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Indian Budget 2016-17 .. Main Thread ..

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Jan 5, 2014
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Indian Budget Thread ..

Pls post all the links, data, highlights, analysis.. Pls feel free to contribute

Source is
Ministry of finance https://twitter.com/FinMinIndia
Press Information Bureau https://twitter.com/PIB_India

Various Media channels

The introductory slide

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One of the points which i found interesting was " Every new scheme to have sunset date and a out come review"

Then why only stop at new schemes? Why not old schemes too, if not the sunset date, at east out come review is needed....
Whats the use of announcing high amount in budget & armed forces are not utilising it completly.
I am happy with the budget.
The points which i liked the most is....
1. All schemes will have target dates, deadlines and will be followed up with a report showing how much went to poor and how much went to local politicians, their cronies and local govt bureaucratic machinery.
2. Focus on Farmers is very good. BJP should take PM's Faisal Bijma Yojana in all villages, encourage villagers.
3. Focus on SC/ST entrepreneurship
4. Focus on social sector is also good.
5. Bringing a bill to link Aadhar with every scheme, very good. Same happens in all western nation. Sets a national data bank and easy monitoring.

As long as they monitor and show results on ground, its not bad.

I am seeing Times Now, seeing very positive ratings from so called experts.
WTF!!!! jatly forgot #Defense Budget or what?
Exactly! It's surprising that the Defence budget wasn't mentioned at all!

And he's screwed the salaried class! With the 7th pay commission, one will have to pay tax through his nose.
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I agree IA is wasting money becuz of criminal negligence
Please don't talk through your hat. It's not the IA which is at fault but the bureaucrats in the MoD who are stalling acquisitions and delaying projects in spite of the repeated pleas by the IA to expedite.
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