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Indian Army to Deploy Military Helicopters to Chinese Border for the First Time

Chinese people should be humble, we all know that Indian couldn't get away with 1962's sickness, they want a rematch and save their historical humiliation and I have no doubt that they're prepared, if we Chinese become arrogant because of a minor victory of 1962, we will be defeated not by Indian but by our arrogant, so we have to act cautiously...fight only necessary.

China has more Firepower , India have hard troops in that Area but its just too much Fire Power to match the Chinese , just your Rocket Artillery will lay waste to their Infantry if China put their focus on India Alone , Technology wise, India is behind China , China has more Air Power , SAM coverage , Satellite , Electronic Warfare Capabilities , Attack Ships , Submarines , Cruise Missiles , Man Power , Tanks , Towed artillery , Howitzers etc ..
and China will not Fight with India as a Arrogant Country , they will fight in manner that they will defeat India and give Lesson to rest of the World that you don't mess with China .. it will be a show-off for Americans too
hahaha :enjoy:
@Kiss_of_the_Dragon when you get this Technology, do share with us too, we can bring some Tech for you guys as well ;) we keep giving Indians sleepless nights on LoC

Of course, Pakistanis are our brothers and Sisters, I think Pakistan's the only country that have earned our trust even other eastern Asians countries have long history with us...an all weather friend mean everything.
Of course, Pakistanis are our brothers and Sisters, I think Pakistan's the only country that have earned our trust even other eastern Asians countries have long history with us...an all weather friend mean everything.

yes and with CPEC growing China has earned their place in hearts of Pakistani's, after the US constant dodging us and treat us like a slave, its hard time for Pakistan to Trust another Powerful country, but China is very Different .. I have no Doubt that Whatever China make for their Army, the almost equal system is also produce and offered to Pakistan .
China has more Firepower , India have hard troops in that Area but its just too much Fire Power to match the Chinese , just your Rocket Artillery will lay waste to their Infantry if China put their focus on India Alone , Technology wise, India is behind China , China has more Air Power , SAM coverage , Satellite , Electronic Warfare Capabilities , Attack Ships , Submarines , Cruise Missiles , Man Power , Tanks , Towed artillery , Howitzers etc ..
and China will not Fight with India as a Arrogant Country , they will fight in manner that they will defeat India and give Lesson to rest of the World that you don't mess with China .. it will be a show-off for Americans too

I believe that Indians strategists had observed and calculated each Chinese development and move...that's expected, they went abroad to acquire weapons in the mind to defeat Chinese Army and our weapons, so even if we have more firepower doesn't mean that we have upper hand and effectives combat solution, all depend on Chinese strategists to calculate their moves base on what they know about India.

Male cheerleading is full on display, what is next? A cross dressing competition?

Don't you think we Chinese need some moral support as Bhutanis, Pakistan is our security guarantor even without treaty :lol:

Alright brother chung li I am officially scared now, I thought Chinese are all about Dog stew, mainland china and Kung fu Panda, didn't know you guys are this vicious, damn.

How dare you to call us vicious, we're peace loving people :hitwall::cray:
looks like war is imminent.india is our enemy but war with china looks terrible.india can't handle pla advance.stop this indians.chinese have more weapons than you currently have.look at their transport planes and specially artillery. this will be one sided war.

This is the only sensible and logical post you made so far.

looks like war is imminent.india is our enemy but war with china looks terrible.india can't handle pla advance.stop this indians.chinese have more weapons than you currently have.look at their transport planes and specially artillery. this will be one sided war.

This post is sooo cute I feel like cuddling it
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yes and with CPEC growing China has earned their place in hearts of Pakistani's, after the US constant dodging us and treat us like a slave, its hard time for Pakistan to Trust another Powerful country, but China is very Different .. I have no Doubt that Whatever China make for their Army, the almost equal system is also produce and offered to Pakistan .

China and Pakistan will have bright future with CPEC despite that sour grape Indians like to bad mouth this project , there is no doubt that CPEC will bring prosperity to Pakistan, western China and the region, a prosper Pakistan is only in China's interest, a rich Pakistan will be able to modernize it military at an acceleration pace.

This is the only sensible and logical post you made so far.

Try harder to read my mind and my intention :lol:

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