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Indian Army to undergo major reforms


Apr 28, 2011
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New wings for vigilance, rights issues

In a major move, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has approved the first batch of reforms in the Army which include relocation of 229 officers from the Army headquarters, creation of a new post of Deputy Chief for Military Operations and Strategic Planning, and setting up new wings for vigilance and human rights issues, official sources said Thursday.

Finalised after 12 independent studies, the reforms are intended to make the 1.3 million-strong force leaner and meaner.

The sources said the number of officers being moved out was 20% of the number of officers in the Army headquarters in the national capital, and they would be deployed in forward locations along the borders with China and Pakistan.

They said the post of Deputy Chief of the Army Staff, Strategy, is being created to deal with military operations, intelligence, strategic planning and operational logistics.

The reforms will also include restructuring the Army’s officer cadre, bringing down age of key commands, arresting rising revenue expenditure and “rightsizing” the force.

That is the thing about Indian defense forces. Every engagement becomes a stepping stone for upgrading their capabilities.

With Modi at the helm, this process just became more efficient.
You mean we plan on keeping kashmir for the foreseeable future and not hand it over to pakistan over "talks" ?

shocking admission.

The fact that the Indian army had to make this admission will be shocking for the people who naively thought Indian policy in Kashmir was going well. The Indian Army is a professional force, so they are doing an after action assessment of where they went wrong.

The Indian army could try to reform itself, but the enmity propagated by Modi will motivate enough Indian people to act rash and spoil all the efforts the army is trying to make. These actions (like the recent one in Lucknow) will drive the Kashmiri people to seek independence or accession despite the short and medium term financial losses leaving India will cause.

The Indian army is trying despite the political leadership they have to contend with.
Its not necessarily either/or. The Indian army could try to reform itself, but the enmity propagated by Modi will motivate enough people to act rash and spoil all the efforts the army is trying to make. These actions (like the recent one in Lucknow) will drive the Kashmiri people to seek independence or accession despite the short and medium term financial losses leaving India will cause.


Kashmiri's live off Indian tax payers money. All for the privileged of being "mulsim majority".

Nobody does ANY labor there. All the laborers come from UP and Bihar.

They sit around idle and get money for throwing stones.

Kashmir gets 10% of Central Funds with only 1% of the population.

In contrast Uttar Pradesh makes up about 13 % of the country’s population but received only 8.2 % of central funding.

Which means EVERY KASHMIRI received Rs.91,300 per person over the last sixteen years while Uttar Pradesh only received Rs.4,300 per person over the same period. :lol:

India goods have to pay a toll of Rs. 1 for EVERY 1 KG of goods moving into kashmir. This money is used to subsidies kashmiri cost of living.

Which means 1 KG of Basmati rice cost Rs. 5 in kashmir, while it cost Rs. 100 in rest of India. Their electricity bills is Rs. 50 while in Delhi or Mumbai we pay Rs. 1000 at least.

LOL at their demand for "independence". :lol:

They don't want "independence". what they want it ISLAMIC RULE like the Taliban or the ISIS.
I brought up the issue of short and medium costs to the Kashmiris of separation from India, so that is known point that motivates some Kashmiris to stay despite the oppression. The issue the Indian state has to contend with is if the Kashmiris are willing to pay those costs, then what leverage does India have left to motivate the Kashmiris to stay.

What other benefits would the Kashmiris be giving up if they were an independent bordering nation like Nepal and not a part of India?

lol at their "oppression".

Fat lazy muslim bigots who ethnically cleansed kashmir of Hindus is claiming "oppression" :lol:

Schools, collages and govt. jobs in kashmir is "reserved" for muslims since they are "deemed" minority in kashmir :cheesy:

Seats are "reserved" for them in all schools and colleges in India as well as govt. jobs.

Meanwhile the real minority of kashmir, the Hindus get ZERO benefit. LOL at their "oppression".

Safai Karamcharis (sweepers and scavengers) who are living below the poverty line in J&K are not awarded equal treatment by State Government under Art. 14 as is awarded to other residents of J&K.

