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Indian debt trap in Bangladesh

maybe your government is devoid of good economists as they are falling in a so called debt trap, india gives money to many neighbours like bhutan for their own development and to solidify relationships with them these countries repay the money at very low rates of interest in years , and benefit from that money hugely, india aint doing charity here dude , when you ask for huge amounts you have to pay the interest, if your people are so concerned about this then they better force the government to get loans from world bank, this isnt indias fault

Dont you realize ? Bangladesh is just one of the countless countries in the world ! It is just not important on the world stage -- harsh words but this is the reality !

Def.pk is the only place where posters like idune can vent their frustrations and MBI can convincingly sell his book ....

God Bless Bangladesh ! May they carry out some economic reforms with this money !

Thats why the last time India was begging BD to invest in its troubled North East ?????. I wonder if Indians do not understand the importance of chicken-neck or you are deliberately acting like a naive??
Apart from that the recent rail link involving many a number of countries.

If you come to other aspects such as ( i am cross posting these bellow)

1. "Bangladesh is referred to as the third largest Muslim country in the world and as the second in the region.

2. Bangladesh's location within the 'geo-strategic frontier' of India, Bangladesh being in close proximity with China, Asia's largest power, considered a strategic rival of both the US and India.

Geo-Strategic Setting of Bangladesh

To fathom the geo-strategic importance of any country one has to have a close look at the map for understanding how geography alone can make a country important that ultimately influences geo-politics. Having recognised geographic location as the most important factor of geo-strategy, let us in brief examine the geographic map of Bangladesh to understand how we feature in the regional and global geo-strategy.

Needless to mention, Bangladesh is surrounded by India almost entirely on three sides except for a small but significant border of 172 miles with Myanmar in the southeast. This border is contiguous with Myanmar state of Rakhine (old Arakan).

The Bay of Bengal, with shared coastline with India and Myanmar, bounds the south. Significantly, one of the strategic Indian Marine outposts, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands that is developing to be an important military base is not very far from Bangladesh. It is only about 300 miles south of Bangladesh's prime seaport of Chittagong. And in the north, Bangladesh is separated from the Himalayan kingdoms of Nepal and Bhutan by a strip of Indian territory, famously known as Shiliguri Corridor, only about 12 miles at its narrowest point. One has to pay particular attention to this geo-strategic real estate that is considered to be a strategic vulnerability to Indian national integration. The Shiliguri Corridor is a crucial determinant of Bangladesh's importance in regional geo-strategy. This particular strategic constraint of India also plays a very significant part in the national security of both India and Bangladesh.

The Shiliguri Corridor is regarded as a very sensitive strategic real estate for New Delhi, it being the only land connection with the insurgent-infested Northeastern states of India, known as the Seven Sisters. Should this land corridor be blocked by hostile action, either by internal or external elements, India would find itself cut off from its strategic Northeast.

The only alternative to offset the constraint is to have a strategic corridor through Bangladesh. The importance of such an alternative route first dawned on Indian strategists during the 1962 Sino-Indian war. China threatened to cut off India's Line of Communication in the Seven Sisters, particularly in NEFA (North East Frontier Agency, now renamed Arunachal Pradesh). Thus, Indian strategists are well aware of the fact that China is capable of cutting off the vital communication line between the Northeastern Seven Sisters and rest of the Indian Union.

One must note the geographic disposition of the Indian state of Sikkim, a disputed territory between two Asian giants - India and China - since the former annexed the small Himalayan kingdom in 1975. Sikkim, however, provides easier access to India from Tibet (China) and the other way round. The most important access from India to China is through Nathu La and along Hatungla Ridge. Metal roads do exist connecting Kolkata port with the Nathu La Pass. The same route could also provide access for Bangladesh through Indian territory.

I have laid emphasis on the location of the Siliguri Corridor vis a vis Bangladesh's position in the south to highlight the importance of the transit route through Bangladesh territory to nuclear India's beleaguered Northeast, should China ever threaten India in conventional or unconventional conflict. The Bay of Bengal is fast turning into a hotbed of rivalry involving India, China and the all-powerful USA. Needless to say, this tends to enhance Bangladesh's strategic salience due to sheer proximity factor.

Changing Regional Geo-Strategic Scenario

The changed geo-strategic dynamics, following the rise of the United States as the lone superpower and the subsequent events in Europe and the Middle East, and the rapid changes in global geo-politics actually accentuated the fear-psychosis of the existing and emerging middle powers. These powers, apprehensive of the perceived threats to their national interests from state and non-state actors, are either aligning with or moving away from the predominant global power. The emerging strategic partnerships between Russia and China and between the United States and India seem to be going in opposite directions. However, the ever increasing strength of the middle powers necessitated extension of their strategic frontiers. In our region we are witnessing the strategic rivalry between India and China. India, having defied US influence for five long decades since its independence, moved much closer to the USA and established nuclear and military cooperation with Washington, shunning the spirit of the principle of non-alignment. On the other hand, Russia and China, having moved closer to each other, are trying to counter the US influence in their respective backyards.

