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Indian atrocities & War Crimes in Kashmir, Ban of Freedom of Speech and Rise of Kashmir Freedom

Democracy provides one with a right to protest 'peacefully', violent protests are cracked down with an iron fist be it in the valley or any other part of the country. Armed struggle is futile no "so called" freedom is coming Kashmir's way, local politicians and citizens of the valley need to work together so that peace can return back to valley along with Pandits.
UN experts urge India to release rights activist in Kashmir

The U.N. experts said in a statement issued in Geneva that they have received allegations that the law is often used to target human rights defenders. Parvez is the coordinator of the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society and chairman of the Philippine-based Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances.

“His continued detention following his arrest just a few days before his participation in the U.N. Human Rights Council suggests a deliberate attempt to obstruct his legitimate human rights activism,” said the statement, issued by the U.N. Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances and several U.N. special rapporteurs.


“Reports are pouring in that senior leader and Chairman JKLF Mohammad Yasin Malik, who is under detention since several months, is ailing,” the statement said, “We urge upon the administration to consider his immediate release, so that he can get an opportunity for better treatment.”


Two Kashmiri doctors describe treating pellet injuries and share their fears for the future of their patients.

The Indian government considers pellet guns to be non-lethal weapons, but at least 10 people have been reportedly killed since July. Human rights activists have called for the weapon to be banned, alleging they have "neither been used proportionally nor in compliance with international standards on the use of force or domestic standards on crowd control".

Amnesty International India has described them as "inherently inaccurate and indiscriminate" and said they have "no place in law enforcement".

Mohammad Amin Magray, uncle of 17-year-old Javaid Ahmad Magray, who was killed in April 2003 by security force personnel, told Amnesty International India, “If the Army knew they would be charged, and will have to go to court and be prosecuted, they will think ten times before they pull their triggers on an innocent…The AFSPA is a like a blank cheque from the government of India to kill innocents like my nephew”.

“By not addressing human rights violations committed by security force personnel in the name of national security, India has not only failed to uphold its international obligations, but has also failed its own Constitution,” said Minar Pimple.

July 1, 2015

"Till now, not a single member of the security forces deployed in the state has been tried for human rights violations in a civilian court. This lack of accountability has in turn facilitated other serious abuses."
This letter by senior Journalist and Editor of Chothi Dunya Santosh Bhartiya who recently visited #Kashmir is an eye opener and could be used as primer by Indian journalists who shut their eyes in understanding the situation. He wrote it to PM Modi and told him "The land of Kashmir is with us but people of Kashmir are not with us".

Dearest Modiji:
This is the truth about Kashmir
"The land of Kashmir is with us but the people of Kashmir are not with us".

A Kashmiri who do not holds a stone in hand, keeps the stone in his heart.
Senior Journalist: Santosh Bhartiya

Are there human rights violations in Kashmir? Yes. Is the Indian State and Army responsible for these violations? Yes. Are most Indians aware of what the average Kashmiri goes through? No.

But for the Pakistani posters who seem to genuinely care for the Kashmiris -

1. Why did you send these Mujahideen after the Afghan War in the first place?
2. Where were your sensibilities when overnight Kashmiri Pandits were thrown out of the valley and became refugees in their own country?
3. How come things were relatively peaceful from 1947-1989?

Come to think of it - even in the 1965 war - it was the local Kashmiris who informed the Indian forces of Operation Gibraltar and Grand Slam.

If Punjab and Bengal could have been divided - so could Kashmir. And people would have been free to move on either side like they did before 1965.

I don't know whether it was to satisfy your ego or you thought that you alone defeated the mighty Soviet Union in Afghanistan, so defeating India would be a cakewalk - either way your leaders pretty much set the Kashmir Valley alight. I know India could have handled it better - the political leadership is weak and they pretty much outsourced the problem to the Army - and the Army in any civilian area is going to end up committing human rights violations because that's just how it pans out - whether it is Abu Gharib, East Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam - wherever.

You had your own country - you were developing faster than India, you were in the right camp during the Cold War, you were the link between Nixon and Mao - and look at the state of your nation now. No one in the international forums believes you and besides China pretty much every country admonishes you.

If you genuinely care for Kashmir - give full freedom to the part of Kashmir under your control - shepherd them into United Nations as an independent, sovereign nation and then put diplomatic pressure on India on Kashmir. Till then, even if your feelings for Kashmiris are genuine, they do smack of hypocrisy.
A Kashmiri who do not holds a stone in hand, keeps the stone in his heart.


This is why the mere stones hurts the occupational forces that these stones are armed with Kashmiri blood.
2400 FIRs, 10,000 arrests in 113 days of unrest

The data accessed by Greater Kashmir reveals that in south Kashmir districts of Anantnag, Pulwama, Kulgam and Shopian 717 incidents of stone pelting, clashes and protests have taken place.

