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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

Yea I am the one who is saying what IF it had hit a civilian airliner and I am the one who is saying what IF it had hit people on the ground. Do you even think before you write or do you write what reality you have created for yourself in your bubble. I mean most Indian's here have this unrealistic thinking but come to think of it people like them also exist in Pakistan (i mean you ... if you didn't get it .. just making sure)

I am not acting like a champion of humanity I am just acting human who cares a bit about other humans and their families I am sure you know nothing about that considering your earlier comments.

I have no problem with that if they actually talk about problem faced by women which they don't so I don't have to join them. I will definitely join if they would talk about real issues. I have no problem with women whatsoever but I am sure you have million issues. Don't worry equipment malfunctions happen in both Pakistan & India (I am actually talking about military equipment here :P). Come to think of it you only brought aurat march into this because you have nothing substantial to say just jibberish written with emo machoism while living in a bubble of a reality that does not exist.

Hey man you again started with if and buts. Did it hit any incoming passenger plane. Last time I checked it didn't so what randi ronna are you talking about ?

No that is the conclusion your twisted mind reached not something I said. There is a difference when you assume stuff other people haven't said .. that is how most conflicts have started if you read history. If it had been a threat I am sure appropriate response from the actual guys who defend us would have been taken. I have heard they know more about it than you & me but I could be mistaken :P

My sincere advice to you do think a bit before giving a reply, just giving a reply for the sake of reply represents a single minded individual who can't think outside of its comfort zone. I don't think intellectually you can give a good argument in your current state so maybe start listening to other people and read a bit .. try to gauge pros and cons of different scenarios .. maybe read a book or two and then give a reply after thinking really really hard.

And if you still cant keep your emo honor in control and its just bubbling out and you really want to hit someone or something because a lone Indian stick came into Pakistan then I have mentioned the cure in this thread before ... go in front of a mirror look deeply into your eyes and slap yourself couple of times really hard. All those bubbling emotions will go back inside until the next incident.

And don't sully this forum by posting directed personal insults.

Wow i didnt know u r a drama queen lolz, maybe aurat march is the place for u and not a defence forum.
Trying to divert every aspect of the discussion, so mainly u had no point and just spitting in the air? Lolz you still didnt answer my question and wrote half a page of jiberish, u must be jobless to have such a time, im sure u took good 30 mins to think how to twist ur way out. Anyways yeah am stone hearted who puts the state above individuals and ur a cuddly panda, happy? Now thank u and dnt waste my time further in a futile discussion. I have no doubt that u could drag me to ur level and beat me with experience. Take care
Are you the more fun version of Mastaan Khan?? Same pfp lol

Possibility of employment of supersonic and hypersonic vehicles (missiles and projectiles) loaded with nuclear warheads as "pre-emptive nuclear strike" by India cannot be ruled out.

However, preparing and positioning such lethal arsenal require "secure" logistics operation.

This incident was never a "technical mistake". Lack of Indian markings on the wreckage clearly points out that it was a deliberate "mistake" to check our counter response. Unfortunately we did not to respond. Why?

Similar incident with nuclear warhead is a possible unfortunate reality.

Pakistan should have eyes and ears on logistics movement of Indian Nuclear assets.

Ample warning time before launch may provide enough response time for possible neutralisation of the threat and for preparation of counter strike as our response.

It is high time for Pakistan to revise its nuclear doctrine in view of ruling Indian Hindutva regime and their nuclear capable supersonic and hypersonic (missiles and projectiles) assets.

Furthermore, provision of nuclear shelters in all major cities should be planned and executed on emergency basis.

Civilians and para-medical staff must be trained and briefed to handle such unfortunate event.

Pakistan Armed forces may consider pre-emptive conventional surgical strike on all possible locations of Indian Nuclear assets.
Wow i didnt know u r a drama queen lolz, maybe aurat march is the place for u and not a defence forum.
Trying to divert every aspect of the discussion, so mainly u had no point and just spitting in the air? Lolz you still didnt answer my question and wrote half a page of jiberish, u must be jobless to have such a time, im sure u took good 30 mins to think how to twist ur way out. Anyways yeah am stone hearted who puts the state above individuals and ur a cuddly panda, happy? Now thank u and dnt waste my time further in a futile discussion. I have no doubt that u could drag me to ur level and beat me with experience. Take care
tch tch tch ... assumptions assumptions ... it didn't took me 30 mins (would probably take you 3 days to come up with a logical reply) so don't worry. Also don't worry about my job I do ok but always trying to improve.

You are right I am pretty sure I can't uplift you to my level but I will take it with my thanks that you have no more illogical stuff left to say. Good luck and start thinking critically and not with teenage emotions.

PS : Go through previous posts and see who started these personal directed attacks .. that would tell you who tried spitting in the air :P
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India fires Brahmos into Pakistan to test response time
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Go listen to NSA Moeed’s press conference on this topic before criticizing. You have very shallow understanding of Pakistan
I saw his tweets. I am sorry but he comes very immature similar to Imran. In every issue bohot bring Hindituva and RSS. Very childish.

India fires Brahmos into Pakistan to test response time
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On what basis a accident become act of war. How come there is an act of war with no intent to harm. Makes zero sense. The missile was unarmed.
It's like getting into an All-White Texan pool bar shouting out an offensive anti-Trump slogan to gauge their response time....

And, the Indians complain why they aren't a part of AUKUS......
Well the topic is of Brahmos fired into Pakistan territory.
So if Mexicans dared to fire a missile into Texas than all HELL would break loose & the U.S. would unleash the power into Mexico.
Well the topic is of Brahmos fired into Pakistan territory.
So if Mexicans dared to fire a missile into Texas than all HELL would break loose & the U.S. would unleash the power into Mexico.
And, Pak has aptly put it down while meticulously tracing its flight path. Another unknown factor is gone....
India fires Brahmos into Pakistan to test response time
6 min response time

Response time is not 6 minutes.it was only put down when it reached the range of deployed air defence .
Well I had to produce a video with ISPR data made for the public domain.
India fires Brahmos into Pakistan to test response time
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India fires a missile to test Pakistan's response time? Really? 1 missile? Unarmed? And wouldn't firing a missile into Pakistan be a considered an act of war? Which means raising the alertness of its armed forces and possible retaliation?

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