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Indian and foreign hand in balochistan : Official report in senate


Nov 27, 2011
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ISLAMABAD: Describing the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) as a ‘killing machine’, Interior Minister Rehman Malik accused extremist organisations and banned outfits in Balochistan on Thursday of acting on directives from abroad and with complete support and assistance from Afghanistan.

“The BLA is a killing machine which is overhauled in Afghanistan and all its spare parts come from Afghanistan,” the interior minister said in a speech in the Senate on the ‘law and order situation in Balochistan’.

Referring to his recent meeting with Hamid Karzai, he said the Afghan president had indirectly admitted that his country had a role in Balochistan and that the Kunar province from where most of the infiltration into Pakistan were taking place was under the control of the US and Nato forces.

The minister told the house that the Afghan president had asked him to facilitate talks with the Haqqani network and in return he would request the US and the Nato forces to stop cross-border movements from the Kunar area to Malakand and other adjacent areas.

“I told the Afghan president that there are training camps in your country and I can provide you the list of those persons who receive $468 (for it),” he said without elaborating.

“We cannot separate the Balochistan problem from the world power game. The issue is grave. If we are negligent, history will not forgive us. We will have to find a solution collectively before it is too late,” the minister said, adding that the powers which wanted to see a destabilised Pakistan had prepared a roadmap.

Indian links

Mr Malik alleged that Baramdagh Bugti, a grandson of Akbar Bugti, was involved in kidnapping and killing people. Despite this, he said, he had accepted the invitation for a meeting with Baramdagh Bugti in Tajikistan, but it was cancelled at the eleventh hour by the Baloch leader.

The minister said that Mr Bugti celebrated the New Year in India and refused to meet him. He said Baramdagh Bugti had informed him from India about having received a message from the Indian establishment advising him not to see him.

The minister also criticised the US for giving special treatment to India. “We are partners in the war on terror, but India is receiving facilities,” he said.

Mr Malik said he was surprised why Washington and the United Nations were concerned about human rights violations in Balochistan whereas such violations were also taking place in the other three provinces of the country. “Why the US and the UN are interested only in the affairs of Balochistan? Why there are international seminars only on the Balochistan issue?”

The minister categorically blamed the BLA and Lashkar-i-Jhangvi for the situation in the province. He alleged that the BLA had murdered a number of workers engaged in development activities in Balochistan. Giving official figures, he said, 138 personnel of the Frontier Corps (FC), 89 policemen and 872 civilians had been killed in violent incidents in Balochistan in 2011, and the BLA had claimed responsibility for most of the killings.
Responding to criticism on FC’s role in Balochistan, he said the FC had been given under the control of the chief minister and it was there only to assist police. Moreover, he said, the FC was assisting police only in five per cent area of the province. “If criticism on the FC continues, I will withdraw the FC and send it to borders,” he threatened.
The interior minister again requested Deputy Chairman Sabir Baloch to arrange an in-camera session of the upper house in which, he said, the members would be able to get a briefing from officials of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), the Foreign Office and the interior ministry on the role of foreign countries in the region.

Mr Malik also called for some changes in the Balochistan Package announced by the government two years ago.
Sinister dimension
Taking part in the debate, Farhatullah Babar of the PPP stressed the need for resolving the issues of forced disappearances and dumping of bodies to end insurgency in Balochistan.

“Although the issue has plagued the whole country there is a sinister dimension to it in Balochistan that has given rise to a perception that Baloch dissidents are being eliminated while the powers-that-be have become impervious to both sane advice and the dictates of laws,” he said.

Mr Babar said this was evident from the fact that whenever directions were issued and law-enforcement agencies were asked to recover the missing persons, dead bodies were dumped in response.
He proposed that the state should not live in a state of denial and must admit that people were disappearing in a mysterious manner.
He demanded that the report of the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances be published and its recommendations implemented. He suggested that Pakistan should sign the International Convention on Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.
The PPP senator said that according to reports a team of the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances will visit Pakistan in September. “We should facilitate the visit of the UN team and use the opportunity to remove misperception and to demonstrate that the government is serious about solving the problem,” he added.
Mutilated bodies
Hasil Bizenjo of the National Party claimed that so far 400 mutilated bodies of the missing persons had been found in Balochistan. He said the Balochistan situation was similar to that of East Pakistan. He said there was a complete constitutional breakdown in the province where no government
existed at all.