Srinagar | Posted : Oct 30 2016 12:56AM | Updated: Oct 30 2016 12:28AM


Representational Pic

In last 113 days of unrest in Kashmir about 2400 FIRs have been registered and above 10,000 people arrested, according to police data. Among them, about 1500 persons are still in police stations and jails, the rest have been released on bail.

The arrests, according to the data, have been made in all districts of Kashmir.

During the ongoing unrest, more than 2240 incidents of clashes and protests have taken place.

The data accessed by Greater Kashmir reveals that in south Kashmir districts of Anantnag, Pulwama, Kulgam and Shopian 717 incidents of stone pelting, clashes and protests have taken place.

In central Kashmir districts of Srinagar, Budgam and Ganderbal, data reveals that 809 incidents of stone throwing, protests and clashes have taken place.

According to the data in north Kashmir districts of Kupwara, Baramulla and Bandipora 712 such incidents have taken place.

The data further reveals that from July 8 to July 17, the intensity of protests was very high. During these days, 480 violent incidents of protests, clashes have taken place.

Fridays have also witnessed heavy number of violent incidents. The data reveals that 745 incidents of protests, clashes and pelting have taken place on Fridays. The police data also reveals that during 113 days 67 militancy related incidents have also taken place in Kashmir.

The data reveals that 52 structures were totally damaged in while 44 were partially gutted.

“Hunt to arrest those involved in stone throwing and street protests will continue,” said a senior police officer.

Pertinently, residents in most parts of Kashmir say that night raids by police have forced youth to go into hiding. The night raids are being conducted jointly by the police and paramilitary forces, almost daily, in south, central and north Kashmir, evoking stiff resistance from people.
Kashmir is taken hostage by Islamic extremist. This is very similar to Iraq and Syria where a minority within majority takes entire/city or state hostage to their views. In Kashmir people are not allowed to have a different view or practice freely their religion. People want to open shops in valley but are threatened. They want to send their kids to school but not allowed. A lot of them have moved their kids to Jammu for studies. Which goes to prove that they are been hostages against their will. You know how Islamist extremists run the show anyone who disagree or differs are tourchered or killed.
Over 1240 children among 9000 injured in state crackdown on J&K protesters: Official data

November 11, 2016, 9:31 am

As many as 1,248 children below the age of 15 were injured in the crackdown to crush protests triggered in Jammu and Kashmir after the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani on 8 July. A total of 9,010 people were injured during the unrest, according to the state government figures government figures.

However, independent estimates by rights group show more than 17000 injured in the last four months.

The data was compiled based on the information from the various hospital in the valley. Among the 9,010 injured till 2 November, 6,205 suffered pellet injuries, 365 had bullet injuries and 2,436 were listed under “other injuries”, the Indian Express reported.

The report states that the people having “other injuries” are those who had been beaten by police and security forces in the crackdown.

Several thousand were also blinded by pellet injuries but the state government data does not specifically list those who suffered pellet injuries in their eyes. Official sources said that ophthalmology units in three top Srinagar hospitals received more than 1,300 such patients. Most of them young, were either blinded completely or lost their vision in one eye.

— The largest number of injured children were from Kulgam in south Kashmir, including 105 below 12 years old and 280 between 12 and 15 years of age.

— In the frontier Kupwara district of north Kashmir, the injured included 25 children below 12 and 252 between 12-15.

— In south Kashmir’s Pulwama, 52 children below 12 and 136 between 12-15 were injured.

— In Anantnag, 21 children below 12 and 92 between 12-15 were injured.

— In Baramulla, five children below 12 and 154 between 12-15 were injured.

— In Bandipore, 30 children below 12 and 85 between 12-15 were injured.

— In Shopian, four children below 12 and four between 12-15 were injured.

The data shows that those who were injured included 243 children below the age of 12 and 1,005 between the ages of 12 and 15.

Source: Indian Express

ISLAMABAD: Members of the minority community showed solidarity with Kashmiris in the occupied valley through a unique demonstration.

Minority leader J Salik threw fistfuls of sand at himself in a move to show that human rights violation in occupied Kashmir do not matter to India.

“Humanity in occupied Kashmir has been buried under the sand,” J Salik said. “We want to ignite the conscience of world leaders and the United Nations.”

Separatist leader Yasin Malik’s wife Mishal Malik also attended the protest. “While India punishes even the killing of a dog, Kashmiris are being beaten to pulp.”

She said that the Indian state staged a drama of releasing Yasin Malik. He was released for a brief period but arrested again on Friday.

She said that Kashmiris are not even being allowed to attend funerals of their martyrs.
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