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Indian army accused of using Kashmiris as human shields in border skirmish with Pakistan


Mar 30, 2010
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Security forces amassed in residential areas of northern Kashmir resulting in three civilian deaths, including an eight-year-old

The Indian army has been accused of war crimes after videos emerged of its military firing at targets in Pakistan from civilian areas of Indian-held Kashmir.

Residents in the Muslim-majority village of Panzgam in Kupwara district told Middle East Eye on Monday that Indian forces entered the area with heavy artillery late last week and began using the village as a base to launch attacks against the Pakistani army.

Villagers said that not only were they placed in the direct line of retaliatory attacks but the deafening sound from Bofors artillery guns had damaged homes, terrorised children and turned the quiet village into a war zone.

"We approached the army but they are telling us to leave our houses. Where would we go?" Zaiba Hussain*, a resident of Panzgam, told MEE.

"On the one side, the government is telling us to stay home and maintain social distancing," Hussain said, referring to a raft of measures imposed by Delhi aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

"But when the army fires from these high range weapons, it shakes everything inside our house."

The cross-border attacks began on Friday along the de-facto border that separates Indian and Pakistan-held Kashmir. Both sides have blamed each other for breaching a 2002 ceasefire.

Villagers in Panzgam denounced the Indian army's moves, saying they were more than 20km away from the Line of Control (LoC), and the decision had endangered nearby villages.

"If we knew they would one day enter this area also and make us all human shields we would not have invested our lives into these houses," Hussain said.

"We are crying with fear. Our children and elders are panicking."

'We could not dig the grave properly'

By Monday, three Kashmiri civilians, including an eight-year-old boy, had died in a neighbouring village due to the retaliatory shelling.

"Pakistan today at 5:00pm (local time) initiated unprovoked ceasefire violation in Keran sector. Pakistan now targeting civilian population in Kupwara sector near the LoC resulting in killing three innocent civilians including one woman and a child," Rajesh Kalia, an Indian army spokesman in Srinagar, said in a statement.

Meanwhile, in Pakistan-held Kashmir, a two-year-old boy was killed and four others injured by Indian mortar fire.

Pakistan said the Indian army had "initiated unprovoked ceasefire violations" along the LoC, "deliberately targeting civilian population in Baroh, Dhudnial, Rakhchikri and Chirikot sectors."

While the cross-border shelling has since ceased, residents said the effect of escalating tensions was palpable.

"On Monday morning it was calm, but there is a lot of fear among people. It felt like it's a war," said Irfan Bhat*, whose 36-year-old cousin Shameema Begum was killed by a shell that landed in their garden.

"Yesterday, we laid my cousin to rest. We could not dig the grave properly due to fear."

Replicating Israeli methods

Khurram Parvez, a programme coordinator at the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS), told MEE that the Indian army's use of artillery weapons in civilian areas amounted to a "war crime".

"According to our information they have placed 155 mm Bofors [in the village]. This shows the army is hiding in civilian areas turning the civilian population into human shields - this is a war crime.

"It is very clear that [both] countries do not care about civilian lives. And with deaths on [the] Indian side [this] also shows Pakistan in a bad light. It is a psychological war - a war against the people of Kashmir."

Shrimoyee Ghosh, a lawyer and legal anthropologist based in Delhi, agreed, telling MEE that moving artillery positions into residential areas exposed villagers to shelling and deliberately placed them in "the line of enemy fire".

"If it was done deliberately, with the design to deter military attacks, this is a prohibited act of using civilian population as a human shield and would amount to war crime."
Shri Ram Ambarkar, an Indian police officer, said the matter was a "misunderstanding" and was being rectified.

But Ghosh said that the military's actions should be seen as part of "India's widespread disregard for international and domestic laws and principles, and refusal to be subject to any norms in its offensive against Kashmiris."

"In the counter-insurgency war in disputed Kashmir, we have seen the use of human shields, quite often during cordons and searches. In 2016, when video footage emerged of a person tied to a military vehicle, then army chief (Bipin Rawat) actually applauded it as an 'innovative method'," she said.

The Indian army has been frequently accused of using Kashmiris as human shields.

In April 2017, Farooq Ahmed Dar was tied to the front of a jeep and driven on a five-hour journey through several Kashmiri villages at the head of an army convoy. An inquiry was ordered but before it could be completed, the accused army officer was awarded a medal.

"India is blurring the distinction between civilians and military targets - which it has historically done and it must be investigated," Ghosh said.

The Indian army did not respond to MEE's request for comment.

The border escalation comes weeks after the Indian government enacted a domicile law in Indian-held Kashmir, raising fears that it plans to create demographic change and turn the Muslim-majority region into a Hindu majority, replicating Israeli methods in the occupied West Bank.

*Names changed.