In the backdrop of the redefined strategic frontier of the emerging Asian military giant, India, Bangladesh needs to reassess its own geo-strategic dynamics, with the focus on its opportunities and challenges. Most of all, Bangladesh needs to bear in mind its geographic location, vital for Indian integration and expansion of strategic frontier, and its non-renewable cheap energy.

Bangladesh in Indian Strategic Dynamics

It is pertinent to note the following to understand the role that Bangladesh plays in India's strategic dynamics.

* Bangladesh’s location is a strategic wedge between mainland India and Northeastern seven states of the Indian Union. Each of these states is land-locked and has shorter route to the sea through Bangladesh. Currently, Kolkata port is used by these states for both domestic and imported cargo.

* The navigable rivers in India's Northeast that could connect West Bengal or Orissa ports pass through Bangladesh.

* The only entry to and exit from the Northeastern region of India is through the Shiliguri Corridor that is close to the Chinese border and within striking distance of Bangladesh. The Shiliguri Corridor is the most sensitive 'choke point' for the Indian Union.

* Most of the Northeastern states of India are virtually under siege where decades-old insurgencies are raging unabated, particularly in Assam, Tripura, and Nagaland. These states are yet to be fully integrated with the Indian Union.

* Arunachal Pradesh (formerly NEFA), still disputed between China and India, is within close proximity of Bangladesh.

* Bangladesh provides easy land access to Southeast Asian countries that are important for India's Look East Policy.

Sino-Bangla Relations in South Asia's Changing Strategic Dynamics
China has been a constantly important factor in Bangladesh's foreign policy since the establishment of diplomatic, military and economic ties in 1976. Since then the Governments of Bangladesh of all political complexions have pursued similar China policy. In this context, the growing linkage, connectivity and possible land connection enhances Bangladesh's regional geo-strategic status particularly for the following reasons:

* China enjoys access to the Bay of Bengal through Myanmar.
* Dhaka's proposal to connect Kunming with Bangladesh by road through Mayanmar could be an alternative route for China;

Quest for natural resources: China is known to have shown interest in Bangladesh's energy sector. This assumes significance in the context when both India and China are competitors in energy sector in terms of consumption and international investment. Reportedly, India is skeptical about Sino-Bangla understanding and possible cooperation in nuclear energy sector and;

The enhanced importance of the Bay of Bengal and the perceived triangular contest there involving India, China and the USA. The facts that Bangladesh is the third largest Muslim country and one of the four Muslim democracies are strategically important.

Former BDR Chief being greeted by BSF Jawans

The China Factor in South Asia's GeoStrategy
China looms large over South Asian geo-strategic scenario. China, over the decades, has developed closer links with all South Asian countries, especially strategic relations with Bangladesh and Pakistan. This strategic relationship is factored in India's geo-strategic appreciation. Indeed, the growth of strategic relationship between Bangladesh and China has not escaped the Indian strategic analysts, particularly the last year's visit of Bangladeshi Prime Minister to China and Beijing's agreement on providing assistance to Bangladesh in nuclear power sector, apart from military cooperation. "Just before Khaleda Zia's visit, an official of the State Power Development Board stated that Bangladesh needed a 1,000 megawatt nuclear power plant to meet the growing power demand. China reportedly agreed to give assistance to Bangladesh for peaceful use of nuclear energy for medicine and electricity generation. It will provide assistance for Rooppur Nuclear Plant", writes Indian strategic analyst Anand Kumar. He expressed his apprehension regarding this stating, "China does not want to lose its influence in Bangladesh. It has attracted the country by offering cooperation in the area of nuclear energy. But this is a dangerous development in South Asia. This kind of Chinese cooperation with Pakistan had earlier resulted in proliferation of nuclear technologies. The same can happen in the case of Bangladesh….China has always been more concerned about containing India than preventing proliferation".

Relationship with China enhances Bangladesh's strategic status and relationship with Myanmar is seen as an important linchpin in the 'new emerging strategic equation in north Bay of Bengal, hotly contested by China and India'. In that context, the recent Indo-US strategic relations are regarded as synergic move by both to counter Chinese influence in South Asia in particular and in the Pacific Rim in general. Not only Indian analysts but analysts in Washington and many notable political commentators view the new synergy as a development of a counter force to China. However, these analysts fear that Indo-US synergy would not only put India on a collision course with China but may even sway Delhi's desire to close strategic gap with both Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Needless to mention, the US attention is drawn towards Chinese 'incursion in the Indian Ocean' that may become critical, should a conflict develop in East Asia over Taiwan or alleged North Korean nuclear arsenal.

