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Indian Army enrolling Afghan ANA defectors into its ranks.

Great Janjua

Aug 13, 2016
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United Kingdom

While the political and economic situation continues to deteriorate inside Pakistan our borders are also witnessing cunning forays in amidst all this turmoil India is trying its utmost not only to change the demographics in IOK but to further stimulate instability across our Eastern and Western borders only this time it is resorting to Lar o Bar Afghandus as all other options have been met with stiff resistance.

@Maula Jatt @Goenitz @lastofthepatriots @Black Bird
@-blitzkrieg- @Mav3rick @Sifar zero @Sayfullah @Mentee @Waterboy @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE

While the political and economic situation continues to deteriorate inside Pakistan our borders are also witnessing cunning forays in amidst all this turmoil India is trying its utmost not only to change the demographics in IOK but to further stimulate instability across our Eastern and Western borders only this time it is resorting to Lar o Bar Afghandus as all other options have been met with stiff resistance.

@Maula Jatt @Goenitz @lastofthepatriots @Black Bird
@-blitzkrieg- @Mav3rick @Sifar zero @Sayfullah @Mentee @Waterboy @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE

More target practice.

While the political and economic situation continues to deteriorate inside Pakistan our borders are also witnessing cunning forays in amidst all this turmoil India is trying its utmost not only to change the demographics in IOK but to further stimulate instability across our Eastern and Western borders only this time it is resorting to Lar o Bar Afghandus as all other options have been met with stiff resistance.

@Maula Jatt @Goenitz @lastofthepatriots @Black Bird
@-blitzkrieg- @Mav3rick @Sifar zero @Sayfullah @Mentee @Waterboy @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE
When Pakistani estab bring those same lar o bar into power inside Pakistan why blame the enemy?
Wouldn’t this constitute a hostile act (if this is actually happening in large enough numbers) by the Indians against the current regime in Kabul? Creating a reserve of former regime troops, just waiting to be send back like the bay of pigs invasion? And therefore making India openly hostile to the current regime in Kabul?

Basically reforming the core of the “NRF”; National Resistance Front
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While the political and economic situation continues to deteriorate inside Pakistan our borders are also witnessing cunning forays in amidst all this turmoil India is trying its utmost not only to change the demographics in IOK but to further stimulate instability across our Eastern and Western borders only this time it is resorting to Lar o Bar Afghandus as all other options have been met with stiff resistance.

@Maula Jatt @Goenitz @lastofthepatriots @Black Bird
@-blitzkrieg- @Mav3rick @Sifar zero @Sayfullah @Mentee @Waterboy @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE
We need to strengthen our allies in Afghanistan and keep them loyal to us. Siraj Haqqani wants power to him self only and he’s willing to go to any extent for it as we seen in zawahiri or ttp case. We should work with him and make him realize that these ex ana will be a threat to his power. We also need to exploit every opportunity we get to divide our enemy like making ttp factions fight amongst them self. We need to promote selective nationalism like Brahui nationalism so we can destroy baloch terrorist groups because many of them are Brahui who have nothing in common with baloch other then the province. Targeted assassinations on mass targeting these ex ana people are needed. Hunt them down in dehli if needed. And most importantly, we need to turn the heat up in Kashmir. Mujahideen should be allowed to do more attacks more frequently in iok. Poonch and Rajouri have already become a curse for Indians. Mujahideen ops should spread to more areas in occupied jammu since it’s easier there and better since local Kashmiris won’t be terrorized by Indian army for it and more settlers are in Jammu.
Pakistan needs to step up its game if it wants to survive.
We need to strengthen our allies in Afghanistan and keep them loyal to us. Siraj Haqqani wants power to him self only and he’s willing to go to any extent for it as we seen in zawahiri or ttp case. We should work with him and make him realize that these ex ana will be a threat to his power. We also need to exploit every opportunity we get to divide our enemy like making ttp factions fight amongst them self. We need to promote selective nationalism like Brahui nationalism so we can destroy baloch terrorist groups because many of them are Brahui who have nothing in common with baloch other then the province. Targeted assassinations on mass targeting these ex ana people are needed. Hunt them down in dehli if needed. And most importantly, we need to turn the heat up in Kashmir. Mujahideen should be allowed to do more attacks more frequently in iok. Poonch and Rajouri have already become a curse for Indians. Mujahideen ops should spread to more areas in occupied jammu since it’s easier there and better since local Kashmiris won’t be terrorized by Indian army for it and more settlers are in Jammu.
Pakistan needs to step up its game if it wants to survive.
keep daydreaming and living in a fantasy world. Those who are responsible for all these things don't give a damn about Pakistan or its survival and are busy with other things.
keep daydreaming and living in a fantasy world.
What fantasy?