Leader of the Opposition Ishaq Dar of the PML-N alleged that the rulers in Balochistan were only interested in corruption and 80 per cent of the allocated development funds had gone into the pockets of different people.
The interior minister will conclude his speech on Friday.
Meanwhile, the house passed a resolution condemning the atrocities being committed against Muslims in Myanmar.
“Foreign Hand” what I meant to say was that finally Pakistanis have started believing in a phenomenon what they have always denied.All these years they continued to foster trouble in India/Afganistan ..so no one is going to feel sorry for pakistan even if foreign agencies are involved.

I Guess Rehman Malik is on Some Low Quality Weed, If Pakistan has proof of India's Involvement; then, Pakistan should provide us, we'll run Trial against the culprits and punish them...
“Foreign Hand” what I meant to say was that finally Pakistanis have started believing in a phenomenon what they have always denied.All these years they continued to foster trouble in India/Afganistan ..so no one is going to feel sorry for pakistan even if foreign agencies are involved.

I Guess Rehman Malik is on Some Low Quality Weed, If Pakistan has proof of India's Involvement; then, Pakistan should provide us, we'll run Trial against the culprits and punish them...

Its hard to prove in black and white such state sponsored activities.But the psyche of indian establishment that a Pak busy at home will prevent any khalistan and kashmir trouble is the base of all such terror supporting activities of india why else would india have 25 consulates along with pak border only in afghanistan.China having three times the investment of india has only 2.Anyways wikileaks gave an inside look.

WASHINGTON: A cable from US Embassy in Islamabad leaked by whistle-blower website WikiLeaks disclosed that there were enough evidences of Indian involvement in Waziristan and other tribal areas of Pakistan as well as Balochistan.

The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha’s extension in services was termed as a good omen in one such cable and it was added that his further presence on the scene would enhance the agency’s abilities to combat anti-terror war.

An earlier cable ruled out any direct or indirect involvement of ISI in 26/11 under Pasha’s command while Mumbai’s dossier, based on prime accused Ajmal Kasab’s confessional statement was termed funny and “shockingly immature”.

WikiLeaks revealed that a cable sent from a US mission in India termed former Indian Army chief General Deepak Kapoor as an incompetent combat leader and rather a geek.

His war doctrine, suggesting eliminating China and Pakistan in a simultaneous war front was termed as “much far from reality”. Another cable indicates that General Kapoor was dubbed as a general who was least bothered about security challenges to the country but was more concerned about making personal assets and strengthening his own cult in the army. The cable also suggested that a tug-of-war between Kapoor and the current Indian Army chief had divided the Indian Army into two groups.

General Singh has also been described as “Pakistan, China centric”, with an added aggression towards China. The cable mentioned General Singh as an egotist, self-obsessed, petulant and idiosyncratic general, a braggadocio and a show-off, who has been disliked (and barely tolerated) by all his subordinates.

An earlier cable described Indian Army involved in gross human rights violations in Indian-held Kashmir while some Lt Gen HS Panag, the then GOC-in-Chief of the Northern Command of the Indian Army, was equated with General Milosevic of Bosnia with regard to butchering Muslims through war crimes.

The cable urged Washington to secretly divert UN attention towards the genocide of innocent civilians in held Kashmir at the hands of Indian Army and also suggested that US should avoid holding any joint drill with Indian Army until it stops inhuman activities in Kashmir. The cable termed one Lt Col AK Mathur as “devil’s advocate” at Srinagar.

Another cable indicated involvement of top Indian Army leadership in engaging Hindu extremist militants to carry out certain terror operations to keep Indian Muslims on the back foot and to keep pressure on neighbouring Pakistan’s Army and intelligence agencies, particularly the Inter-Services Intelligence.

The cable confirmed the active presence of ISI in India but it refused to confirm any involvement of ISI in any terror incident across India and did confirm intelligence collection by its agents and operatives. Another cable confirmed that there was a nexus of top Indian Army officials and extremist Hindu outfits. This cable suggested that an Indian police officer, a counter-terror specialist with the name of Hemant Karkare, had exposed this nexus to some extent when he arrested a serving colonel of Indian army, Lt Colonel Purohit, for blazing a Pakistan bound train (Samjhota Express).

