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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

Their immaturity and lack of mental capacity is turning it into a Russian roulette madness.
I think we need to take a policy of permanently disallowing all flights to any air traffic coming from the indian side. they will loose money and so will other airlines across the world. they all will blame india and its brahmos debacle.
just ask yourself one simple question, would india risk looking like. total fool by providing Pakistan an opportunity to say that they DID shoot it down? Let's just for a minute take what the ISPR said at face value that they did not shoot it down and rewind back to march 9th when the missile was about to be launched. what would be going through the minds of the indian planners when picking a target? do you honestly think that would as so stupid to pick a uninhabited region of mian chunno to just crash their missile? don't you think someone in their higher command or the government would've said that "saar ji, if vee crash our mijjile in mian chunnu then vaat if the Pakistanis claim that they shot it down, vee vud look like total chootias beecaj vee are chootias and the varld vud know vee are chootias"?! bear in mind, we've rewound to march 9th so they have no idea how the Pakistanis would react. they were obviously convinced that they would be tracked let alone intercepted otherwise they would've never risked a nuclear strike in spite of having s400s, a risk just not worth taking given that Pakistan could've AT LEAST launched against their forward airbases using NASRs missiles which would reach their targets before the s400s could do anything...they would not have taken this risk unless they were sure that brahmos could not be detected, they have even touted that the brahmos-ng (which this probably was since it was air launched) has a much smaller rcs so it is harder to detect let alone track.

Pakistan has intercepted it. the main target was the Rafique Airbase...I would urge you not to take what the ISPR said at face value. Pakistan isn't known for advertising its military capabilities; quite the opposite in fact. Pakistan is known for hiding its capabilities.

yaar kuch tau das do...its like, I'm the only one who is saying that we intercepted it, everyone else seems to be stuck in some sort of inferiority complex. maybe I shouldn't talk...
Hello I am not convinced with your theory. They are the same country who bombed trees just to get an idea of retaliation. they did it purposefully. Whether we destroyed it in mid air or not is another topic. Problem is that they have tested us. I believe they purposefully selected this building in mian chunnu. They wanted to send a message and second, they have shown to Pakistan that they now believe in first strike policy. This policy used to be our policy 20 years ago. No Notams,No communication, only action. Surprise is the biggest factor of first strike policy. India can't be trusted now.
Its not ridiculous to suggest that Indian trained and funded bengali insurgents killed during 1971 were not more then sikhs India killed or NE India killings which are still going on. The ridiculous thing would be to believe Pakistan killed 3 million bengalis in few months.
All Bullshit by the Bhania Propoganda brigade. You have seen their propoganda machinery after the 27 Feb. And secondly my dada abu Fought in 1971 with SSG and the Intercepts they have clearly states that Bengali from Indian side and Indian Commandos were Directly Involved in the terrorism two years before the war even started.
He use to tell us how the Indian Commandos and Their proxies use to shit in their Pants . On one of the intercepts their Bengali proxies refused to launch an attack sighting Pathan soldiers of SSG being stationed in that area.
"Shaab wo Pathan Hain Kal KO attack karain gay Kisi aur pay "
corrections: only one side defused the situation after getting buttraped. the other side was ready to squeeze and fondle some 56 inch boobies some more while...:azn:

This means that Indian nuclear delivery systems are in the hands of infested DRDO personnel.

No neighbouring country is safe due to insane psyche of these people.

On 18 February 2022, the plan was revealed in Lucknow and on 9 March 2022 it was executed. It appears DRDO is now being controlled by the famous extremist CM Yogi Adityanath.
Don't worry It will reach and fall in pakistan for sure.
Hello I am not convinced with your theory. They are the same country who bombed trees just to get an idea of retaliation. they did it purposefully. Whether we destroyed it in mid air or not is another topic. Problem is that they have tested us. I believe they purposefully selected this building in mian chunnu. They wanted to send a message and second, they have shown to Pakistan that they now believe in first strike policy. This policy used to be our policy 20 years ago. No Notams,No communication, only action. Surprise is the biggest factor of first strike policy. India can't be trusted now.
negative. there aim was actually not to bomb 3 trees, they actually aimed to bomb the madrassa in Balakot. but their pilots panicked and ran away after dropping their payload to loose weight. so that's not an accurate example. there is only one and only one reason why they would take such a risk and that is that they were 100 convinced that it would get detected because of its speed and low rcs. fatal overconfidence. I promise you, had the missile reached Rafique Airbase, modi himself would've announced that they attacked the PAF Airbase on the eve of the OIC summit and the indians godi media would've been having live rectal orgasms all over their channels and thumping their moobs about how brahmos could not be detected by any of the Pakistani radars. And THAT is why ISPR made it a point to show that not only did they detect it, they detected it from well within tht indian airspace. interception is something that they will not disclose for obvious reasons.
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Judges, WAPDA, RAILWAY, Journalists, King Edward, Formanites, State Life etc etc all have separate housing schemes, why are you after the housing of Defence persons ? This shows your hate and discrimination towards Army persons
CO of the elite Fighting forces who is Constantly in the Battle is getting 1 Lac + while the driver of the Governor state Bank is getting 2 lac + that's where the fault is.