They are deprived of basic human rights by State Government of J&K in the garb of Article 35A. They are out rightly denied Permanent Resident Certificate, right to vote in local elections of state, government job & social welfare benefits, moreover, even their children are denied admission in Professional colleges. Laws of J&K have reduced them to the position of a “second class citizen” where Safai Karamcharis can only work as “Sweepers”. :lol:

Needless to say, these "sweepers" are all Hindus. LOL at kashmir claim of "oppression".

To the point, the ONLY leverage India needs is the CONSTITUTION OF INDIA which declares kashmir to be an integral part of India.

And any kashmiri who feels otherwise is free to LEAVE India and migrate to pakistan or any other part of the world. Not a single fcuk will be given by any Indian.
Even Pakistan will not allow such rule, then how can India?
Those who want such rules can ready themselves to meet their maker.

I couldn't care less about what those bigots want. They will get what the Indian constitution grants them. Nothing more, nothing less.
I think this modernization will eventually become beneficial for some Generals as their will be so many contracts where Corruption will be huge .
The main reason for making a lean-mean fighting force is similar to that of other countries recent downsizing. We need to free-up more capital to accommodate and acquire more military assets. Given our economy size and our defence budget, over 70% goes in revenue-related expenditure (salaries, upkeep etc).

This has to change.

We need to start drastically reducing manpower and equip each soldier with more cutting edge weaponry.

I'd rather have 8 lac armed-to-teeth soldiers than 15 lack ill-equipped men and women.
@Joe Shearer What become of our friend Abhi?

I am not sure I know who you mean.

@Joe Shearer What become of our friend Abhi?

If you are referring to someone whose internal connections and links are as strong as any other former member of the armed forces, it is best to consult @jbgt90 and/or @Vibrio. Nobody else is up to date.

Something called "Result oriented Leadership".

When will he start using it and showing results? I presume the leadership is connected to results in some way, other than by way of beneficial publicity?
When will he start using it and showing results? I presume the leadership is connected to results in some way, other than by way of beneficial publicity?

The results are there for all to see. Last time I checked, you refused to read some article that were posted about his results.

With this knowledge, I would not be wasting my time in attempting to light the way for the blind. But feel free to use Google and discover a world beyond your prejudice. Though I won't be holding my breath.
The results are there for all to see. Last time I checked, you refused to read some article that were posted about his results.

With this knowledge, I would not be wasting my time in attempting to light the way for the blind. But feel free to use Google and discover a world beyond your prejudice. Though I won't be holding my breath.

There are articles posted about his results, there are no results. If I refuse to look at the articles that are put up, it is because they are the results of cheque-oriented leadership and publicity-based leadership. Naturally, you will not let go of the security blanket of favourable notices from a purchased press; naturally they will show that all is well.

In five years' time, let us look quickly at what he has achieved:
  1. Army:
    1. Betrayal on OROP
    2. Failure to pick a side-arm.
    3. No movement on bullet-proof vests
    4. A shortage of MANPADs - again, compare the PA figures to ours.
    5. No significant improvement in firepower of units - look at the respective orders of battle and see for yourself the shortage of tubed and tubeless artillery in the Indian Army compared to the Pakistan Army.
    6. No movement on the Arjuna: not in production, nor in deployment, nor in Army's buy-in into the technology involved.
    7. No movement on (a) conversion of Infantry Divisions into RAPID; (b) equipment of existing RAPID.
    8. No restructuring the cantonment structure to address the need for speedy deployment when faced by threats - no improvement in deployment speed.
    9. No improvement in air defence; displayed vividly in recent days.
    10. A lopsided inventory of attack helicopters - compare the PA figures to ours.
Should I remind you of the Air Force situation?

We made firendship in short time, now he's totally out of scene... not good, we miss him. Let him come on talk shows.
I am still confused, but I will try to see older posts, and see if anyone knows what has become of him.
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