosophy is based upon the vedas and Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism reject the vedas so where is the common paradigm ?

A simplistic concept of heaven and hell exist in all religion and don't make a tall claim that its derived from Hinduism

Well, obviously Hinduism is a thinking man's religion and will not be comprehensible for "fast food" consumers of Abrahmic religions.

In Dharmic religions, a wide variety of ingredients are available, and a person is free to cook his own food, and make it as simple or exotic as he likes.....

Abrahmic religions are single item cafetarias...take that or be out in the rain....Hell! We might even kill you for not liking our gruel.

No point in comparing Hinduism, which is primordial, vast and all encompassing, with the Child like Abrahmic religions .... you simply dont have the mental apparatus to understand Hinduism.

Let me assure you, the contempt is mutual...and it is far greater on our side.
You have absolutely no knowledge of what hinduism is...prepare to get your dose of knowledge...

1.Hinduism was not the dharma of Manu or vedas..Dharma mentioned in vedas is sanatan dharma or vedic sanatan dharma.

Be specific, what is the "vedic sanatan dharma" about ?

Its a fact Manu smrthi constitutes the Hindu dharma shastra - the Hindu law book which is rejected by Buddhist/Jains and Sikhs .
2.Hinduism is a umbrella term used for all the different religious practices in India and is coined by muslim invaders and will not be found in any so called hindu scripture..

what why its a mambo jumbo

3.Manu was not racist but his books where highly manipulated by some people and it is quite evident from contrasts seen in manusmriti.

Debatable and still subject to dispute !!! If there evidence of manipulation it should be rejected a as a law book !!!

5.Sikhism does not reject vedas completelty..in guru granth saheb there are many verses in favor of vedas as well as there are verses that state that vedas alone can not give you liberation or moksha(google it, i wont give quotes)

take it up with the Sikhs

Sikh: According to your (Hindu) belief Vedas are eternal1 and Simritis, Puranas are the basis of your religion. We (Sikhs) accept Guru Granth Sahib Ji as our only scripture and accept only those Sakhis and religious books that are in accord with Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This is the instruction of the Guru.

One may read all the books of the Vedas, the Bible, the Simritees and the Shaastras, but they will not bring liberation. (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 747)


6.Jains claim that vedas were written by their first emperor Bharata...Jains rejected vedas because vedas were misunderstood at their time and used for justifying animal sacrifice when in reality all the vedic sacrifices are supposed to be ahimsak in nature and involve no animal or human sacrifice at all...Many jain tirthankaras are found in vedas( google it, i wont give quotes)

animal sacrifices are prescribed in the vedas so stop BS..ing . Its only the Dravidians who reformed Hinduism to its present non Tribalistic form (refer Adi Shankara)

Be specific, what is the "vedic sanatan dharma" about ?

Its a fact Manu smrthi constitutes the Hindu dharma shastra - the Hindu law book which is rejected by Buddhist/Jains and Sikhs .

what why its a mambo jumbo

Debatable and still subject to dispute !!! If there evidence of manipulation it should be rejected a as a law book !!!

take it up with the Sikhs

Sikhi and Hinduism - Vedas, Shastras and Puranas

animal sacrifices are prescribed in the vedas so stop BS..ing . Its only the Dravidians who reformed Hinduism to its present non Tribalistic form (refer Adi Shankara)


Like many people you have misconceptions about vedas...Ashwamedha does not involve sacrificing horse...this is the biggest bullshit spread by haters...In ashwamedha a yadnya is performed and an ashwa(Horse) is set free...whichever king stops this horse is to be fought by the king who performed ashwamedha..

Read everything on below website..

animal sacrifices are prescribed in the vedas so stop BS..ing . The Hindu kings sacrificed animals e.g horsese - the vedic Hinduism has its roots in the Abrahamic religious tradition. Its only the Dravidians who reformed Hinduism to its present non Tribalistic form (refer Adi Shankara)

@manlion stop your moronic posts, Hinduism is very old and the concepts are all originated here in India. India is the founding place of Dharma and has been a guiding light for most of the countries in Asia as far as Bhuddism is concerned.