Hindutva terrorists having a control of these high tech equipment is a cause of concern for the general moderate Indian Public.

just ask yourselves, does that REALLY look like a crater made by something traveling at speeds of over mach 3? no, it doesn't...a suzuki mehran that falls into a ditch at 50km/h makes a bigger crater than that! :lol:

it was shot down. Sleep tight friends, Pakistan's Armed Forces are awake. :pakistan:
Even if thats the case DG iSPR could have stayed mum regarding the questions of it falling or being brought down..Everybody understands some facts are not for public..but he was explicit that it fell!! ..
A missile travelling at Mach 3 speed and height of 40k ft, if intercepted by even a small sold tennis ball size object ...it would be disintegrated and from that height the the debris/wreckage would fall in very long diameter (10-50km). With this technicalities, it ensures that that Bramos missile was crashed or forced to land on that site (controlled crash) ...as all major components are still be seen on site and the impact site is very narrow and limited to single place .

All this suggest that there was no interception at all.

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Even if thats the case DG iSPR could have stayed mum regarding the questions of it falling or being brought down..Everybody understands some facts are not for public..but he was explicit that it fell!! ..
that too would've given indians the excuse to have rectal orgasms cuz then they would've claimed that they had attacked some "terrorist seminary" in Pakistan's mian chunnu area and showed off the social media pics. arnab goswiny would've brought Pakistani interviewers with nearly 0 volume while he'd be screaming through his bunghole shouting about india's "victorious" attack on ISI's "terror training camps", the western media circus would've soon followed with monotoned british reporter taking "anonymous interviews" of some face covered terrorist speaking with an altered voice speaking on conditions of "anonymity" about how he was trained as a terrorist by hafeez saeed right here in mian channu. you have to give credit to the Military Establishment, they have war gamed all eventualities.
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Key take aways:

1. In a nuclear environment trust is everything
2. Trust is not for anyone else but in self interest of the state itself, to ensure safety of its own citizens
3. In a conventional warfare surprise is everything
4. Surprise in a nuclear environment can destruct both countries to ground
5. India's irresponsible actions has put its own citizens at risk (obviously along all neighbouring ones), any subsequent missile may it be genuine mistake shall activate a full fledge nuclear response from Pakistan
6. Any mature country would use this opportunity to discuss & document nuclear escalation policies between both countries and ensure trust is maintained
7. If this incident is taken lightly, it would only increase distrust and move the region to chaos. At no one else's expense but the region's own.
How can Pakistan trust insane Hindutva regime? They believe in greater Baharat and will try to do anything to achieve their final goal. Possible use of nukes by these people is the harsh reality.

We cannot compare effect of nuclear deterrence during cold war between USSR , USA and its allies with the mindset of existing Hindutva regime. People like Modi and Yogi Adityanath cannot be trusted.

Pakistan must seriously consider neutralising the entire Indian nuclear assets in one go using "conventional" means as pre emptive measure.
How can Pakistan trust insane Hindutva regime? They believe in greater Baharat and will try to do anything to achieve their final goal. Possible use of nukes by these people is the harsh reality.

We cannot compare effect of nuclear deterrence during cold war between USSR , USA and its allies with the mindset of existing Hindutva regime. People like Modi and CM Yogi Adityanath cannot be trusted.

Pakistan must seriously consider neutralising the entire Indian nuclear assets in one go using "conventional" means as pre emptive measure.

Read my further response below. The nuclear option is like a suicide vest option. You can use it. But you won't survive it as well.
A missile travelling at Mach 3 speed and height of 40k ft, if intercepted by even a small sold tennis ball size object ...it would be disintegrated and from that height the the debris/wreckage would fall in very long diameter (10-50km). With this technicalities, it ensures that that Bramos missile was crashed or forced to land on that site (controlled crash) ...as all major components are still be seen on site and the impact site is very narrow. All this suggest that there was no interception at all.
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scuds that were shot down by patriot missile batteries also had a top speed of mach 4 and yet, they didn't just disintegrate. so your logic is flawed. furthermore, most of the major components are actually NOT there, brahmos is more than 8 meters long and yet, you barely see 2 meters worth of components with the air intake manifold looks pretty intact which indicates that it probably fell in a nonlinear manner, perhaps landing sideways. a missile reaching its target successfully goes in nose first which in the case of brahmos, would've destroyed the air intake manifold.

this thing was shot down. have some faith in your Armed Forces.
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