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Indian Air Force on high alert after suicide attack intel on its bases by JeM terror module

Are they talking about 9 lakh Indian occupier terrorists? Or the bharti terrorists who $h1t on train tracks.
The IAF & Indian authorities would be better off doing some work rather than always making sensational headlines as if they are on top of their game. By their own admission, Drones are flying into India like Fedex Service, in recent days we have seen how effective these drones are against ground targets, what price the Indian targets.

Punjab Police Bust Terror Module Supplied With Weapons By Drones From Pak.
The IAF & Indian authorities would be better off doing some work rather than always making sensational headlines as if they are on top of their game. By their own admission, Drones are flying into India like Fedex Service, in recent days we have seen how effective these drones are against ground targets, what price the Indian targets.

Punjab Police Bust Terror Module Supplied With Weapons By Drones From Pak.

I guess this is an own goal from indian media . This will ignite more hatred among the sikh community towards Hindu India.
GanguFacistModi desparately needs a FalseFlag tarrorisht attack on/before 27th to do his dallas in UNGA ...

So we must be prepared for more randi rhona in the coming weeks...

We can laugh all we want about GanguMedia but the choorun sells in GanguDaesh and that is their goal..not to convince us.
27th September?
Indian Occupied Kashmir is continuously under lock down & curfew as well as blackout of communication with outside world; pretty much validates & may turn out to be ideal location to stage a false flag attack. However, Indian Establishment seems to be busy with choosing location while named 5 or more locations and that too only Air Force Bases? mostly probably in attempt to score multiple goals in one go - from cover up of so & so losses to blame Pakistan and try to divert world attention from Modi's humiliation in UNGA for Kashmir genocide. HowdyModi proven to be a flop show & POTUS dumped Modi's rhetoric & almost, majority acknowledges IoK situation as worst & worrisome. An scapegoat is into preparation followed by aggression on border and there may be a start of conflict. . . .
Indian Occupied Kashmir is continuously under lock down & curfew as well as blackout of communication with outside world; pretty much validates & may turn out to be ideal location to stage a false flag attack. However, Indian Establishment seems to be busy with choosing location while named 5 or more locations and that too only Air Force Bases? mostly probably in attempt to score multiple goals in one go - from cover up of so & so losses to blame Pakistan and try to divert world attention from Modi's humiliation in UNGA for Kashmir genocide. HowdyModi proven to be a flop show & POTUS dumped Modi's rhetoric & almost, majority acknowledges IoK situation as worst & worrisome. An scapegoat is into preparation followed by aggression on border and there may be a start of conflict. . . .
Waiting ..... Hope it starts soon .
Indian Occupied Kashmir is continuously under lock down & curfew as well as blackout of communication with outside world; pretty much validates & may turn out to be ideal location to stage a false flag attack. However, Indian Establishment seems to be busy with choosing location while named 5 or more locations and that too only Air Force Bases? mostly probably in attempt to score multiple goals in one go - from cover up of so & so losses to blame Pakistan and try to divert world attention from Modi's humiliation in UNGA for Kashmir genocide. HowdyModi proven to be a flop show & POTUS dumped Modi's rhetoric & almost, majority acknowledges IoK situation as worst & worrisome. An scapegoat is into preparation followed by aggression on border and there may be a start of conflict. . . .
I fear they may do something stupid in main area other than IOJ&K,last two false flags have taught them that false flags in IO&JK don't get required media attention neither world bodies feel enough sympthy with Bharat on these attacks.
They may go for another 2008 style attack.
I fear they may do something stupid in main area other than IOJ&K,last two false flags have taught them that false flags in IO&JK don't get required media attention neither world bodies feel enough sympthy with Bharat on these attacks.
They may go for another 2008 style attack.

Either AJ&K or inside India; they are indeed up-to something big this time due to growing pressure.
Either AJ&K or inside India; they are indeed up-to something big this time due to growing pressure.
Most probably inside Bharat,IOJ&K has been in lime light for quite few months citing groos human rights violations.
I fear that IA will kill innocent Kashmiri's and present them as JeM terrorists .

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