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Indian Civil War-Maoist Insurgency Spreads to Over 40% in India

Big powers like who ? US and Russia aren't going to do anything of this sort. China can't do much, they aren't that influential. They get nothing out of it. Anyway, you can try, India is no Syria or Middle East. Those places are full of religious zealots and power hungry dictators. No such thing in India, at least not even close to that extent.

China can create huge problems in India if they go for that kind of policy, they know how to do that.
The Maoists threat is exaggerated. They have a presence in almost whole of Eastern India but their strength lies mainly in the state of Chattisgarh. They also have little mass support. The recent peaceful elections which went successfully in Eastern India with hardly any disturbance in those areas proves this point. Thanks anyway, Maoism is a weak and dying movement though to it's credit it has gone on for the last 4 decades or so.
I have been to almost all parts of India but I have still not come face to face with a Maoist...the maoist threat is truly exaggerated...everyone or anyone is labelled as a Maoist...it's basically poor tribals who are been exploited by a few people who want to grab power so that they can imposed their failed and flawed system on the rest of the country...even China where Maoism originated has turned to Capitalism and is now a Pseudo-communist state
The article was released last year... in fact the Maoist commanders are being hunt down and they're being screwed... nothing is growing
I know, I read that the Leader was arrested in Bihar a few days ago but that won't change anything. In fact, it will get worse because of retaliation.
I have been to almost all parts of India but I have still not come face to face with a Maoist...the maoist threat is truly exaggerated...everyone or anyone is labelled as a Maoist...it's basically poor tribals who are been exploited by a few people who want to grab power so that they can imposed their failed and flawed system on the rest of the country...even China where Maoism originated has turned to Capitalism and is now a Pseudo-communist state
I've been to a lot of parts of Pakistan and I haven't come across a single taliban, You think they are walking around with labels on their foreheads?
It's true that Maoist are in large numbers in India but they are not increasing now they are decreasing now
Why oh why would any human being with an IQ level above a 12 year old, EVER embrace the ideas of the most brutal savage in all of human history? :cuckoo:

Mao's legacy
Mate most of them are poor illiterate tribals who are being brainwashed by the Commies into joining this futile movement.The ultimate aim of these commies is to overthrow the Indian Republic and establish a one-party state like in China.But the only problem is that these commies don't have a large support base other than among the tribals in the states of Chattisgarh,Odhisa and Jharkhand,they never had the support of the urban population.Heck you'll be surprised to know that these scums prefer to live deep inside the dense forests of Central India in the state of Chattisgarh where they have set up their headquarter at a place called Abujhmard.Their movement is getting weaker by the each passing day due to the constant crackdown by the Indian police and paramilitary forces and if everything goes according to the plan then we'll wipe off these scums within the next 5 years.....:coffee:
may be Pak Govt. don't want to get in that kind of stuff or they were waiting for the right time but China can be the main player in support of that insurgency Pak can play supporting role as its very far from our borders.

The Pakistani government has its plate full and I really don't believe that they want another rabid dog on their chain. As for China, that government isn't as reckless as your government used to be. They know better than to engage proxies. They do seem to have the balls to take on anybody in the neighborhood one on one instead of paying proxies to do their dirty deeds. The Maoists movement of India also known as the Naxals are really a dying force. As industrialization reaches their part of India (which is gradually happening), they are losing support and are becoming nothing more than a bunch or rag-tag bandits. India has a police unit handling them unlike Pakistan which has to put its military into operations against the TTP and BLA. That must surely be a clear indicator on how serious India considers this "Maoist threat" to be
Agreed because it will also balance the situation in the region as India is trying to become big power and have intentions in meddling in others matters.

no reason is..it will force india to take off his eyes from Afghanistan and rather focus inside their country...as a result the Baluchistan insurgency will be diminished plus it is a good way to contain india within its own boundaries..
no reason is..it will force india to take off his eyes from Afghanistan and rather focus inside their country...as a result the Baluchistan insurgency will be diminished plus it is a good way to contain india within its own boundaries..

We were having moist issues for last 40 years or so..... and we are fighting it internally..... Even after that baluchistan insurgency is alive, then one need to look at the hypothesis of Indian involvement in baluchistan and make necessary correction.....
no reason is..it will force india to take off his eyes from Afghanistan and rather focus inside their country...as a result the Baluchistan insurgency will be diminished plus it is a good way to contain india within its own boundaries..
India is not doing anything in Belochistan. That's the damn truth. It's more of US and Britain (you know what I meant) conspiracy.
They probably already are just like India is exploiting the 'war on terror'
may be Pak Govt. don't want to get in that kind of stuff or they were waiting for the right time but China can be the main player in support of that insurgency Pak can play supporting role as its very far from our borders.

if wishes were horses.....
I've been to a lot of parts of Pakistan and I haven't come across a single taliban, You think they are walking around with labels on their foreheads?
The Maoist is not a force to reckon with...the Taliban has got better weaponry and tactics than the Maoist...they don't fight conventionally and are low in fighting numbers..all they can do is explode a low intensity blast and ambush convoys...and then run away...they don't have the tactics, weapons and forces to fight conventionally like the taliban.
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