What I re-emphasise is that Bangladesh's geo-strategic location is a prime concern for India as a growing world power, as Dr. Shubash Kapila puts it in one of his strategic concept papers. He contends the following:

Bangladesh lies contiguous to India's sensitive Northeast, which has been the focus of de-stabilisation through anti-Indian insurgencies by China, Pakistan and now Bangladesh, singly and jointly with Pakistan.

India's national security interests dictate that Bangladesh is not allowed to operate as a "springboard" for anti-Indian activities in any form or variety.

India's national security interests dictate that Bangladesh is not permitted to be "Talibanised". A "Talibanised" Bangladesh is not only a security threat to India but also to Southeast Asia and the United States global security interests."

Dr. Kapila's strategic concerns for India are not unique; he rather represents the mainstream geo-strategic thinkers of Delhi. It was in thus-defined geo-strategic ambit that New Delhi's reaction to the bomb blasts on 17 August 2005 is to be viewed. For long, Delhi has been accusing Bangladesh of connivance with religious extremists for expanding towards Northeast India's Muslim majority districts of Assam. India's increasing demand on Bangladesh for strategic concessions needs to be viewed in the context that most Indian strategists agree that Bangladesh is a crucially important country for India to secure its strategic frontier which goes beyond India's geographical boundary, from Hormuz to Malacca and from Pars, Iran, to Hanoi, Vietnam. To India's strategic decision makers, Bangladesh is well within its internal security parameter. That perception makes India more tremulous while dealing with Bangladesh.

What we must not lose sight of is that the increasing geo-strategic stature of Bangladesh may become its burden if we do not pay attention to our internal security as much as we should.


Hoping against the hope, that Indians might have some sense to comment using logically other than resorting to personal attacks on Bangladeshis here

Hoping against the hope, that Indians might have some sense to comment using logically other than resorting to personal attacks on Bangladeshis here

Jana, I dont see you spending so much time and effort to disprove iDune's post when he calls Indians as robbers and MBI Munshi posts all kind of revile stuff about India and Hindus in general. You are really being selective in your responses.

Can you or anybody in their right mind say that the loan is an example of Indian hegemony? Agreed India is no Korea/Japan to offer lax terms of return as they do but what will you have? No loan or a loan with 1.75% interest and 20 years re-payment time?
Thats why the last time India was begging BD to invest in its troubled North East ?????. I wonder if Indians do not understand the importance of chicken-neck or you are deliberately acting like a naive??
Apart from that the recent rail link involving many a number of countries.

If you come to other aspects such as ( i am cross posting these bellow)

1. "Bangladesh is referred to as the third largest Muslim country in the world and as the second in the region.

2. Bangladesh's location within the 'geo-strategic frontier' of India, Bangladesh being in close proximity with China, Asia's largest power, considered a strategic rival of both the US and India.

Geo-Strategic Setting of Bangladesh

To fathom the geo-strategic importance of any country one has to have a close look at the map for understanding how geography alone can make a country important that ultimately influences geo-politics. Having recognised geographic location as the most important factor of geo-strategy, let us in brief examine the geographic map of Bangladesh to understand how we feature in the regional and global geo-strategy.

Needless to mention, Bangladesh is surrounded by India almost entirely on three sides except for a small but significant border of 172 miles with Myanmar in the southeast. This border is contiguous with Myanmar state of Rakhine (old Arakan).

The Bay of Bengal, with shared coastline with India and Myanmar, bounds the south. Significantly, one of the strategic Indian Marine outposts, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands that is developing to be an important military base is not very far from Bangladesh. It is only about 300 miles south of Bangladesh's prime seaport of Chittagong. And in the north, Bangladesh is separated from the Himalayan kingdoms of Nepal and Bhutan by a strip of Indian territory, famously known as Shiliguri Corridor, only about 12 miles at its narrowest point. One has to pay particular attention to this geo-strategic real estate that is considered to be a strategic vulnerability to Indian national integration. The Shiliguri Corridor is a crucial determinant of Bangladesh's importance in regional geo-strategy. This particular strategic constraint of India also plays a very significant part in the national security of both India and Bangladesh.

The Shiliguri Corridor is regarded as a very sensitive strategic real estate for New Delhi, it being the only land connection with the insurgent-infested Northeastern states of India, known as the Seven Sisters. Should this land corridor be blocked by hostile action, either by internal or external elements, India would find itself cut off from its strategic Northeast.

