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Indian Bollywood Propaganda targeting Muslims and malicious attack on H Umar RA

Well if you are fine with your countrymen serving alleged rapists then good. Looks like part of 5000 years old culture

As for the content of the trailer. Some might have happened but far worse has happened to Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir and keeps on happening. So till we get justice for that no time for these exaggerated stories about KPs
Let's not go to cultures. I will also quote some stuff as disgusting as pedophilia and you will struggle to defend it. That's why I say, we must remain respectful.

Back to topic , events dont have significance only in their numbers but in what they set rolling. Murders and rapes of Kashmiri Pandits precipitated the current situation.
Thank you for bringing this in notice. Wouldn’t have found out about it otherwise. Its good to see some sane voices from within the community rising. More power to them.
At the same time over 40K Kashmiris were killed.

But....."what about the Kashmiri Pandits"
After writing "what about Kashmiri Pandits", the Sanghi Soorma went out to beat a Dalit black and blue for drinking from the same well...
You can refer to the Mard ae Momin websites for more accurate details of the age of the concerned child. I know you won't be disappointed.

I know myself very well. After all i follow something global and not a local dogma that is limited to two to three third world countries
I know myself very well. After all i follow something global and not a local dogma that is limited to two to three third world countries
Even then I don't go on insulting other cultures and provoking others. Time to question your adherence towards a superior belief system.
Even then I don't go on insulting other cultures and provoking others. Time to question your adherence towards a superior belief system.

It makes sense you don't go around insulting other cultures when you are following a local dogma that nobody cares about
We don't have pedophiles or defend them. Yeah i have seen certain monkey worshippers coming with some pedophile stories to mock Muslims but then that is what we expect from monkey worshippers. Culture you know

As for KP. Nope not interested in their exaggerated stories. We know status of KP is not more than propoganda tools for oppressor. Not interested further than that in these tools
You are doing it wrong.

What happened to the Pandits was their own doing. They ill treated Muslims for centuries and oppressed them. Even then, they were given notice to leave with their belongings and money. This luxury of a safe passage was never given to Muslims of Jammu or Punjab during the partition.

Just think, when the entire Valley saw the light of Islam, a few Brahmins stuck to their false ways. Why? Because they are cursed, that's why. Spare not a thought for them.

There cheap attack make sense

If there would have been Umar bin Khattab (RZ) today then these Gau mutra fan boys would have lost Delhi too along with Kashmir

Delhi would have been a bonus in the package.
Delhi now packs massive firepower. You will never have the potential to threaten us again.
Hi. The blame for the suffering of all civilians in Kashmir lies squarely at the feet of the hindutva government and the government of Hari Singh at the time of partition. Their poor decision making, targeting of civilians, Human shielding, and propagation of communal frictions has brought all of us to this point. Read up on the Jammu massacre if you wish to learn about the actual timeline of events in J&K.

Hope you're not related to the dogras...
You have a valid point.
But if we are going into the past, then we may have to start with the various invasions of India. The bad blood started with those.
At the same time over 40K Kashmiris were killed.

But....."what about the Kashmiri Pandits"
What happened to the Pandits was well deserved.

You can't expect to be treated with love and respect when you assist the oppressor within.
It makes sense you don't go around insulting other cultures when you are following a local dogma that nobody cares about
You seem to care a lot. Getting all worked up and insulting Hindus. If am not wrong you were banned for being a bigot for some time. Need to take a chill pill Mard ae Momin.
You are doing it wrong.

What happened to the Pandits was their own doing. They ill treated Muslims for centuries and oppressed them. Even then, they were given notice to leave with their belongings and money. This luxury of a safe passage was never given to Muslims of Jammu or Punjab during the partition.

Just think, when the entire Valley saw the light of Islam, a few Brahmins stuck to their false ways. Why? Because they are cursed, that's why. Spare not a thought for them.


Yeah but in most cases the stories of their plight is mostly exaggerated

That's what I was saying

You seem to care a lot. Getting all worked up and insulting Hindus. If am not wrong you were banned for being a bigot for some time. Need to take a chill pill Mard ae Momin.

You don't need to worry about why I was banned

Just take chill pill and move on

Delhi now packs massive firepower. You will never have the potential to threaten us again.

Well so did Iranians and byzantine empires had massive power

We don't work by looking at opponent power
Delhi now packs massive firepower. You will never have the potential to threaten us again.

You have a valid point.
But if we are going into the past, then we may have to start with the various invasions of India. The bad blood started with those.
Oh yes of course...

Because the Hindu chieftains and city state rulers were living in beautiful peace and harmony with each other and all their subjects were happy and free under their priest-led hierarchical fiefdoms. The horrid Muslims came and ruined their perfect equilibrium.

Shall we even go further back before those pesky Muslims ruined everything? The IVC was ravaged by the Caucasian nomad warriors who then settled and gave rise to the northern gangetic empires that predated Islam. Should the sons of the Indus not demand vengeance upon the northern gangetics who are the children of those who traumatised the IVC?
Good movie, I will definitely watch it
Will you watch a movie that is made on Jammu massacre?

The killing fields of Jammu: How Muslims become a minority in the region

Hindus, Hindutva etc. you can understand them spreading their dirty and malicious propaganda, but the trailer also gives a name "Waseem Rizvi". I hope this is not what it seems and wouldn't cause the problems among the Indian Muslims.
But the attack on H Umer RA in particular could not be a coincidence. Lets hope, it is not what it looks like.
Waseem Rizvi is Shia and a lapdog of RSS. He is from UP and got his share of bones from Ajay Bisht, the CM of Uttar Pradesh. What do you expect from him? It is quite natural for him to bark against Sunnis and their beliefs. Poor fella doesn't understand that these kind of propaganda movies will also harm the Shia equally because Hindutva doesn't see much of a difference between a shia and a sunni...

his daily dope of anti-Muslim propaganda.
And sexual violence... ofcourse!!

Their kind is willing to pay for this...

Rape Videos Being Sold in Uttar Pradesh From Rs. 50
A dark trade: Rape videos for sale in India
Why not Pakistan make movie on life of Hazrat Umar r.a.
I have heard good examples of his rule, which was full of wisdom, justice, bravery and conquests.
Years ago, i read in school Islamiyat book that Mohammad pbuh prayed to Allah for change of Umar's heart! I guess they don't teach such history any more in Pakistan.
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