This fantasy where your soldiers have to put their hands up to surrender when they see a mujahid but still get smoked?
Or this fantasy?

Or this fantasy?
We need to strengthen our allies in Afghanistan and keep them loyal to us. Siraj Haqqani wants power to him self only and he’s willing to go to any extent for it as we seen in zawahiri or ttp case. We should work with him and make him realize that these ex ana will be a threat to his power. We also need to exploit every opportunity we get to divide our enemy like making ttp factions fight amongst them self. We need to promote selective nationalism like Brahui nationalism so we can destroy baloch terrorist groups because many of them are Brahui who have nothing in common with baloch other then the province. Targeted assassinations on mass targeting these ex ana people are needed. Hunt them down in dehli if needed. And most importantly, we need to turn the heat up in Kashmir. Mujahideen should be allowed to do more attacks more frequently in iok. Poonch and Rajouri have already become a curse for Indians. Mujahideen ops should spread to more areas in occupied jammu since it’s easier there and better since local Kashmiris won’t be terrorized by Indian army for it and more settlers are in Jammu.
Pakistan needs to step up its game if it wants to survive.
The only long term solution is a stable Afghan state that is economically intertwined with Pakistan. The EU ensured politic stability through economic interdependence. Both countries need to speed up projects that help rebuild Afghanistan on a basis that also benefits Pakistan. Restoring the irrigation system so people are not vulnerable to be recruited by Indian sponsored groups. Rail and road connections so Afghan produce and minerals can get to world markets (and pass through Pakistani industry to stimulate economic development in Pakistan as well)

Hence the need to speed up CPEC and extend it into Afghanistan.

All these efforts by the Indians will be to bog down Pakistan and Afghanistan and keep them from developing, widening the economic difference between them and India.

Pakistan needs an agreement with Afghanistan for deficit free movement of people in exchange for Afghanistan working with Pakistan on economic projects and getting their politics right so they are no longer an international pariah. Tying all the groups along the way in various projects will also make it in their interest to support the development of the projects and not undermine them for payments by the RAW.
The only long term solution is a stable Afghan state that is economically intertwined with Pakistan. The EU ensured politic stability through economic interdependence. Both countries need to speed up projects that help rebuild Afghanistan on a basis that also benefits Pakistan. Restoring the irrigation system so people are not vulnerable to be recruited by Indian sponsored groups. Rail and road connections so Afghan produce and minerals can get to world markets (and pass through Pakistani industry to stimulate economic development in Pakistan as well)

Hence the need to speed up CPEC and extend it into Afghanistan.

All these efforts by the Indians will be to bog down Pakistan and Afghanistan and keep them from developing, widening the economic difference between them and India.

Pakistan needs an agreement with Afghanistan for deficit free movement of people in exchange for Afghanistan working with Pakistan on economic projects and getting their politics right so they are no longer an international pariah.
Will USA give us permission to do all that?
Will USA give us permission to do all that?
Cut them in on some of the business, and watch American mining companies lobbying to have this done, like Unocal and the Turkmen Pipeline proposal of the 90s. Pakistan has to do the hard work of getting this organized, but once the ground work is laid down, mining and processing concessions can be given to an equal number of Pakistani (probably Frontier Works), US, European, GCC, and Chinese companies to keep all partners happy. Basically the Mongolian model.

If these mining ventures can keep Afghan stable and peaceful, all the better. Look at all the business for western companies in the GCC companies as a result of the oil business.

P.s. if Pakistan doesn’t do this ASAP, the Turks will try to do it through Central Asia, and a Pakistan will a lot of opportunities. Pakistan need to get on this ASAP. The business opportunities transporting and processing Afghan minerals through and in Pakistan could pay for modernizing the rail and port infrastructures, employ millions in manufacturing, and shift the Af-Pak region out of being viewed through the security len and being viewed from the economic len like the Middle East. Pakistan needs this to implement its gel-economic strategy and counter balance the growing Indian international influence.
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