The only alternative to offset the constraint is to have a strategic corridor through Bangladesh. The importance of such an alternative route first dawned on Indian strategists during the 1962 Sino-Indian war. China threatened to cut off India's Line of Communication in the Seven Sisters, particularly in NEFA (North East Frontier Agency, now renamed Arunachal Pradesh). Thus, Indian strategists are well aware of the fact that China is capable of cutting off the vital communication line between the Northeastern Seven Sisters and rest of the Indian Union.

One must note the geographic disposition of the Indian state of Sikkim, a disputed territory between two Asian giants - India and China - since the former annexed the small Himalayan kingdom in 1975. Sikkim, however, provides easier access to India from Tibet (China) and the other way round. The most important access from India to China is through Nathu La and along Hatungla Ridge. Metal roads do exist connecting Kolkata port with the Nathu La Pass. The same route could also provide access for Bangladesh through Indian territory.

I have laid emphasis on the location of the Siliguri Corridor vis a vis Bangladesh's position in the south to highlight the importance of the transit route through Bangladesh territory to nuclear India's beleaguered Northeast, should China ever threaten India in conventional or unconventional conflict. The Bay of Bengal is fast turning into a hotbed of rivalry involving India, China and the all-powerful USA. Needless to say, this tends to enhance Bangladesh's strategic salience due to sheer proximity factor.

Changing Regional Geo-Strategic Scenario

The changed geo-strategic dynamics, following the rise of the United States as the lone superpower and the subsequent events in Europe and the Middle East, and the rapid changes in global geo-politics actually accentuated the fear-psychosis of the existing and emerging middle powers. These powers, apprehensive of the perceived threats to their national interests from state and non-state actors, are either aligning with or moving away from the predominant global power. The emerging strategic partnerships between Russia and China and between the United States and India seem to be going in opposite directions. However, the ever increasing strength of the middle powers necessitated extension of their strategic frontiers. In our region we are witnessing the strategic rivalry between India and China. India, having defied US influence for five long decades since its independence, moved much closer to the USA and established nuclear and military cooperation with Washington, shunning the spirit of the principle of non-alignment. On the other hand, Russia and China, having moved closer to each other, are trying to counter the US influence in their respective backyards.

In the backdrop of the redefined strategic frontier of the emerging Asian military giant, India, Bangladesh needs to reassess its own geo-strategic dynamics, with the focus on its opportunities and challenges. Most of all, Bangladesh needs to bear in mind its geographic location, vital for Indian integration and expansion of strategic frontier, and its non-renewable cheap energy.

Bangladesh in Indian Strategic Dynamics

It is pertinent to note the following to understand the role that Bangladesh plays in India's strategic dynamics.

* Bangladesh’s location is a strategic wedge between mainland India and Northeastern seven states of the Indian Union. Each of these states is land-locked and has shorter route to the sea through Bangladesh. Currently, Kolkata port is used by these states for both domestic and imported cargo.

* The navigable rivers in India's Northeast that could connect West Bengal or Orissa ports pass through Bangladesh.

* The only entry to and exit from the Northeastern region of India is through the Shiliguri Corridor that is close to the Chinese border and within striking distance of Bangladesh. The Shiliguri Corridor is the most sensitive 'choke point' for the Indian Union.

* Most of the Northeastern states of India are virtually under siege where decades-old insurgencies are raging unabated, particularly in Assam, Tripura, and Nagaland. These states are yet to be fully integrated with the Indian Union.

* Arunachal Pradesh (formerly NEFA), still disputed between China and India, is within close proximity of Bangladesh.

* Bangladesh provides easy land access to Southeast Asian countries that are important for India's Look East Policy.

Sino-Bangla Relations in South Asia's Changing Strategic Dynamics
China has been a constantly important factor in Bangladesh's foreign policy since the establishment of diplomatic, military and economic ties in 1976. Since then the Governments of Bangladesh of all political complexions have pursued similar China policy. In this context, the growing linkage, connectivity and possible land connection enhances Bangladesh's regional geo-strategic status particularly for the following reasons:

* China enjoys access to the Bay of Bengal through Myanmar.
* Dhaka's proposal to connect Kunming with Bangladesh by road through Mayanmar could be an alternative route for China;

Quest for natural resources: China is known to have shown interest in Bangladesh's energy sector. This assumes significance in the context when both India and China are competitors in energy sector in terms of consumption and international investment. Reportedly, India is skeptical about Sino-Bangla understanding and possible cooperation in nuclear energy sector and;

The enhanced importance of the Bay of Bengal and the perceived triangular contest there involving India, China and the USA. The facts that Bangladesh is the third largest Muslim country and one of the four Muslim democracies are strategically important.

