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Indian army wants INSAS series of rifles replaced

Why aren't private companies into manufacturing small arms and ammunition?

Coz govt has not given green signal for it.. Infact It won't be good for India... india is a country where corruption is high, if private company start making small weapon, its highly probable that they will sell it to bad guys...

We don't want klashnekov culture in India... Let the government ordinance company make weapons...

@Zabanya: Brother can you please stop mocking???
Coz govt has not given green signal for it.. Infact It won't be good for India... india is a country where corruption is high, if private company start making small weapon, its highly probable that they will sell it to bad guys...

We don't want klashnekov culture in India... Let the government ordinance company make weapons...

@Zabanya: Brother can you please stop mocking???

Mate, am not mocking, it's just that many people already stated that the INSAS isn't that good compared to other assault rifles.
I agree with you 100%. There is wide scale corruption throughout the Indian Army. When the other armed wings are developing in house projects with collaboration from Universities, the Indian Army is far behind. ALL OF US NEED TO STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND FOCUS ON THE ISSUES AT HAND. When the General Kapoor recently announced that there was a huge shortage in night vision goggles for Army tanks, it should have aroused some suspicion. Night vision goggles have been in use since the 70's. What have we been doing. We just released a tender for hovercraft while Pakistan has been using it for sometimes now. STOP MAKING EXCUSES! The only way to correct these problems is start acknowledging the problems at hand. We are comparing ourselves to other countries who have gained independence around the same time as us. That is our first mistake; if we want to be a superpower we need to start comparing ourselves to superpowers. The Indian army has been a source of corruption for sometime. The media should have never released details of phone tapping in the public; The gov't should have gone after every corrupt babu. Why do announce all our projects? That is such a fundamental flaw in our national security. First of, by making such announcements public we give our enemies the ability to cap our offensive and defensive capabilities. Manpower is our greatest resource, we should out it to work. China did a lot when it lacked sufficient modern weapons. It still made sure its borders were tightly secured....with what? MANPOWER.

The only reason I am pissed is that I see contracts given to foreign consulting on defense projects. For some things, it is crucial like tech related issues. When it comes to security and military planning, we should be above all par none. I think one of the biggest issues is that we don't allow NRI's to retain their citizenship while NRI's have helped India tremendously. It is a serious barrier to improvement in various aspects of the average Indian. NRI's have been exposed to more ideas and a western way of thinking. India should be doing more to utilize it for its benefit. There are many patriotic NRI's. Think about it, Pakistan allows citizenship for those who leave the country and their kin. Why should Indians who love India be forced to give it up?>

couldn't agree more.
Coz govt has not given green signal for it.. Infact It won't be good for India... india is a country where corruption is high, if private company start making small weapon, its highly probable that they will sell it to bad guys...

We don't want klashnekov culture in India... Let the government ordinance company make weapons...
Corruption is corruption. It doesn't differentiate between public and private companies.. They should be allowed to make the small arms.
Let ordinance factories make the ammunition.

Why don't you be quiet and save face :lol:

This certainly is not helping your reputation.

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INSAS has over a decade of service and many more in the paramilitary and police services

It is a mediocre rifle by many standards , but has decent accuracy.
It was a good first gun .

But we can do better and we know it.

hmm the FINSAS program is it still going on ?
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