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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

Zaid Hamid

8. Pakistan's entire nuclear response doctrine was put to test last night....& it failed.
Indians deliberately deceived Pakistan's air controllers by sending the missile south first, then suddenly changing its course into Pak.
Their "nuclear" attack was successful.

9.Next time, Indians will launch a cruise missile with a real warhead.....now they have all the required information about Pakistan's capabilities & will to respond.. The way this grave act of war is being downplayed in Islamabad & GHQ is unbelievable even for the Indians.

Agreed with his both point at some level... first Submarine and now Brahmos... hamnay darasal force cheezain "Evaluate" karnay kiliye rakhe hoi hain WTF phus thus Bajwa and ISPR
We were reporting this as uav or trainer crash previously, and now we are calling it a missle.

The delay in news and information suggest something is at play here. ISPR is spilling some bs.
Except The Hindu I did not find any mention of the incident of main stream Indian media. @Joe Shearer are they ignoring it or to busy in elections
ISPR should have added at the end that now be ready fir our surprise

Indians ki tabgay kaamp jati
This time he left it and shows we are not responding at all
completely different dynamics here. if it was tracked and visualized not being an aircraft what it was supposed to be? an apple pie? and in general you are agreeing that if these things happen in future it would not be a worry for our security.
i consider this an act of lunacy by our neighboring pajeets army.
We the internet warriors and arm chair Generals can melt our keyboards all we want.... Until the press conference the warfare experts on PDF couldn’t even determine if it was a Drone or drop tank or drunk superman had crashed into mother earth.
Now the source of the incident has been revealed by those that matter so let us not wash the soap before hands and just wait to see how this pans out.
All agreed, but given the conventional disparity, shouldn't at least the notion of nuclear deterrence be upheld at all costs?
Nuclear deterrence was never compromised and Pakistan can tell when India decides to move a warhead to mate it with a missile(they haven’t been successful as such with Brahmos warheads so far as I know). But in terms of conflicts in general the focus is to keep it de escalated

Noticed that no one else pick on this...

Penny for your thoughts @SQ8 @iLION12345_1 @The Eagle @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Probably because the bias kicked in due to the news titles.
Look I don't think it came to Pak territory intentionally but even if it did do you think maybe creating a lot of fuss about it would play right into Indian hands. We have to be smart about these things and not give a lame tit of tat response. Heightened tensions is not something we want at the moment. And I think 27 Feb response gives a very clear picture to Indians on what will happen on intentional misadventure.
we should have taken it down that is what I am saying. it's been more than 24hours now India has fired a missile without explanation into Pakistan's territory, it is an act of WAR under international laws.
We the internet warriors and arm chair Generals can melt our keyboards all we want.... Until the press conference the warfare experts on PDF couldn’t even determine if it was a Drone or drop tank or drunk superman had crashed into mother earth.
Now the source of the incident has been revealed by those that matter so let us not wash the soap before hands and just wait to see how this pans out.

Seriously what is the course you think Pakistan Govt. and Armed Force will take?
None of these explains the slackness practiced. If they saw it, tracked it, then they should have shot it. It's that simple. Why they let it land regardless of whether it was planned or deviated midair? That's my concern.
It's complacency combined with incompetence.
Maybe nothing covering that sector. We’re assuming there were surface to air systems covering that area that could engage it but if there wasn’t anything there the only thing they could do was watch it do whatever.
So shud we now fire a dud into India....

I can guarantee that it will pass through their air defence as well

Guys need to think logically...
Flying Supersonic Object with Mach 2.5 - 3
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