Former BDR Chief being greeted by BSF Jawans

The China Factor in South Asia's GeoStrategy
China looms large over South Asian geo-strategic scenario. China, over the decades, has developed closer links with all South Asian countries, especially strategic relations with Bangladesh and Pakistan. This strategic relationship is factored in India's geo-strategic appreciation. Indeed, the growth of strategic relationship between Bangladesh and China has not escaped the Indian strategic analysts, particularly the last year's visit of Bangladeshi Prime Minister to China and Beijing's agreement on providing assistance to Bangladesh in nuclear power sector, apart from military cooperation. "Just before Khaleda Zia's visit, an official of the State Power Development Board stated that Bangladesh needed a 1,000 megawatt nuclear power plant to meet the growing power demand. China reportedly agreed to give assistance to Bangladesh for peaceful use of nuclear energy for medicine and electricity generation. It will provide assistance for Rooppur Nuclear Plant", writes Indian strategic analyst Anand Kumar. He expressed his apprehension regarding this stating, "China does not want to lose its influence in Bangladesh. It has attracted the country by offering cooperation in the area of nuclear energy. But this is a dangerous development in South Asia. This kind of Chinese cooperation with Pakistan had earlier resulted in proliferation of nuclear technologies. The same can happen in the case of Bangladesh….China has always been more concerned about containing India than preventing proliferation".

Relationship with China enhances Bangladesh's strategic status and relationship with Myanmar is seen as an important linchpin in the 'new emerging strategic equation in north Bay of Bengal, hotly contested by China and India'. In that context, the recent Indo-US strategic relations are regarded as synergic move by both to counter Chinese influence in South Asia in particular and in the Pacific Rim in general. Not only Indian analysts but analysts in Washington and many notable political commentators view the new synergy as a development of a counter force to China. However, these analysts fear that Indo-US synergy would not only put India on a collision course with China but may even sway Delhi's desire to close strategic gap with both Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Needless to mention, the US attention is drawn towards Chinese 'incursion in the Indian Ocean' that may become critical, should a conflict develop in East Asia over Taiwan or alleged North Korean nuclear arsenal.

What I re-emphasise is that Bangladesh's geo-strategic location is a prime concern for India as a growing world power, as Dr. Shubash Kapila puts it in one of his strategic concept papers. He contends the following:

Bangladesh lies contiguous to India's sensitive Northeast, which has been the focus of de-stabilisation through anti-Indian insurgencies by China, Pakistan and now Bangladesh, singly and jointly with Pakistan.

India's national security interests dictate that Bangladesh is not allowed to operate as a "springboard" for anti-Indian activities in any form or variety.

India's national security interests dictate that Bangladesh is not permitted to be "Talibanised". A "Talibanised" Bangladesh is not only a security threat to India but also to Southeast Asia and the United States global security interests."

Dr. Kapila's strategic concerns for India are not unique; he rather represents the mainstream geo-strategic thinkers of Delhi. It was in thus-defined geo-strategic ambit that New Delhi's reaction to the bomb blasts on 17 August 2005 is to be viewed. For long, Delhi has been accusing Bangladesh of connivance with religious extremists for expanding towards Northeast India's Muslim majority districts of Assam. India's increasing demand on Bangladesh for strategic concessions needs to be viewed in the context that most Indian strategists agree that Bangladesh is a crucially important country for India to secure its strategic frontier which goes beyond India's geographical boundary, from Hormuz to Malacca and from Pars, Iran, to Hanoi, Vietnam. To India's strategic decision makers, Bangladesh is well within its internal security parameter. That perception makes India more tremulous while dealing with Bangladesh.

What we must not lose sight of is that the increasing geo-strategic stature of Bangladesh may become its burden if we do not pay attention to our internal security as much as we should.


Hoping against the hope, that Indians might have some sense to comment using logically other than resorting to personal attacks on Bangladeshis here

jana ji even evry island has major role in present scenario.
maybe your government is devoid of good economists as they are falling in a so called debt trap, india gives money to many neighbours like bhutan for their own development and to solidify relationships with them these countries repay the money at very low rates of interest in years , and benefit from that money hugely, india aint doing charity here dude , when you ask for huge amounts you have to pay the interest, if your people are so concerned about this then they better force the government to get loans from world bank, this isnt indias fault

I dont see the loan terms are as bad as it was said by many users.
But One thing bothers me.. "Why dont both the govt openly disclose that loan is provided in return of BD granting India the transit". I want honest disclosure. Transit aint free and BD should had charged India for the infrastructure instead of taking loan which needs to be paid back with interest. We could provide free to Nepal and Bhutan which we did as they are less developed and the volume of trade will be minimal. But for India we should charge.
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Guys is india allowing transit for bangladeshi exports via indian roads to countries like nepal,bhutan or china?If yes is it with transit fee or free?
Jana, I dont see you spending so much time and effort to disprove iDune's post when he calls Indians as robbers and MBI Munshi posts all kind of revile stuff about India and Hindus in general. You are really being selective in your responses.