Abrahamic religions are bookish and they follow some routines. Hinduism is a way of life.
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Hindu Indians are fools to imagine any Sikh, Jain or Buddhist likes to be called a Hindu. Sikhs have separate Regts. Kitchens and dining are separate for each. Temples are different. They hardly intermarry. Religious scriptures are different. Priests are different. They don't eat in each others houses. Will not share utensils or village wells. All this is a Chanokya move to devour the minorities. Muslims and Christians will be targeted in the next phase.

Are you high on Afghans finest?

Do you know just how many Hindus go to Gurudwaras?

I doubt there would be a single Hindu in North India who hasnt gone to Gurudwaras!
Eat in each others houses?

Dude, this is not Pakistan(since you are a traitor/razakar) where shias kill sunnis, dont pray in each other's masjids!

Please dont look at us from an wahhabi Islamic background!

Hindus and Sikhs are as close as Hindus and Budhists/Jains!
It's hardly any surprise , as Hinduism is a mambo jumbo religion.

Its has no structure or clear definition - its plain tribalism, worshipers of Satan, the devil, ghost and spirits, fake gurus/humans (e.g Sai Baba etc) and animals are considered as God and automatically labeled as Hindus.

The above might be true to some extent with Northern India esp Punjab/Sindh - intermarrying/adoption of Sikhis. That isn't the case with in South India. There was no love between the Buddhists/Jains and Hindus esp in the states of Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh !!! Theravada Buddhist were prosecuted by Tamil Hindu kings and they had to flee to Lanka and thus carry with them their anti Hindu sentiments which is reflected in their later day works

i am frm andhra pradesh and dont try to write every **** that comes to your mind... there is a very little population of buddhists here as they are mostly confined to northern areas... and jains and sikhs are mostly found in the capital city of hyderabad and are involved in the business and comercial activities ... they are one of the oldest communities to be settled in hyderabad and are vehemently against old city muslim party mim ..... u can find large no. of hindus attending jain temples on their festivals and vice versa..... they actively participate in divali a hindu festival ... so stop spreading u r dellusions ( i know this bcoz , der is a jain temple near my house )

and about calling hinduism as tribal.... kiddoo u nead to have a broad mind to understand hinduism ....

about worshipping animals ... we consider god to be everywhere , in every human , in every animal , in every speciess all around the world , in every living thing and in every non living thing ....unlike islam that says pigs/dogs are prohibited because god hates them... how could god hate something , which was created by him..... so nw plz STFU...
Hindu Indians are fools to imagine any Sikh, Jain or Buddhist likes to be called a Hindu. Sikhs have separate Regts. Kitchens and dining are separate for each. Temples are different. They hardly intermarry. Religious scriptures are different. Priests are different. They don't eat in each others houses. Will not share utensils or village wells. All this is a Chanokya move to devour the minorities. Muslims and Christians will be targeted in the next phase.

LOL the intermarry part do you know the present India?.Do you know sikh regiment is not exclusive only to sikhs.Just as gorkha regiment not exclusive to gorkhas.
Are you high on Afghans finest?

Do you know just how many Hindus go to Gurudwaras?

I doubt there would be a single Hindu in North India who hasnt gone to Gurudwaras!
Eat in each others houses?

Dude, this is not Pakistan(since you are a traitor/razakar) where shias kill sunnis, dont pray in each other's masjids!

Please dont look at us from an wahhabi Islamic background!

Hindus and Sikhs are as close as Hindus and Budhists/Jains!

Oh! don't B/S. You being a Low Cast Shudra cannot enter most Hindu temples even.
LOL the intermarry part do you know the present India?.Do you know sikh regiment is not exclusive only to sikhs.Just as gorkha regiment not exclusive to gorkhas.

Recently, particularly after the Sikh Genocide 1984, IA is opening SLI up to others. This is again something the Sikhs resent. But even in these mixed units, companies and kitchens follow strict religious and cast lines.

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