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Indian army 'backed out' of Pakistan attack

I would directly quote from what the general had to say to Charlie Wilson when he asked about the degree of Pakistani involvement in A'stan against Russia.

"We always feel that despite being a superior force in terms of training, equipment (emphasis added) and superior war doctrine, We have never been able to out match our absolutely overwhelming enemy, we would love to return that favor and avenge ourselves if we cant do that directly."

This was not too long ago and replay to my topic from your angle.

Second, our bureaucracy, is most effective in getting its job done, sometimes even if it has to black mail the govt (needed for politicians on a timely basis).

So its for the consumption of the govt that see we have a depleted force, do something about it. To fight Pakistan, India is always over prepared. Dont live in a dream land.

And for you 26/11 doesnt matter, and its good for India that it should never matter to only "Pakistan", that way we will always win the moral battle and awe-fully won.

Alas after the 1971 debacle the opportunity never came, the Kargil conflict, remained very much confined within Indian side, 2002 stand off cost India dearly in both men and money but after mobilising some 700.000 troops, India was paralysed on the border for almost a year and as for 2008 hence the topic at hand, the scenario represents it'self, in the context, one can understand the General's frustration.
Alas after the 1971 debacle the opportunity never came, the Kargil conflict, remained very much confined within Indian side, 2002 stand off cost India dearly in both men and money but after mobilising some 700.000 troops, India was paralysed on the border for almost a year and as for 2008 hence the topic at hand, the scenario represents it'self, in the context, one can understand the General's frustration.

Excuses?:lol: well you were clearly at an advantageous position and like you said, it happened on the Indian side, but I ask myself ,was it ever gonna happen on Pakistani side??, never mind. Anyway, in the topic, Indian Army and Pakistani Army have a lot of difference in them.

Your generals' frustration not so long ago predicted that India can sustain a 45 days battle easily where Pakistan cant (not discounting the causalities on both sides obviously) even for 30 days. And its your same generals who keep raising their concerns regarding Indian fire power at land, sea and air. I do agree that your misadventures serves as wake up calls for our generals too.

So Indian media, Indian reports on matters with Pakistan can give a good night sleep to fanboys out here in PDF.

Not to your generals, they know the true story. Hence leave the comparison or concern whatever to us. We CAN handle it.
Excuses?:lol: well you were clearly at an advantageous position and like you said, it happened on the Indian side, but I ask myself ,was it ever gonna happen on Pakistani side??, never mind. Anyway, in the topic, Indian Army and Pakistani Army have a lot of difference in them.

Your generals' frustration not so long ago predicted that India can sustain a 45 days battle easily where Pakistan cant (not discounting the causalities on both sides obviously) even for 30 days. And its your same generals who keep raising their concerns regarding Indian fire power at land, sea and air. I do agree that your misadventures serves as wake up calls for our generals too.

So Indian media, Indian reports on matters with Pakistan can give a good night sleep to fanboys out here in PDF.

Not to your generals, they know the true story. Hence leave the comparison or concern whatever to us. We CAN handle it.

Bhai, Pakistan has already stated, if it comes to the decimation of Pakistan, the enemy would be decimated. We don't have problem killing ourselves, once enemy forces war on us, Jihad is our way life. Getting killed defending is the ultimate sacrifice any Pakistani would love to take, but in doing so we will make sure that your nation is nothing but reduced to dust. We're not Nepal, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.
Bhai, Pakistan has already stated, if it comes to the decimation of Pakistan, the enemy would be decimated. We don't have problem killing ourselves, once enemy forces war on us, Jihad is our way life. Getting killed defending is the ultimate sacrifice any Pakistani would love to take, but in doing so we will make sure that your nation is nothing but reduced to dust. We're not Nepal, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.

Bhai, you are reaching the ultimatum so soon, hang in there. The topic was about preparedness of IA, in an event of war. But you resorted to nukes, never mind.

Yes, only the ones living in that country and writing crap like this, the sane ones left, so I agree with what you say :lol:
Bhai, Pakistan has already stated, if it comes to the decimation of Pakistan, the enemy would be decimated. We don't have problem killing ourselves, once enemy forces war on us, Jihad is our way life. Getting killed defending is the ultimate sacrifice any Pakistani would love to take, but in doing so we will make sure that your nation is nothing but reduced to dust. We're not Nepal, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.
says a pakistani sitting in UK!!!:omghaha:
Excuses?:lol: well you were clearly at an advantageous position and like you said, it happened on the Indian side, but I ask myself ,was it ever gonna happen on Pakistani side??, never mind. Anyway, in the topic, Indian Army and Pakistani Army have a lot of difference in them.

Your generals' frustration not so long ago predicted that India can sustain a 45 days battle easily where Pakistan cant (not discounting the causalities on both sides obviously) even for 30 days. And its your same generals who keep raising their concerns regarding Indian fire power at land, sea and air. I do agree that your misadventures serves as wake up calls for our generals too.

So Indian media, Indian reports on matters with Pakistan can give a good night sleep to fanboys out here in PDF.

Not to your generals, they know the true story. Hence leave the comparison or concern whatever to us. We CAN handle it.
What excuses mate, India alleged that it was also PA regulars involved in Kargil, thus it had reason and excuse to launch attack across the border.....same in 2002, India initialized the mobilisation only in the end to pull back unilaterally. Any General worthy of his rank will assume, analyze and comment on the prevailing scenario, likewise do recall your warlords talking about able to fight two front battles only to withdraw their frivolous remarks later.
BTW, aren't you touching the hypocrisy border here by giving examples of Pakistani Generals but on the contrary referring to your own as a fan boy dream.....alas your last line.....Generals do know the true scenario.
Bhai, you are reaching the ultimatum so soon, hang in there. The topic was about preparedness of IA, in an event of war. But you resorted to nukes, never mind.