Can you or anybody in their right mind say that the loan is an example of Indian hegemony? Agreed India is no Korea/Japan to offer lax terms of return as they do but what will you have? No loan or a loan with 1.75% interest and 20 years re-payment time?

Do read my post again. It was NOT about loan and terms and conditions put by India on it. Rather my post was in response to an Indian member who said "BD is worthless" country with NO importance.

So i deemed it fit to give him some logical points with facts and figures to highlight why BD Is important specially for India.

As far as the loans and Indian hegemony is concerned than frankly every country wants the edge over the other in the world.

Its the failure or pro-Indian stance of BD govt that it has accepted the loans at higher interests that too in exchange for providing transit trade to India which is bit bizarre and honestly if its the case then its a sordid boon the BD govt cut with India.

The politics of loans is indeed very very dirty, the case in point is of IMF and WB who are burdening Pakistan but our democrap leaders are more than willing to indebt us for their own luxuries.

Same is the case seems to be with this Indian loans to BD
Guys is india allowing transit for bangladeshi exports via indian roads to countries like nepal,bhutan or china?If yes is it with transit fee or free?

Its none of our business as they are the one going to pay for it. You can give them free or charge whatever you want. If somebody going to buy anything from us surely they have to pay for the trasport cost. We dont need transit from India.;)
Thats why the last time India was begging BD to invest in its troubled North East ?????. I wonder if Indians do not understand the importance of chicken-neck or you are deliberately acting like a naive??
Apart from that the recent rail link involving many a number of countries.

If you come to other aspects such as ( i am cross posting these bellow)

1. "Bangladesh is referred to as the third largest Muslim country in the world and as the second in the region.

2. Bangladesh's location within the 'geo-strategic frontier' of India, Bangladesh being in close proximity with China, Asia's largest power, considered a strategic rival of both the US and India.

Geo-Strategic Setting of Bangladesh

To fathom the geo-strategic importance of any country one has to have a close look at the map for understanding how geography alone can make a country important that ultimately influences geo-politics. Having recognised geographic location as the most important factor of geo-strategy, let us in brief examine the geographic map of Bangladesh to understand how we feature in the regional and global geo-strategy.

Needless to mention, Bangladesh is surrounded by India almost entirely on three sides except for a small but significant border of 172 miles with Myanmar in the southeast. This border is contiguous with Myanmar state of Rakhine (old Arakan).

The Bay of Bengal, with shared coastline with India and Myanmar, bounds the south. Significantly, one of the strategic Indian Marine outposts, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands that is developing to be an important military base is not very far from Bangladesh. It is only about 300 miles south of Bangladesh's prime seaport of Chittagong. And in the north, Bangladesh is separated from the Himalayan kingdoms of Nepal and Bhutan by a strip of Indian territory, famously known as Shiliguri Corridor, only about 12 miles at its narrowest point. One has to pay particular attention to this geo-strategic real estate that is considered to be a strategic vulnerability to Indian national integration. The Shiliguri Corridor is a crucial determinant of Bangladesh's importance in regional geo-strategy. This particular strategic constraint of India also plays a very significant part in the national security of both India and Bangladesh.

The Shiliguri Corridor is regarded as a very sensitive strategic real estate for New Delhi, it being the only land connection with the insurgent-infested Northeastern states of India, known as the Seven Sisters. Should this land corridor be blocked by hostile action, either by internal or external elements, India would find itself cut off from its strategic Northeast.

The only alternative to offset the constraint is to have a strategic corridor through Bangladesh. The importance of such an alternative route first dawned on Indian strategists during the 1962 Sino-Indian war. China threatened to cut off India's Line of Communication in the Seven Sisters, particularly in NEFA (North East Frontier Agency, now renamed Arunachal Pradesh). Thus, Indian strategists are well aware of the fact that China is capable of cutting off the vital communication line between the Northeastern Seven Sisters and rest of the Indian Union.

One must note the geographic disposition of the Indian state of Sikkim, a disputed territory between two Asian giants - India and China - since the former annexed the small Himalayan kingdom in 1975. Sikkim, however, provides easier access to India from Tibet (China) and the other way round. The most important access from India to China is through Nathu La and along Hatungla Ridge. Metal roads do exist connecting Kolkata port with the Nathu La Pass. The same route could also provide access for Bangladesh through Indian territory.

I have laid emphasis on the location of the Siliguri Corridor vis a vis Bangladesh's position in the south to highlight the importance of the transit route through Bangladesh territory to nuclear India's beleaguered Northeast, should China ever threaten India in conventional or unconventional conflict. The Bay of Bengal is fast turning into a hotbed of rivalry involving India, China and the all-powerful USA. Needless to say, this tends to enhance Bangladesh's strategic salience due to sheer proximity factor.