The cable suggested that Hemant Karkare held a secret meeting with a senior US diplomat in New Delhi during the national day reception of a friendly country and briefed him about the gravity and the growing depth of the nexus between top Indian Army leadership and the militant Hindu fanatic groups. Karkare sought security for him and his family from the said American diplomat as he feared that the army and establishment would eliminate him as he intended to move further to expose the network. He had further briefed the said US diplomat that a former commander-in-chief of the Central Command of the Indian army, Lt Gen PN Hoon, was heading the militancy wing of the Hindu extremists and was getting full tactical, logistic and financial support from senior army officers. The day, Karkare was eliminated in a pre-planned ambush during the Mumbai attacks, a cable sent to the US read “we have lost an important link and a vital evidence”.

Another cable sent to Washington termed Hindutva brotherhood in general and Shiv Sena in particular, as ticking time bombs with regard to militancy and terrorism. It was suggested that fundraisers like Hindu Students Council of America etc should be banned to raise funds as they were generating funds for the Hindu militant outfits under the garb of charity. Another file dubs Hindutva Brotherhood as a far bigger threat to regional and global peace than Taliban, al-Qaeda and LeT and the later three were declared as “peanuts” if equated with Hindutva Brotherhood and Sangh Parivaar and Washington was urged to take up the issue with New Delhi. Another cable expressed grave concern over the Indian government’s ability to handle Naxal insurgency movement as 80 per cent of Indian nuclear and missile facilities were present in the insurgency hit areas of India while the Indian security forces were totally helpless in ensuring the writ of the government in that particular area, known as the “Red Corridor of India”.

Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan, Waziristan « Pakistanpal’s Blog
“Foreign Hand” what I meant to say was that finally Pakistanis have started believing in a phenomenon what they have always denied.All these years they continued to foster trouble in India/Afganistan ..so no one is going to feel sorry for pakistan even if foreign agencies are involved.

I Guess Rehman Malik is on Some Low Quality Weed, If Pakistan has proof of India's Involvement; then, Pakistan should provide us, we'll run Trial against the culprits and punish them...

I think Pakistan should let India interrogate Rehman Malik and/or all those who were involved in collecting these alleged proofs, or else we will not investigate these allegations.:D
So shameful faceless statement! It means foreign spies more skilled than local ones!! I think this is shamefully true about Pakistan. That’s the reason Pakistan secret services denied presense of Osama bin laden. But what happened? Foreign spies dugged him out and near the capital and near the army head quartes of Pakistan! What’s the mistake of common citizen of Pakistan? Why innocents die every day? It shows only one thing that if it is foreign spies work then local spies are with them. So easy!
“Foreign Hand” what I meant to say was that finally Pakistanis have started believing in a phenomenon what they have always denied.All these years they continued to foster trouble in India/Afganistan ..so no one is going to feel sorry for pakistan even if foreign agencies are involved.

I Guess Rehman Malik is on Some Low Quality Weed, If Pakistan has proof of India's Involvement; then, Pakistan should provide us, we'll run Trial against the culprits and punish them...

India have proofs and saffron terrorists are in custody who are involved in Samjhota blasts better punish them first we will take care of others.

So shameful faceless statement! It means foreign spies more skilled than local ones!! I think this is shamefully true about Pakistan. That’s the reason Pakistan secret services denied presense of Osama bin laden. But what happened? Foreign spies dugged him out and near the capital and near the army head quartes of Pakistan! What’s the mistake of common citizen of Pakistan? Why innocents die every day? It shows only one thing that if it is foreign spies work then local spies are with them. So easy!

Your statement only proves you are 100times more stupid as compare to Rehman Malik.
'No foreign hand behind Balochistan's homegrown political movement'

Karachi, Feb 29 (ANI): Highlighting the Pakistan Government's ignorance towards the country's largest province, Balochistan Express editor Siddiq Baloch has said that the political rights movement in Balochistan is homegrown, and added that there is no evidence of foreign involvement.
Baloch was speaking at a seminar organised by the Karachi Press Club and the Irtiqa Institute of Social Sciences on the "Balochistan situation and the role of media."
"The Baloch are currently not capable of taking over a single cantonment," he said, and then, added by way of proof: "If they were backed by foreign countries, they would have the best arms and ammunition," Siddiq said.
He accused Pakistan Muslim League-N chief Nawaz Sharif of being involved in corruption of millions of rupees while ignoring the Baloch, The Express Tribune reports.
Investigative monthly magazine Herald's correspondent Moosa Kaleem, who has reported on the burning issues of the province, warned that Balochistan's frustration at Pakistan's creation had turned into hatred, and said that the mishandling of the intelligence agencies has worsened the situation.
Kaleem cited unconfirmed reports that women are being picked up and are missing while those who have been missing for the last two years have come back as tortured corpses.
He criticised the media for not doing enough, as the print and electronic media are being extremely cautious about what they report.
Baloch leader Yusuf Masti Khan said that the anti-state sentiments can be traced to pre-partition.
"The Baloch did not want to be a part of the new country, including the Baloch from Lyari. Pakistan was created without a strategy on how it would be run. And Balochistan has suffered the most," he said. (ANI)
Hope Pakistan should provide stronger evidence than what India provided for 26/11. We want to see how many of those evidence will stand in court of law.

