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Indian defence SME beats out global giants to deliver command system to Malaysian warships

What the f*ck are you even blabbering about? Show me where did india exported $46 billion worth of defence equipment annually? The link you gave is broken to begin with. India is not even mentioned in 2015 in SIPRI's new report for 2019.
Fair point the value is 46 MILLON.
For Pakistan its 2 MILLION

Sorry i confused MILLION with BILLIONS.

Point still stands. India is exporting 23 times more than Pakistan.




You can generate this table by going here :


And oh, change your flags while you're at it. i know its embarrassing to be an indian but still...c'mon
Thats the best you can come up with? Attack the messenger if you dont like message? Must be Pakistan thing.

Pakistan's defence sector has been far more successful than india's
Certainly NOT by export value.

Indian masquerading as a candian.
And you are a Atheist masquerading as a muslim? Right? Must be a Pakistan thing.

Highly successful JF-17 project

JF-17 is a Chinese aircraft. In its development, what was your contribution? Airframe? Engine? Radar? Missiles? MFD? DSI?

It will be like Japanese calling f-15J their aircraft. Its American aircraft manufactured by Mitsubishi Japan.
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I wonder how much kickback $$$ was given to Najib and his goons. It is amazing that RMN chose Indian combat system for British and French made weapons.

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