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Indian Apache attack helicopter makes emergency landing in Punjab

Technical Faults = Indian Pilots :rofl::omghaha:
Yeah I saw all that. The IAF and fanboys are in complete denial, not realising that it's either pilots or maintenance crew to be the culprits.
If see this picture, this the reason
Not technical faults , but human fault

The level of language in this forum has went really bad. I suggest that moderators asks members to have discussion/debates in civilized way.

People consuming too much booze during lockdown and coming to PDF to post
OMG.. What a F--- up by India.

- The ground crew who took this helicopter out of storage to make it ready for the day - FAILED
- The ground crew who fuelled/armed and got it mission ready - FAILED
- The Pilot who accepted and signed off the helicopter and did the ground walk inspection - FAILED
- The co-pilot who did a ground walk inspection of the helicopter - FAILED
- The ground grew who did the final check of the helicopter when it was just about to talk off and gave thumbs up - FAILED
- The control tower that did a final inspection and gave clearance for it to fly - FAILED

This was NOT a failure by one person... this will multiple idiots in the whole chain who failed on the most basic thing ever ... ie take off the thing labelled "TAKE OFF BEFORE FLIGHT" off the damn aircraft !!!!!!!!! There are even WHITE pull cables that contrast with the RED INSERTS to give more contrast to say.. Look at this.. danger.. pull !!!
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