Practice what you preach.
ISLAMABAD: Describing the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) as a ‘killing machine’, Interior Minister Rehman Malik accused extremist organisations and banned outfits in Balochistan on Thursday of acting on directives from abroad and with complete support and assistance from Afghanistan.

Where does this piece of cr@p talk about India's involvement in Balochistan? Or is it just a Pakistani with his imagination running wild ;)
'No foreign hand behind Balochistan's homegrown political movement'

Karachi, Feb 29 (ANI): Highlighting the Pakistan Government's ignorance towards the country's largest province, Balochistan Express editor Siddiq Baloch has said that the political rights movement in Balochistan is homegrown, and added that there is no evidence of foreign involvement.
Baloch was speaking at a seminar organised by the Karachi Press Club and the Irtiqa Institute of Social Sciences on the "Balochistan situation and the role of media."
"The Baloch are currently not capable of taking over a single cantonment," he said, and then, added by way of proof: "If they were backed by foreign countries, they would have the best arms and ammunition," Siddiq said.
He accused Pakistan Muslim League-N chief Nawaz Sharif of being involved in corruption of millions of rupees while ignoring the Baloch, The Express Tribune reports.
Investigative monthly magazine Herald's correspondent Moosa Kaleem, who has reported on the burning issues of the province, warned that Balochistan's frustration at Pakistan's creation had turned into hatred, and said that the mishandling of the intelligence agencies has worsened the situation.
Kaleem cited unconfirmed reports that women are being picked up and are missing while those who have been missing for the last two years have come back as tortured corpses.
He criticised the media for not doing enough, as the print and electronic media are being extremely cautious about what they report.
Baloch leader Yusuf Masti Khan said that the anti-state sentiments can be traced to pre-partition.
"The Baloch did not want to be a part of the new country, including the Baloch from Lyari. Pakistan was created without a strategy on how it would be run. And Balochistan has suffered the most," he said. (ANI)

so you think the words of these handful of men which would say anything after getting a few thousand from US or india is more authentic than PAk senators and intelligence official.And you have completely rejected the cables of US ambassadors.


Such high tech weapons aint available at the corner of the streets and needs huge money where from baloch rebels getting that money given no resources and business in that area.kashimiri freedom fighters didnt get hold of SAM in decades coz they were not supported by a state and that was an actual home grown movement but the things in balochistan are accurately planed by outsiders who are funding it as well.


Do you see any difference b/w these balochs and talibans.No then why US is against taliban only and sympathizes with balochs and as said by minister there are human rights violations in all parts of PAk
but only the events of Balochistan are highlighted.

If you want more proofs of indian involvement go here

Govt to give proof of US, Indian role in Baloch insurgency | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

So, a blog is evidence against India. :lol::lol:

Do you see any difference b/w these balochs and talibans.No then why US is against taliban only and sympathizes with balochs and as said by minister there are human rights violations in all parts of PAk
but only the events of Balochistan are highlighted.
Don't tell me that Talibans don't have access to rocket launchers.


The article says "preparation for proofs".
the Pakistani govt repeatedly says there is an Indian hand and they have proof . if so how come no one (no foreign media, or state govt or even the UN ) has seen this evidence? :)
Don't tell me that Talibans don't have access to rocket launchers.

The article says "preparation for proofs".

these stinger missiles are from 80's one thing a old pic and secondly what baloch rebels are having thats a surface to air missile much advanced than a mere stinger...Well read post # 3 if american ambassadors official cables aint a proof as well then I dun know what you think a proof is....

the Pakistani govt repeatedly says there is an Indian hand and they have proof . if so how come no one (no foreign media, or state govt or even the UN ) has seen this evidence? :)

Read post # 3
these stinger missiles are from 80's one thing a old pic and secondly what baloch rebels are having thats a surface to air missile much advanced than a mere stinger...Well read post # 3 if american ambassadors official cables aint a proof as well then I dun know what you think a proof is....

I posted two pictures, they are not from 80s.
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