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Indian Army using Cluster bombs on Civilian population

This use of cluster bombs and hitting near neelam jhelum project is a warning...

The real action will b a farse exclusive for propoganda only... In my opinion will b portrayed as a ground incursion. .

Warning is to pak to not to respond to uprooted trees and burned bushes or they will kill civilians. ..
Although I suspect they will ever damage the dam as there are many of their dams that we will love to destroy
:smokin: Time for war it seems



I don't think their will be any airport left by the time the rooster wakes up tomorrow
Usage of cluster bomb is a grave grave miscalculation

Simple Air drill for Pakistani Soldiers to enter core Srinagar area
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Seems like exaggerated none sense ..Cluster munition are primarily air dropped munition. Some can be fired MBRL rockets like Smerch and missiles like Iskander.

But i have yet to to come across artillery shell that too Indian inventory, that can disperse cluster munitions.
Most of the cluster munitions dropped by aircrafts have parachute deployment, to slow down the descent bomb and achieve a wider spread of submunitons.

P.S. - both Indian and Pakistan are non signatories to Wellington accords that ban the use of cluster munitions.
there will be no war ... so lets not be emotional .... starting a war need a lot more and both countries are not in a position to start a full scale conflict .. it all happened after American president statement about mediation between india and pakistan, BJP was defaming in india and whenever such thing happened they simply start fireworks at LOC to gain the public sympathies back and that is what exactly happening
its a trick as indian economy slows down hindus r boiling loc, although not sure pak citizens r deliberately targeted here in media its again n again mentioned most of pak army artillery and mortar positions r in middle of civilians areas thats done deliberately by pakistan it seems to register complain to UN so whenever indian army attacks it seems collateral damage do happens
Indian economic growth is 4.5% since 2011 said Bloomberg but Govt showed 7.5%. There were 63 posts of peon at UP applications were 85000 many PhD too. Economics slow down and diplomatic defeat over Afghanistan is a big reason.
Latest news is that PMIK has called a meeting of National Security Committee (NSC) today.
So here is the question - when all of this is happening, who was the jackas.s in Pak Government who decided to open the Airspace to indian airlines?
May god help these people recover.

The civilian casualties are never intentional.
I often hear of Pak military installations being set up very close to the local populations.

If India did want to remove 35a, how would it benefit them to start skirmishes at the border at the same time?
I’ll put on my tin foil hat and say- Pakistan Army is pushing for action to create problems for the Indian forces while this massive task of 35a lies ahead of them.
May god help these people recover.

The civilian casualties are never intentional.
I often hear of Pak military installations being set up very close to the local populations.

If India did want to remove 35a, how would it benefit them to start skirmishes at the border at the same time?
I’ll put on my tin foil hat and say- Pakistan Army is pushing for action to create problems for the Indian forces while this massive task of 35a lies ahead of them.
Are we sure about 35 A though ?
Isn't it just a guess yet ?

Another regional conflict could be brewing between India and Pakistan along the Line of Control (LoC) that separates Kashmir. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday requested the international community to mediate the developing crisis as India continues to strengthen its military forces in Kashmir and ordered tourists and pilgrims to leave the Jammu and Kashmir state.

"President Trump offered to mediate on Kashmir. This is the time to do so as the situation deteriorates there and along the LoC with new aggressive actions being taken by Indian occupation forces. This has the potential to blow up into a regional crisis," Khan tweeted.

Khan accused India on Saturday of shelling and using cluster bombs on civilians across densely populated areas on the LoC. He asked the United Nations to monitor the situation.

We shall wait and see how the powerful Pakistani military response. Maybe the Iranian forces could learn from the experience of powerful elite arm forces of Pakistan.We certainly see repeated criticism from the Pakistani members and ridiculous comments about Iranian achievements in the arms and technology fields . the best of luck!!
@Parsipride :

My dear friend, fellow Muslim brother and neighbor ... I empathize with you and apologize to you on behalf of my fellow countrymen for ridiculing your country. I do have one point I would like to make to all Muslims who have some sense left in the place where a brain is suppose to reside.

As a Muslim, there is nothing more fundamentally important than humility. I am personally very disappointed with my fellow countrymen in the manner they behave in. Remarks which ridicule Iran or to wipe out India, are brewed in ignorance, which breeds emotions, which in turn breeds "hubris". And that is one thing all Muslims should distance themselves from, at all cost!!!! There is nothing more destructive, more dangerous than "hubris" because this trait leads to human destruction at its very fibre. It is real, it is powerful and it will always lead to human destruction. History is littered with a plethora of examples when nations turn to hubris. Nazi Germany, Bolsheviks, British Imperial Empire, Ottoman Empire, French Colonial Empire, Roman Empire and present day Zionists States of American Empire. All fell to hubris and committed the most heinous crimes in human history.

My message to you, yes we have an out of country neighbor which is hell bent on war. It's because India is plagued with hubris. Untold destruction is to befall the region if India continues on the path it has taken. India's ego is like that of a teenage kid, so fragile and so easily stoked. Which is why it is acting out when it suffered loss of credibility among allies. It tried to isolate Pakistan and yet it feels isolated today, in the manner where no one is actually supporting it's narrative on Kashmir. This may be a boon for Pakistan, "but" Pakistanis are dangerously becoming arrogant and "hubris" is now circling those Pakistanis that are allowing their egos to become as inflated as the indians. This is NOT how Muslims are suppose to behave. We are forgetting time and again, whose (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassalam) Ummah we belong to. So I implore my fellow Pakistani, Iranian and the rest of the Islamic World's brothers and sisters to not lose sight of who we are. Because if we do, then Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah's rehmah would not reach us. We would invite our own doom if we continue to show arrogance. Whether it be toward a fellow Muslim brother country (Iran) or toward the enemy that is suppose to be our neighbor (India).

My last words in this post of mine, should be taken as a warning ... desist from arrogance and follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.

Another regional conflict could be brewing between India and Pakistan along the Line of Control (LoC) that separates Kashmir. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday requested the international community to mediate the developing crisis as India continues to strengthen its military forces in Kashmir and ordered tourists and pilgrims to leave the Jammu and Kashmir state.

"President Trump offered to mediate on Kashmir. This is the time to do so as the situation deteriorates there and along the LoC with new aggressive actions being taken by Indian occupation forces. This has the potential to blow up into a regional crisis," Khan tweeted.

Khan accused India on Saturday of shelling and using cluster bombs on civilians across densely populated areas on the LoC. He asked the United Nations to monitor the situation.

We shall wait and see how the powerful Pakistani military response. Maybe the Iranian forces could learn from the experience of powerful elite arm forces of Pakistan.We certainly see repeated criticism from the Pakistani members and ridiculous comments about Iranian achievements in the arms and technology fields . the best of luck!!
So you're exploiting the cluster bombing of civilians to criticise Pak military and taunt us? Wtf?? I don't think even a single Indian on pdf has taunted Pakistan over the cluster bombs. Perhaps they are rightly embarrassed by it.

But you, whoever you are, appear to enjoy it.

I would never taunt irgc or Iranian state if iranian civs were harmed in this way. Not even the biggest critic of your mullahs would do so.

Have a look in the mirror in the morning and think about it.
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