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Indian air force on high alert after reported UFO sightening

didn't India mistake a planet as a UFO/Spy plane for a few weeks or months o_O
Technically afaik,that was really a case involving the UFOs.The military didn't want to alarm the civil population and since our main stream media behave like a$$es in situations like this by spreading unnecessary fear among the common masses,it was necessary to debunk the alien theory in order to stop spreading of rumor and panic.That incident took place at a high altitude region in Ladakh which is notorious among the locals for having UFO activities.The MoD at that time was quick to bury the case.
This time the incident took place near Delhi airport,a densely populated region,so there is no scope of burying the news this time by terming it as some planet or something like that:coffee:
Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen. Its going to turn out to be another pigeon or planet spying on super duper indian (indigenous) tech.. :pop:
The UFO flew from Mehran Air Base: Times Now
Drones with civilians is going to create many such challenges for al countries in future. It will also become a terrorist device in future.
Before UFOs having elations with Americans & spotted only in America now after all India became new baby of USA, UFO making relation with India as wel :lol:
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