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Indian Army Corps Commander Would go to Chinese Side of LAC for Talks

You're wasting your time.

The script has already been written, and they can't deviate.

He is a multiple ID rat and posts for 2rs per post

He isn't wasting his time. He is earning his daal roti.

Yeah you are a fool for falling for yet another of his face saving excuse

Epic Fail.
Moldo-Chushul is main BPM between India and China as DBO-TWD BPM on Indian side is undergoing repairs and upgradation and won't be available for few more months:


Epic fail rat since Indian army is indeed again going to Chinese Side of LAC like before

The link that you shared says nothing about any construction or its unavailability due to construction

May be @Joe Shearer who is worried about time of a multiple ID rat like @silent_poison can show us this construction from this link that the rat shared :)
He is a multiple ID rat and posts for 2rs per post

He isn't wasting his time. He is earning his daal roti.

Yeah you are a fool for falling for yet another of his face saving excuse

Epic fail rat since Indian army is indeed again going to Chinese Side of LAC like before

The link that you shared says nothing about any construction or its unavailability due to construction

May be @Joe Shearer who is worried about time of a multiple ID rat like @silent_poison can show us this construction from this link that the rat shared :)

Who can speak now that you have spoken, mighty one?
You can if you have something to say other than kissing as$ of a humiliated rat like @silent_poison

None of my posts quote him; I quoted only reports coming out of Indian Army sources, and reported by media people close to them. There has been no detailed misleading narrative coming out of our official or demi-official media. I am sure that you are not telling me that the reports from the Chinese side are transparent and represent the exact truth. But those are on record; on the Indian side, there is no equivalent official or demi-official media to represent the Indian views, and nobody in the world will take private media from India seriously, except for NDTV and The Hindu.

So I have a lot to say, once you have gone and sat down on an ice cube and cooled off.

You can if you have something to say other than kissing as$ of a humiliated rat like @silent_poison

Just to remind you, rhetoric is an excellent tool with which to intimidate an opponent, but I do not kiss anybody's arse, and I think you know that well.
None of my posts quote him; I quoted only reports coming out of Indian Army sources, and reported by media people close to them. There has been no detailed misleading narrative coming out of our official or demi-official media. I am sure that you are not telling me that the reports from the Chinese side are transparent and represent the exact truth. But those are on record; on the Indian side, there is no equivalent official or demi-official media to represent the Indian views, and nobody in the world will take private media from India seriously, except for NDTV and The Hindu.

So I have a lot to say, once you have gone and sat down on an ice cube and cooled off.

Just to remind you, rhetoric is an excellent tool with which to intimidate an opponent, but I do not kiss anybody's arse, and I think you know that well.

I am cool

It is only you who is pissed or disturbed for some reason. I think you can come back later when you are have peace of mind and you would realize how dumb that excuse from the rat was.
I am cool

It is only you who is pissed or disturbed for some reason. I think you can come back later when you are have peace of mind and you would realize how dumb that excuse from the rat was.

I am never pissed or disturbed. Today I am very happy. You do know how to read people - exactly wrong. :D

No, that's not true; I do get pissed or disturbed. But not here, not now. :yahoo:
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