And writer is:

Azad Essa@azadessa
Azad Essa is a senior reporter for Middle East Eye based in New York City. He worked for Al Jazeera English between 2010-2018 covering southern and central Africa for the network. He is the author of The Moslems are Coming (Harper Collins India) and Zuma's Bastard (Two Dogs Books).

He always bark something about India.. So as usual..
Let me go by his history:





List will go on - he always speak anything against India and Israel without any proof.

So who cares??? He is free to make stories and sell in Arab countries...
Another source confirming cowardice of Indian army and its use of human shields

@AgNoStiC MuSliM @masterchief_mirza @notorious_eagle @The Eagle
Thank you for tagging me.

I completely agree that moving artillery into populated areas in order to gain some kind of tactical advantage when firing or to compromise retaliation by Pakistani artillery because of known civilians nearby amounts to a war crime and/or violation of the Geneva conventions. Arguments of "proportionality" sometimes used by non-state guerrilla forces (who launch attacks from within populated areas as a purportedly inevitable function of their normal methodology of war) are also clearly not applicable for the indian army. If proven, there can be no doubt that this is human shielding, illegal under international law.
And writer is:

Azad Essa@azadessa
Azad Essa is a senior reporter for Middle East Eye based in New York City. He worked for Al Jazeera English between 2010-2018 covering southern and central Africa for the network. He is the author of The Moslems are Coming (Harper Collins India) and Zuma's Bastard (Two Dogs Books).

He always bark something about India.. So as usual..
Let me go by his history:





So who cares???

You bharatis won't accept the truth even if Bipin himself would accept that Indian army is using human shields

The article is for people who have little bit of morality left in them to accept the truth

You belong to a morally depraved society. Article is not for you

@xeuss you might want to read this latest act of cowardice by Indian army

Nothing surprising since these soldiers also come from same morally depraved Indian society
You bharatis won't accept the truth even if Bipin himself would accept that Indian army is using human shields

The article is for people who have little bit of morality left in them to accept the truth

You belong to a morally depraved society. Article is not for you

@xeuss you might want to read this latest act of cowardice by Indian army

Nothing surprising since these soldiers also come from same morally depraved Indian society

Before I read his nonsense.. I will look his background history...


Pinned Tweet

Azad Essa

24 Mar

On Monday, an Indian epidemiologist said 55% of the country could have #COVID19 while one estimate suggests India could see around 30,000 deaths by May. But what is the Indian government doing? Purchasing more arms from Israel, of course.

Too many hatred tweets against India....

Surely, he loves India....
Before I read his nonsense.. I will look his background history...


Pinned Tweet

Azad Essa

24 Mar

On Monday, an Indian epidemiologist said 55% of the country could have #COVID19 while one estimate suggests India could see around 30,000 deaths by May. But what is the Indian government doing? Purchasing more arms from Israel, of course.

Too many hatred tweets against India....

Surely, he loves India....
People have lost patience with India for a number of legitimate reasons, mainly that it's a circus masquerading as a nation.
Before I read his nonsense.. I will look his background history...


Pinned Tweet

Azad Essa

24 Mar

On Monday, an Indian epidemiologist said 55% of the country could have #COVID19 while one estimate suggests India could see around 30,000 deaths by May. But what is the Indian government doing? Purchasing more arms from Israel, of course.

Too many hatred tweets against India....

Surely, he loves India....

Don't see anything wrong in any of the tweet you posted here

Any sane guy would say the same for fall of morality in Indian society
And writer is:

Azad Essa@azadessa
Azad Essa is a senior reporter for Middle East Eye based in New York City. He worked for Al Jazeera English between 2010-2018 covering southern and central Africa for the network. He is the author of The Moslems are Coming (Harper Collins India) and Zuma's Bastard (Two Dogs Books).

He always bark something about India.. So as usual..
Let me go by his history:





List will go on - he always speak anything against India and Israel without any proof.

So who cares??? He is free to make stories and sell in Arab countries...

Ah, the Indians habit of burying their heads in the sand continues, without much surprises. Denials, denials and more damn denials, nature of the Indians.
There had been videos posted on social media clearly showing the locals fighting with the IA not to stationed their long distance artillery inside the village.
But what is the evidence for Indians!! Not much, the lies should continue.
And writer is:

Azad Essa@azadessa
Azad Essa is a senior reporter for Middle East Eye based in New York City. He worked for Al Jazeera English between 2010-2018 covering southern and central Africa for the network. He is the author of The Moslems are Coming (Harper Collins India) and Zuma's Bastard (Two Dogs Books).

He always bark something about India.. So as usual..
Let me go by his history:





List will go on - he always speak anything against India and Israel without any proof.

So who cares??? He is free to make stories and sell in Arab countries...
Don't kill the messenger pajeet, there are dozen of videos in which PakKashmiris protesting against the occupiers
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