It is a collection of photographs.One photograph is missisng i.e. Indo Tibetan border Police. The above photos shows that they could be the guardians of indian borders. Please collect the stories of their performance on indian borders and bordering areas. It would be surprising for you that the above decorated border force is always fall pray to Maoist Rebels. They are unable to stop infiltration as per Indian Government cries. Indian always blames Pakistanis causing border infiltrations. When there is a heavy border force how this infiltration is possible and if it so then we can say the falls cries are raised blaming border infiltrations.
Pakistan also possess border forces and they are named as valours and they never allow any human being to infiltrate into the Pak areas and it is evident from the fact that Pakistan government never blamed indians for any infiltrations from Indo Pak borders.
It is better for India to restructure border forces to stop infiltrations and to fight maoist rebels.Stop alleging border infiltrations.