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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

It was SHOT down. Listen and read properly.
He clarified together with PAF AD officer that it crashed itself (possibly because ran out of fuel). That's at least the official statement.
Very alarming, modi is pushing the region closer and closer to war. I hope Pakistanis wake up and realise Indians are enemies and should be treated with caution rather than affection.
Pakistanis need to be prepared.
Looks like our armed forces only going to intercept if it’s going to any sensitive areas

Otherwise keep monitoring , not a very healthy explanation I must say

Civilian lives are put in danger

How and why they allowed to stay in air for 3 mins and didn’t launch anything in response?

They were monitoring it inside india as soon as it coming towards border we should have scrambled jets to intercept it
No it wasn't. Watch the press conference.
Director General Public Relations Pakistan Air Force, Air Vice Marshal Tariq Zia:
“During our routine surveillance, yesterday on the 9th of March, at 1843 hours we picked up a high speed object, close to Sirsa (India), picked up 104 kilometres from the International Border at around 40,000 feet, travelling at Mach 2.5 to ultimately Mach 3. The initial course of this projectile was on southwesterly heading, and it appeared to initially go towards the Mahajin field firing ranges which are in southwest of suratgarh, however once it had travelled around 70-80 kilometres on this heading, it took a right track change, While maintaining the same altitude and speeds, and started to head northwest towards Pakistani airspace. Pakistan Air Force’s air defence systems had a solid and continuous tracking of this projectile, right from its first pickup till it faded out.”
For starters, Indians will never admit that their missile went rogue, nor will they admit it was a Balakot 2.0.They will just keep quiet and let it slide. I believe this was deliberate and aimed to score a propaganda victory only. Bhakts will go gaga, it's kind of their day today. None of the fallout, all of the fun.

And Pakistan should not let the Indians of the hook that easy - they should not be able to just let it slide

If the Indian side does not reply then the site from where the missile was launched should be destroyed

1) Indian supersonic missile went retard mid-flight due to some engineering feat achieved by Indian engineers.
2) India wanted to gauge Pakistani air defence operational readiness.

Discussing point one above, I don't think that a retarded cruise missile can change the course in such a fashion. Retarded missiles are usually programmed to self-destruct, rather than flying full speed towards the West.

Discussing point two, This seems to be the only plausible explanation for me at least. The way the missile changed its course in Indian territory, has to be deliberate. I think the missile flew south in India, because it was trying to evade Pakistani AWACS, or combat air patrols. When the missile found a weak spot, it made a clear turn into Pakistani territory and was either shot down, or ran out of fuel. But we must see that the crater made by the missile was very big, so the cruise missile must have still a lot of fuel left in it. So the chances that it was shot down by some point defence are high.

On the contrary, if the alleged missile is the Brahmos cruise missile, with an operational range of 290KMs, I think that the missile most probably ran out of fuel, and was not actually shot down. Note: the path of the missile shows an approximate range of 300Km.

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Air defence caught with the pants down again. Shoot anything down on first sight if they violate international border. Fancy words of saying we don't have an air defence capability.
At 40,000 feet, even though that is high, the PAF doesn’t want to mistakenly shoot down an airliner, as the Indian tried to trick Pakistan into doing a few years ago.
Two possibilities:
1. Indian duds are threatening peace in region. Their engineers can't even guide their missiles properly like on Feb 27 when spice was dropped by their pilots without detonation.
2. Testing PAF's new AD system and response time.

Whatever the case, there's something cooking.
Air defence caught with the pants down again. Shoot anything down on first sight if they violate international border. Fancy words of saying we don't have an air defence capability.
1. its not wartime. no one was expecting this to happen, besides, even if something had been launched at it, nothing would have happened other than loosing a perfectly good SAM.
2. the air defense systems do not engage any and all targets that they can get their hands on, they only select and kill important targets i.e., targets that can cause a lot of strategic or tactical harm. this obviously wasnt a threat.
3. if the indians were indeed probing our defenses, then they arent stupid either, they would have selected a patch with lesser defense coverage, with a high chance of successful penetration.
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