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Indian Army is worried now that men can legally have sex with other men- Indian Media


Feb 16, 2016
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THE Print is an Indian Source
13 mins ago

Representational image of Indian soldiers | Paula Bronstein/Getty Images

Homosexuality in the military is frowned upon in much of the world. Is the tide about to change in India?

New Delhi: The Supreme Court judgment decriminalising homosexuality is said to have got the military brass worried over what it exactly means for Indian soldiers.

Also, there is confusion, or a lack of consensus, among military law experts whether the judgment applies to Indian defence personnel, and if it does how it could impact the forces.

Laws governing the three arms of the Indian military bar homosexuality — although through euphemisms and not explicitly — and rule it a punishable offence.

The law
Just last weekend, Army chief General Bipin Rawat had summoned all Colonels and their spouses to Manekshaw Centre in Delhi and said “moral turpitude” was unpardonable.

The Supreme Court order brings the very definition of “moral turpitude” into question.

Section 45 the Army Act, 1950, talks about the “unbecoming conduct” of officers without detailing it. Section 46 (a) says any person guilty of any disgraceful conduct of a “cruel, indecent or unnatural kind” will, on conviction by court-martial, face up to seven years in jail.

Sections 45 and 46(a) of the Air Force Act, 1950, state the same.

The Navy Act, 1957, says personnel guilty of any “indecent act” can be jailed for up to two years.

Also read: ‘Homosexuality not mental illness’: What the 5 judges said while striking down Section 377

One provision spells out a jail term of upto two years for officers guilty of any “scandalous or fraudulent conduct or of any conduct unbecoming the character of an officer”.

Army sources said they will have to read the judgment before seeing how it impacts the three laws, but some lawyers expressed hope that the Supreme Court order will decriminalise homosexuality for the Indian military too.

Chandigarh-based lawyer Major Navdeep Singh, who specialises in service and military matters, said the landmark judgment will “humanise military law to an extent”.

“The soldiers under military law will not be tried under Section 69 of the Army Act, read with Section 377 of the IPC, as far as a consensual relationship is concerned,” he told ThePrint.

Section 69 of the Army Act pertains to ‘civil offences’.

“The term ‘unnatural’, as used in Section 46 of the act, would yield to the interpretation given by the Supreme Court today for the same term appearing in Section 377,” he added.

The order stripped homosexual relationships of their “unnatural” tag.

“However, all forms of disgraceful conduct, which is cruel or indecent in nature, will continue to be an offence under Section 46,” he said.

Why the worry
An Army officer pointed out that extramarital relationships were considered an offence within the forces, saying it needed to be seen how the Supreme Court judgment tied in with this provision.

The main concerns among the brass, if this happens, pertain to the possible impact on operational issues.

Also read: Section 377 verdict: Can we start calling the CJI the CEO of India?

Soldiers are posted away from families to far-flung places for months on end. They have their ‘buddy’ for emotional companionship, but absolutely no avenue for sexual release during these postings.

An Army lawyer said the brass had nothing to worry about, since the judgment was unlikely to decriminalise gay sex in the military.

Gay sex in the defence forces will continue to remain an offence under Section 46 (b) of the Army Act. The Section pertains to any person who “malingers, or feigns, or produces disease or infirmity in himself, or intentionally delays his cure or aggravates his disease or infirmity”.

“The accused may also be tried under Section 63 (‘violation of good order and discipline’), but not under Section 69 of the Act,” the lawyer added.

The lawyer also cited Article 33 of the Constitution, which gives Parliament the power to decide which rights apply to the military. Parliament will have to pass a specific amendment or ordinance for the decriminalisation of homosexuality to apply to the military, the lawyer added.

Homosexuality in the military is still frowned upon in much of the world. The US and Britain have led the way in changing the status quo by welcoming gay personnel in their forces.

A study conducted by the thinktank Hague Centre for Strategic Studies on more than 100 armed forces found India’s to be among the least friendly to gays.
Well, now a lot of Indian military activities will have a legal cover. The court should also legalise the wife-swapping because it is just in their culture and neither the wives nor their husbands mind..after all they are all consenting adults ...except a few but they can be silenced. This gives them opportunity to exchange DNA and produce "better" kids.

I'm waiting when IA, IAF and INS announce special quota for homosexuals to become equal opportunity employers. After all, they have to sit in the lap of USA and west.
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Thanks to Bipin. They can use social media to voice their concerns.
More like a sword fight.

Well, isn't it good for women in India? :D
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Too small to make an impact. ;)
Small is irrelevant, poop is by nature a breeding ground for bacteria and disease. Even the safest practices of backdoor channels have serious risks.
Here we are considering truck drivers, middle class, poor, and then soldiers too.

I will go be the devil and say that sodomy is NOT isolated to India in the region and similar sexual practices exist in its neighborhood, but when it is outlawed it deters experimentation and only the poor or deprived engage in it for sexual purposes.

AIDS is real among other things, and when mixed with poverty is a dangerous foe. I see no mocking of India in this Nd rather a true worry on the effect to the population especially without proper education and control of safe sexual practices.
Oil price is about to go up in India.
It depends if they can still get oil from Iran under the new arrangement with USA. And I think this gay law coincides with their alignment with the west.
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