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Indian Defence Attache in Kabul Brigadier S.K Narain expelled for raping Afghan Girl

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KABUL: Indian Defence Attache in Kabul Brigadier S.K Narain has been reportedly expelled from Afghanistan over charges of raping an Afghan girl.

As per the source report Indian Army Brigadier S.K Narain was posted as Indian defense attache in Afghanistan and performing his duties in Indian Embassy in Kabul.

Reportedly an Afghan girl approached the Indian Embassy for the purpose of scholarship where she was reportedly raped by Indian Defence attache Brigadier S.K Narain.

Afghanistan government taking strict notice of the incidence has expelled the Indian Defence attache from Afghanistan and he has been asked to leave the country immediately.

However no criminal proceedings have been initiated by the Afghanistan government in this regard.

It is worthy to mention here that few weeks ago 3 Indian Army soldiers also raped an Indian girl in the moving train.

Indian Army soldiers have also been accused of rape cases in the UN missions.

Indian Army officers and men are also found involved in hundreds of cases of rapes in Indian occupied Kashmir.

New Delhi is also known as rape capital of the world for highest number of rapes in the world and the same mentality has intruded in Indian Army as well over the years.
Tsi bry kanjoos o chacha g can't you send some before iftari :D

Chacha g iam not of your age Bhai made me crazy lol
so your worried about sweets and my age good ... achha hai :sarcastic:

now as for the topic of the thread thing is pakistani establishment and its media stooges are really depressed after how there equations regarding so called "end game in afghanistan after withdrawl of USA & NATO forces" went for a toss and how there so called potential and intelegent friend " ashraf ghani " turned out to be a enemy

but that dint stop them and they made a great episode of so called indian spy bieng caught which turned out to be another fiasco

hence now when every thing failed and niether USA nor Afghanistan or for that matter Iran is buying or supporting there story they now in despartion have brought out this episode and we all know where its going to end :sarcastic:
so your worried about sweets and my age good ... achha hai :sarcastic:

now as for the topic of the thread thing is pakistani establishment and its media stooges are really depressed after how there equations regarding so called "end game in afghanistan after withdrawl of USA & NATO forces" went for a toss and how there so called potential and intelegent friend " ashraf ghani " turned out to be a enemy

but that dint stop them and they made a great episode of so called indian spy bieng caught which turned out to be another fiasco

hence now when every thing failed and niether USA nor Afghanistan or for that matter Iran is buying or supporting there story they now in despartion have brought out this episode and we all know where its going to end :sarcastic:
Iftar table has been set and chacha g one thing would like to share with you ......you suck @ geo politics. No hard feelings :D Rab Rakha
This is seriously scary. No, not the "news", which is so obviously BS. But the fact that so many Pakistanis are buying it hook, line and sinker. It is a human tendency to not question something which you want in your heart to be true. But still, even to this extent?

There is no surprise in here brother .
Their hate blinded their eyes and paralysed their thought process .
Afghanistan and Afghanis really loves India and they cant digest that .
Of course not. Indian ambassadors, international level cricket players, military mission heads are all raping women all over the world. But RAW is suppressing all that information from every news agency on earth. Only Pakistani outlets are bravely bringing the truth to light.

(Two can play that game of sarcasm.)

Pakistani outlets here present standing ovation for this recognition :enjoy:. On the contrary RAW aint that competent at all as they were unable to suppress any news except in their own very country :D
Still no coverage by International or Afghan or Indian media. I wonder why is that.:coffee:

Still no coverage by International or Afghan or Indian media. I wonder why is that.:coffee:


Reminds me of Sri Lanka JF-17 saga.

One country is so desperate, it will make national confirmed news out of hoaxes and rumours just because they sound good to them....and then hope to slink away quietly with egg on face somewhere down the road when everyone has lost interest :D
It is worthy to mention here that few weeks ago 3 Indian Army soldiers also raped an Indian girl in the moving train.

Indian Army soldiers have also been accused of rape cases in the UN missions.

Indian Army officers and men are also found involved in hundreds of cases of rapes in Indian occupied Kashmir.

How can one miss the mass raping, murder, looting of Tamils in Eelam by Indian Peace Keeping Force ?
Reminds me of Sri Lanka JF-17 saga.

