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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

H I'm

Nah I'm from Mian channu and heard two explosion first one was small
the small explosion could be the brahmos getting intercepted at 40k feet, the second one was the brahmos falling on the ground and exploding. It is clear that the piece of junk was intercepted. We need to retaliate.
are we going to react this time?
Are we missing ex DGISPR?
Are we surprised?
Kiya harami Kapein taang rahein hein?
forget a reply

mian channu is less than 70km away from Rafique Air Base. It is clear that the missile was headed towards the Air Base but got intercepted. indian establishment was probably not counting on their chuper chonic brahmos getting intercepted but it did. There were social media claims that people hear not one but TWO explosions. 1 being the interception and the 2nd being the doomed cruj mijjile crashing.
one was explosion and the other was sonic boom.
No interception happened
Maybe nothing covering that sector. We’re assuming there were surface to air systems covering that area that could engage it but if there wasn’t anything there the only thing they could do was watch it do whatever.

So it confirms there are blind spots in our air defense network.
Zaid Hamid

8. Pakistan's entire nuclear response doctrine was put to test last night....& it failed.
Indians deliberately deceived Pakistan's air controllers by sending the missile south first, then suddenly changing its course into Pak.
Their "nuclear" attack was successful.

9.Next time, Indians will launch a cruise missile with a real warhead.....now they have all the required information about Pakistan's capabilities & will to respond.. The way this grave act of war is being downplayed in Islamabad & GHQ is unbelievable even for the Indians.

Agreed with his both point at some level... first Submarine and now Brahmos... hamnay darasal force cheezain "Evaluate" karnay kiliye rakhe hoi hain WTF phus thus Bajwa and ISPR

This is a critical analysis and we have to wake-up.

Not realising the gravity of situation, the dogs and bone contests is underway by the political 'K@NJ@RS' of Pakistan, though Pakistanis think they are their leaders and saviours.
This 'K@NJ@RS' democracy to be wrapped-up.
The DGISPR confirmed that a technical response based on the SOP was conducted. They must have plans in place based on scenarios. This was a single brahmose flying high entering our territory. We really don’t know if we shot it down or not but we do know 3 things

1) brahmose goes down to 2000 feet before strike, this was flying at 40 k and just fell out of the sky

2) this did not have a warhead as the Carter and wreckage would not be in such an intact shape. It’s chips and electronics were recovered giving us a significant insight into the design and flight control capability for free

3) the airforce might have shot it down if it got nearer the air base but this seems to have dropped in the middle of nowhere


We should conduct test of all our cruise, ALCM , short range and Lonny range strategic Systems to explain how properties testing is done

None of these explains the slackness practiced. If they saw it, tracked it, then they should have shot it. It's that simple. Why they let it land regardless of whether it was planned or deviated midair? That's my concern.
It's complacency combined with incompetence.

I won't claim to have any inside info at the moment, but I do not believe we have any air defence systems specific to this sort of threat in that specific region. Happy to be corrected though.

Moreover, even if we did, I do not think that once the track has been identified as not being an aircraft would be intercepted by those systems within that region. Ofcourse, other air defence activities would have been put in motion though.

This whole episode is intersting though. I am not familiar with navigational systems and such, but I have read that GLONASS is being messed up with...so who knows? Maybe it was a guiance error?

Or maybe it was an attempt to judge our anti-missile capabilities...if it was, then at least they have no clue whether we do have such a system or not because we didn't shoot it down!
one was explosion and the other was sonic boom.
No interception happened
sonic boom of what? brahmos was already super sonic since it was in the injun air space. it was intercepted, that much is clear. ISPR is being silent about the interception.
We the internet warriors and arm chair Generals can melt our keyboards all we want.... Until the press conference the warfare experts on PDF couldn’t even determine if it was a Drone or drop tank or drunk superman had crashed into mother earth.
Now the source of the incident has been revealed by those that matter so let us not wash the soap before hands and just wait to see how this pans out.
the term internet warrior is applied to almost everyone who raises questions that needs to be answered. by no mean i m and most of us here are military experts but that should not deprive us to ask and question the capability of a state institution that is solely responsible for the security of the state.
just thought, if this had been done by Pakistan, all of the west , usa and india would have labeled this an act of war, and sanctions would have been on the way by now.
Zaid Hamid

8. Pakistan's entire nuclear response doctrine was put to test last night....& it failed.
Indians deliberately deceived Pakistan's air controllers by sending the missile south first, then suddenly changing its course into Pak.
Their "nuclear" attack was successful.

9.Next time, Indians will launch a cruise missile with a real warhead.....now they have all the required information about Pakistan's capabilities & will to respond.. The way this grave act of war is being downplayed in Islamabad & GHQ is unbelievable even for the Indians.

Agreed with his both point at some level... first Submarine and now Brahmos... hamnay darasal force cheezain "Evaluate" karnay kiliye rakhe hoi hain WTF phus thus Bajwa and ISPR
If it was up to him Pakistan would have launched a nuclear warhead in return.
However, the object could have been shot down if the capability existed but it seems there was both a delay of response and lack of capability in play here.
Nobody heard about it. It is purely a Pakistani sensation.
It would be very odd to acknowledge that a Brahmos missle impacted in Pakistan - whatever the reason may be.

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