Changing Regional Geo-Strategic Scenario

The changed geo-strategic dynamics, following the rise of the United States as the lone superpower and the subsequent events in Europe and the Middle East, and the rapid changes in global geo-politics actually accentuated the fear-psychosis of the existing and emerging middle powers. These powers, apprehensive of the perceived threats to their national interests from state and non-state actors, are either aligning with or moving away from the predominant global power. The emerging strategic partnerships between Russia and China and between the United States and India seem to be going in opposite directions. However, the ever increasing strength of the middle powers necessitated extension of their strategic frontiers. In our region we are witnessing the strategic rivalry between India and China. India, having defied US influence for five long decades since its independence, moved much closer to the USA and established nuclear and military cooperation with Washington, shunning the spirit of the principle of non-alignment. On the other hand, Russia and China, having moved closer to each other, are trying to counter the US influence in their respective backyards.

In the backdrop of the redefined strategic frontier of the emerging Asian military giant, India, Bangladesh needs to reassess its own geo-strategic dynamics, with the focus on its opportunities and challenges. Most of all, Bangladesh needs to bear in mind its geographic location, vital for Indian integration and expansion of strategic frontier, and its non-renewable cheap energy.

Bangladesh in Indian Strategic Dynamics

It is pertinent to note the following to understand the role that Bangladesh plays in India's strategic dynamics.

* Bangladesh’s location is a strategic wedge between mainland India and Northeastern seven states of the Indian Union. Each of these states is land-locked and has shorter route to the sea through Bangladesh. Currently, Kolkata port is used by these states for both domestic and imported cargo.

* The navigable rivers in India's Northeast that could connect West Bengal or Orissa ports pass through Bangladesh.

* The only entry to and exit from the Northeastern region of India is through the Shiliguri Corridor that is close to the Chinese border and within striking distance of Bangladesh. The Shiliguri Corridor is the most sensitive 'choke point' for the Indian Union.

* Most of the Northeastern states of India are virtually under siege where decades-old insurgencies are raging unabated, particularly in Assam, Tripura, and Nagaland. These states are yet to be fully integrated with the Indian Union.

* Arunachal Pradesh (formerly NEFA), still disputed between China and India, is within close proximity of Bangladesh.

* Bangladesh provides easy land access to Southeast Asian countries that are important for India's Look East Policy.

Sino-Bangla Relations in South Asia's Changing Strategic Dynamics
China has been a constantly important factor in Bangladesh's foreign policy since the establishment of diplomatic, military and economic ties in 1976. Since then the Governments of Bangladesh of all political complexions have pursued similar China policy. In this context, the growing linkage, connectivity and possible land connection enhances Bangladesh's regional geo-strategic status particularly for the following reasons:

* China enjoys access to the Bay of Bengal through Myanmar.
* Dhaka's proposal to connect Kunming with Bangladesh by road through Mayanmar could be an alternative route for China;

Quest for natural resources: China is known to have shown interest in Bangladesh's energy sector. This assumes significance in the context when both India and China are competitors in energy sector in terms of consumption and international investment. Reportedly, India is skeptical about Sino-Bangla understanding and possible cooperation in nuclear energy sector and;

The enhanced importance of the Bay of Bengal and the perceived triangular contest there involving India, China and the USA. The facts that Bangladesh is the third largest Muslim country and one of the four Muslim democracies are strategically important.

Former BDR Chief being greeted by BSF Jawans

The China Factor in South Asia's GeoStrategy
China looms large over South Asian geo-strategic scenario. China, over the decades, has developed closer links with all South Asian countries, especially strategic relations with Bangladesh and Pakistan. This strategic relationship is factored in India's geo-strategic appreciation. Indeed, the growth of strategic relationship between Bangladesh and China has not escaped the Indian strategic analysts, particularly the last year's visit of Bangladeshi Prime Minister to China and Beijing's agreement on providing assistance to Bangladesh in nuclear power sector, apart from military cooperation. "Just before Khaleda Zia's visit, an official of the State Power Development Board stated that Bangladesh needed a 1,000 megawatt nuclear power plant to meet the growing power demand. China reportedly agreed to give assistance to Bangladesh for peaceful use of nuclear energy for medicine and electricity generation. It will provide assistance for Rooppur Nuclear Plant", writes Indian strategic analyst Anand Kumar. He expressed his apprehension regarding this stating, "China does not want to lose its influence in Bangladesh. It has attracted the country by offering cooperation in the area of nuclear energy. But this is a dangerous development in South Asia. This kind of Chinese cooperation with Pakistan had earlier resulted in proliferation of nuclear technologies. The same can happen in the case of Bangladesh….China has always been more concerned about containing India than preventing proliferation".