One country is so desperate, it will make national confirmed news out of hoaxes and rumours just because they sound good to them....and then hope to slink away quietly with egg on face somewhere down the road when everyone has lost interest :D

These things happen when nothing, not a single good thing is coming out of your country so like a mentally ill person you make up things to make yourself feel better and not like a sad and pathetic loser you really are. :haha:

See the post above.
New Delhi is also known as rape capital of the world for highest number of rapes in the world and the same mentality has intruded in Indian Army as well over the years

How convenient :lol:/ The reporter;s name was anus mallik- I can draw an analogy - Mr A mallik shytes every day. Same shyte is now smeared on what writes and propagates

Btw Sweden is the rape capital of the world

Indian Army[edit]
The soldiers of the 4th Rajputana Rifles of the Indian Army on 23 February 1991 launched a search operation in a village Kunan Poshpora, in the Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir and allegedly gang raped 53 women of all ages.[34] Later on an interview of victims and eyewitnesses was documented into a short film Ocean of Tears which was prevented from its broadcast.[35][36] Nevertheless, the Indian committee that led a thorough investigation concluded that the allegations were "grossly exaggerated" and the incident was "a massive hoax orchestrated by militant groups and their sympathisers and mentors in Kashmir and abroad as a part of sustained and cleverly contrived strategy of psychological warfare and as an entry point for reinscribing Kashmir on the International Agenda as a Human rights issue."[37] However, Human Rights organisations includingHuman Rights Watch have reported that the number of raped women could be as high as 80 .[38][39][40] The Indian Army is also accused of many massacres such as Bomai Killing, 2009, Gawakadal massacre, 2006 Kulgam massacre, Zakoora And Tengpora Massacre, 1990, Sopore massacre. They also didn‘t spared the health care system of the valley. The major hospitals witnessed the crackdowns and army men even entered the operation theatres in search of terrorist patients.[41]

Torture and sexual violence[edit]
Indian security forces and police have been accused of the systematic use of torture. US officials first showed concern regarding the widespread use of torture in 2007 where they presented evidence to Indian diplomats. Human rights groups state that 150 top officers have participated in torture as well as sexual violence and that the Indian government was covering up such acts
Is India the Rape Capital of the World?
We're horrified by news reports of rape in India and feel lucky we don't live there. But the country with the highest rate of sexual assault isn't India—it's us

by Sally Kohn
Americans are reading with horror as sexual assault after sexual assault unfolds in India. It’s easy to wonder, “What’s wrong with that country?” But we should be asking what’s wrong with the United States, too.

Rape and violence against women are a massive problem in India. According to the country's National Crime Record Bureau, crimes against women have increased by 7.1 percent since 2010. The number of rapes reported has also risen. Nearly one in three rape victims in India is under the age of 18. One in 10 are under 14. Every 20 minutes in India, a woman is raped.
India only ranks third for the number of rapes reported each year

Look if you have already made up your mind theres no talking

But i will present you with hard facts. This is reported rape statistics . There are more rapes in pakistan per 1 lac ppl than India. Look at US.

Why India happens to be media glare is because of some violent gang rapes- and how actively India responded to it- candle marches, dharna et all.

Is India the Rape Capital of the World?
We're horrified by news reports of rape in India and feel lucky we don't live there. But the country with the highest rate of sexual assault isn't India—it's us

by Sally Kohn
Americans are reading with horror as sexual assault after sexual assault unfolds in India. It’s easy to wonder, “What’s wrong with that country?” But we should be asking what’s wrong with the United States, too.

Rape and violence against women are a massive problem in India. According to the country's National Crime Record Bureau, crimes against women have increased by 7.1 percent since 2010. The number of rapes reported has also risen. Nearly one in three rape victims in India is under the age of 18. One in 10 are under 14. Every 20 minutes in India, a woman is raped.
India only ranks third for the number of rapes reported each year

@Commander Haris Post the source.

@waz @WAJsal @Irfan Baloch How long will this continue?

BS threads being opened on the basis of dubious sources. I have refrained my self quite a lot but none will enjoy it more if I were to start opening threads on Pak army rapes and the lovely quotes by Pakistani generals, each with a good source. :pakistan:
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