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Indian Army had ensured Government that No Chinese Solider could have walked out alive from Doklam

So supapowa India had strategic advantage but decided to withdraw unilaterally? :lol:

Is this India Art of Story Telling by Jaitley-Modi? Should Chinese abandon Sun Tzu art of War and switch to Indian art of Story Telling?

As there is no Sun Tzu art of Road completion its high time you guys switch the art :lol:
I did not say this was a humiliation, I said the perception is that Indian has gained something from this drama.

But Yes, if it is, then we stand by our dragon brother through thick and thin, we will share the burdens of loss as well as the joys of gain. Our hand of support is unstinting and in time we shall prevail in India.
Just pulling your leg.
Actually ppl at the top are more samajhdar than us supporters.
All this conflict on borders for a few km of land is so 20th century.
Europeans have resolved their differences and so shall india and china.
India pakistan i have no hope because u guys do not have a stable govt. For whatever reason , u guys prefer instability.
Even though u know kashmir etc cant be resolved by force , the old paradigms still persist in pak.
Indian Army Chief had ensured Government that No Chinese Solider could have walked out alive from Doklam if attacked

http://idrw.org/indian-army-chief-h...uld-walked-out-alive-from-doklam-if-attacked/ .

LOL, this Army chief got a big mouth just like many of our Indian members. Is he the guy who said India was ready for "2.5 front war"?

Why you have so many BIG MOUTH politicians? From your former PM, to your former President, now we have this bozo! It is freaking embarrassing the army chief of the "biggest democracy" talks like a small time gangster.
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LOL, this Army chief got a big mouth just like many of our Indian members. Is he the guy who said India was ready for "2.5 front war"?

Why you have so many BIG MOUTH politicians? From your former PM, to your former President, now we have this bozo! It is freaking embarrassing the army chief of the "biggest democracy" talks like a small time gangster.
The answer to your question is obvious. Indians are not human beings. They are some form of under-evolved monkeys. Have you seen monkeys in a zoo fling it's feces at onlookers? What does that scene remind you of? What do you think Modi and his cabinet do in their spare time? Drink tea and read newspaper? No they defecate in public and fling feces at each other.

As there is no Sun Tzu art of Road completion its high time you guys switch the art :lol:
LOL no need to keep nervously checking whether the road is finished already... now that we annexed Bhutan's land and kicked out defending Indians... all construction plans are our business and not India's... go delude yourself with unilateral retreat shupa powa...
The answer to your question is obvious. Indians are not human beings. They are some form of under-evolved monkeys. Have you seen monkeys in a zoo fling it's feces at onlookers? What does that scene remind you of? What do you think Modi and his cabinet do in their spare time? Drink tea and read newspaper? No they defecate in public and fling feces at each other.

LOL no need to keep nervously checking whether the road is finished already... now that we annexed Bhutan's land and kicked out defending Indians... all construction plans are our business and not India's... go delude yourself with unilateral retreat shupa powa...

This ALSO Put Pakistan in Its place which used to Run to China for Cover.
In which confrontation we ran to China? We fought all our wars/skirmishes on our own. There is a reason why even after all our Infiltration into Kashmir we still stand as a country.

I am so stupid, Doklam and Doklam plateau are two different things, China wanted to own Doklam not just the plateau, the road till Doka La essentially already covers the whole Doklam plateau. When we station troops there, we have de-facto control of Doklam plateau. Strategically, it was the plateau that mattered, the last big piece of flat land there facing Siliguri. Use google 3D, the plateau area is only at the top left quarter of Doklam, the rest are essentially river valleys with no strategic use.

Map from Indian analyst


Map from Chinese MOFA
Our generals have no need to make such insecure statement, it will be so obvious what India gonna expect from China if we decide to attack.

Their insecure public need weekly assurance form their top military leadership.
i suspect the website owner, this website is the worst source of all.
Nothing has changed since your independence, India is still begging for help when facing China, you can only bully small nation such Nepal or Maldives, you think India is capable to withstand a new Muslim raids? A combine Muslim force of Middle east, central Asia and Pakistan will certainly balkanize India. Or it shall be a new Muslim nation out of India.

And nothing has taken away of what Muslim and British did to you, if you read you history right unless your historians decide to rewrite the Mugal history.

Do you write any fiction books? Please do share.
this kind of statement after retreat is just a joke.india was always in better position but they weren't mentally ready to fight against chinese.your army chief should stop provoking china and pakistan.
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