Relationship with China enhances Bangladesh's strategic status and relationship with Myanmar is seen as an important linchpin in the 'new emerging strategic equation in north Bay of Bengal, hotly contested by China and India'. In that context, the recent Indo-US strategic relations are regarded as synergic move by both to counter Chinese influence in South Asia in particular and in the Pacific Rim in general. Not only Indian analysts but analysts in Washington and many notable political commentators view the new synergy as a development of a counter force to China. However, these analysts fear that Indo-US synergy would not only put India on a collision course with China but may even sway Delhi's desire to close strategic gap with both Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Needless to mention, the US attention is drawn towards Chinese 'incursion in the Indian Ocean' that may become critical, should a conflict develop in East Asia over Taiwan or alleged North Korean nuclear arsenal.

What I re-emphasise is that Bangladesh's geo-strategic location is a prime concern for India as a growing world power, as Dr. Shubash Kapila puts it in one of his strategic concept papers. He contends the following:

Bangladesh lies contiguous to India's sensitive Northeast, which has been the focus of de-stabilisation through anti-Indian insurgencies by China, Pakistan and now Bangladesh, singly and jointly with Pakistan.

India's national security interests dictate that Bangladesh is not allowed to operate as a "springboard" for anti-Indian activities in any form or variety.

India's national security interests dictate that Bangladesh is not permitted to be "Talibanised". A "Talibanised" Bangladesh is not only a security threat to India but also to Southeast Asia and the United States global security interests."

Dr. Kapila's strategic concerns for India are not unique; he rather represents the mainstream geo-strategic thinkers of Delhi. It was in thus-defined geo-strategic ambit that New Delhi's reaction to the bomb blasts on 17 August 2005 is to be viewed. For long, Delhi has been accusing Bangladesh of connivance with religious extremists for expanding towards Northeast India's Muslim majority districts of Assam. India's increasing demand on Bangladesh for strategic concessions needs to be viewed in the context that most Indian strategists agree that Bangladesh is a crucially important country for India to secure its strategic frontier which goes beyond India's geographical boundary, from Hormuz to Malacca and from Pars, Iran, to Hanoi, Vietnam. To India's strategic decision makers, Bangladesh is well within its internal security parameter. That perception makes India more tremulous while dealing with Bangladesh.

What we must not lose sight of is that the increasing geo-strategic stature of Bangladesh may become its burden if we do not pay attention to our internal security as much as we should.


Hoping against the hope, that Indians might have some sense to comment using logically other than resorting to personal attacks on Bangladeshis here
I agree. :agree:
In name of providing loan india actually setting debt trap in Bangladesh and Awami regime acting subsurviently pushing Bangladesh to that trap. This $ 1 billion will be used for facilitate indian transit facilitites throgh Bangladesh yet Bangladeshi tax payers has pay for indian benefit. What kind of claimed to be "elected" govt will do such a subsurvient act against its own people?

Highlight on how this is indian robbery rather than loan and how Bangladesh paying for indian development.

1) 1.75 per cent annual interest and 0.50 per cent commitment (penalty if Indian transit facility implementation is delayed) fee

2) Bangladesh government has to repay the loan within a period of 20 years with five years grace period would be provided for the credit

3) Bangladesh would have to procure goods and services at the rate of atleast 85 per cent of the total funds from India.

4) Loan would be spent for upgrading Bangladesh's infrastructure designed to set up for Indian transit facilities

$1b Indian credit spending modalities finalized

I do not want to blame Bharati for this. They are to do what ever benifit them however the problem lay within our country. We have hereditiry dalal in the office yet some pople in BD acctually supports her. So long there are ignorance and stupid among us then keep dreaming about being out of Bharatis circle. :hitwall:
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I do not want to blame Bharati for this. They are to do what ever benifit them however the problem lie within our country. We have hereditiry dalal in the office yet some pople in BD acctually supports her. So long there are ignorance and stupid among us then keep dreaming about being out of Bharatis circle. :hitwall:
Hey bro, do we have any forums for the UK?
Ignore at your own peril. And get involved only to be rebuked!
We have some really tough Bangladeshis here! :lol:

Sikkim 'is' a dispute between India and China? Unfortunately for you, the Chinese no longer seem to think that way! :azn:

You have given a very lengthy message on why Bangladesh is important, focussing on its locational advantage alone! Bangladesh is very important, to the world and India specifically... and it has lot more than its geographical location to contribute! Dont want to ruin this thread by talking further on this topic though!

Unfortunately, I dont think it is possible for India to distribute freebies! A loan, a low-interest one, is something that India can afford to help its friends with.
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