Yes, only the ones living in that country and writing crap like this, the sane ones left, so I agree with what you say :lol:

What i said was plain and simple. You wage war, we will make sure you get a reply that is equally heavy.
What excuses mate, India alleged that it was also PA regulars involved in Kargil, thus it had reason and excuse to launch attack across the border.....same in 2002, India initialized the mobilisation only in the end to pull back unilaterally. Any General worthy of his rank will assume, analyze and comment on the prevailing scenario, likewise do recall your warlords talking about able to fight two front battles only to withdraw their frivolous remarks later.
BTW, aren't you touching the hypocrisy border here by giving examples of Pakistani Generals but on the contrary referring to your own as a fan boy dream.....alas your last line.....Generals do know the true scenario.

So temptation mixed with anger plays bad on all of us, doesnt mean that sane ones loose their minds. But thats not the topic here..

The topic was whether IA can fight a war with PA, and I Have made my point. Citing reference is a part of debate and I have done just that. My points still remain the same, Do you think IA has any shortage when it comes to Pakistan? I am SURE it doesnt.

and you are calling me a fan boy when I am stating the fact. Even today, you cant win a conventional war if India wants to mobilize its forces, and let me say this, you will eventually end up with NASR or NUKES. nothing else. and that is also a fact.

Again, India enjoys a favorable position both moraly and conventionally over you, the reasons are many, our prepardness against China is our concern or sure, not Pakistan.

What i said was plain and simple. You wage war, we will make sure you get a reply that is equally heavy.

True mate. It was simple and a completely NEW thing to hear.
@Windjammer Abe Indian army back out nehi karta toh aj Pakistan ke char tukre hota, that back out saved your asses from bifurcating again.
@Foxbat1, and you adopted a new ID to tell me that no guessing who is talking genuine here.
BTW, what's gonna happen to you a$$ when the mods find out your real ID.
I've done this a couple times now. I've said that every time I catch a multiple ID, I will name and shame them in front of the forum.

@Foxbat1 is a multiple ID of another member here, @DRAY.

Both will be banned.

This should serve as a clear message to all, you cannot hide behind false flags, different names and different emails, we will find you and we will name you openly!

@Foxbat1, and you adopted a new ID to tell me that no guessing who is talking genuine here.
BTW, what's gonna happen to you a$$ when the mods find out your real ID.
@Manticore @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz.

Kindly check out this foul mouth Indian.

If it wasn't for you, I would not have done a background check, but since I have done one. The real identity of the suicide troll has been revealed.
mer Abe Indian army back out nehi karta toh aj Pakistan ke char tukre hota, that back out saved your asses from bifurcating again.
@Foxbat1, and you adopted a new ID to tell me that no guessing who is talking genuine here.
BTW, what's gonna happen to you a$$ when the mods find out your real ID.

how did you know that....he have 2 ID's ?? maybe ur comp Geek??

Not to your generals, they know the true story. Hence leave the comparison or concern whatever to us. We CAN handle it.
Let's Put aside Motherland for a moment....
Do you've History of Warfare's??
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The fact is Indians never stop gloating about 1971, any debate or argument and the Indians run back over 40 years to salvage some pride. Wasn't 1971 when India introduced terrorism in the shape of Mukti, Israel can take pride in beating it's larger neighbours, what's India's pride when they had a 10 :1 ratio in air force, some 50.000 Pakistani troops fighting much larger Indian army and mukti guerrillas simultaneously, these Pakistani soldiers away from home, without any supplies, reinforcements or aircover were in a no win situation, on the contrary when the odds were still very much in India's favour but since the Pak forces were on home ground and in better position, be it 2002 or 2008, Indians had to think twice. Get the point. !!

1971 is not only off-topic but a whole different ball game. Even if some Indian member brings it up, it is only because that was the last major military conflict between the two neighbors with true international ramifications. Also, it can be argued that it all started with the Bengali refugees flooding Indian borders amid a pogrom which was unleashed by the then East Pakistani authorities on their religious minorities. India was well within its rights to respond to such a humanitarian conflict at its borders. But lets not digress to 1971.

Not retaliating to 2008, might well have been a timidity and indecisiveness on part of PM/FM of India at that time! I will never forget the posturing of our then FM (and our current President) as if he was truly on top of things. Although my understanding of Mr. Mukherjee's abilities is limited, I think he is one of the most incompetent senior politicians of our times. But it still doesn't mean that India as a nation, cowered! If at all, it only means that saner heads on this side of the border prevailed even after a grave provocation!

What I have problem with is that Pakistanis chose to take pride in a terrorist strike on an unsuspecting neighbor and that the neighbor didn't retaliate!
So temptation mixed with anger plays bad on all of us, doesnt mean that sane ones loose their minds. But thats not the topic here..

The topic was whether IA can fight a war with PA, and I Have made my point. Citing reference is a part of debate and I have done just that. My points still remain the same, Do you think IA has any shortage when it comes to Pakistan? I am SURE it doesnt.

and you are calling me a fan boy when I am stating the fact. Even today, you cant win a conventional war if India wants to mobilize its forces, and let me say this, you will eventually end up with NASR or NUKES. nothing else. and that is also a fact.

Again, India enjoys a favorable position both moraly and conventionally over you, the reasons are many, our prepardness against China is our concern or sure, not Pakistan.

True mate. It was simple and a completely NEW thing to hear.

In any case, I think there is a surest and an easier way to find out the defense-preparedness of India or her will to fight!

Just declare a war officially! Enough of this firing from a non-state actors' shoulders! And, I think we finally have new dispensation at Delhi cut out for just this kind of a job!
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