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Soon to be upgraded with the DRDO SAAW and AIM-132 ASRAAM

Interesting how you don't really see the AIM-132 having done what it was originally designed to do and that was to replace the AIM-9L & P in the short range missile spectrum. It was designed to actually fill in the range gap between the AIM-120 and the AIM-9 because apparently there is this lull space where neither of those aforementioned missiles work very well in and this AIM-132 was supposed to fill that void as well as take over the duties of the AIM-9 series. Except that isn't what has happened, especially when you look at when the ASRAAM was introduced and became active was in 1998. So it's been a while and maybe it had to do with the fact that it wasn't Raytheon or an American co. that initiated the building and testing and introduction of the missile, but MBA and a British co. which is why we see it on the Typhoon and I think the Gripen also and some of the other jets in the Royal Navy as well as certain exports such as in this case to India.

But you would've thought it should have replaced the AIM-9 in all its forms by now but it hasn't.
Most outdated aircraft in Asia? The DARIN 3 Jaguar? It has Elta 2052 AESA radar BTW and will be supported by HAL which has the required expertise and has also sourced Jags from all over for usage as Christmas trees. Rebuilt Jag DARIN 3s are being supplied back to the IAF and the oldest Jags will be retired.

Actually you ought to worry about the PAF. How is it going to replace those hundred plus obsolete Mirage 3, 5s and F-7PGs? Looks like the PAF knows it'll have to continue flying the Mirages at least this decade which is why they sourced more Mirages from Egypt. and these obsolete fighters against Rafales, Mirage-2000I, Su-30MKIs and Tejas Mk1 and Mk1As? Cannon fodder unless they're shielded by F-16s and JF-17s.

Where will the money come from to replace ~200 fighters this decade with an economy teetering on the edge? And what types? Just keep buying more JF-17s?

As for PAF F-16s, where is the roadmap to make them get AESA radars as you claim that nearly all PAF fighters will be AESA equipped? I doubt the PAF will get the F-16V package from the USA, so what's the option? Turkish AESA? Unproven, untested, not in service as yet. And the US has to approve of any such upgrades or else support will become a major headache.
You Indians dont know when to quit.
Old but a nice refresher

The Sufa also has a great paint scheme, reminds me of the RAFO Jags(Which are better looking :D )


IAF has an exchange program with the other IAF, developing on the strong relationships and learning along the way.
Is IAF looking to buy M-2000s from France & other operators like:


I'm not saying that just now but about negotiations.
Said it once, IAF and DRDO are the gift that just keeps on giving for Pakistan. 3 Phalcons, 3 NETAs and now another new type. 11 planes with 3 different radars, 3 different airframes, 3 different countries. The cost in time, funds and manpower for that capability is insane. Now IAF will be the worlds only operator in tiny numbers of 3 different AEW planes. Stupidity is not strong enough a word

Six new 'eyes in the sky' for IAF to be built by DRDO on Air India planes
Read more At:
Your avatar name makes me think of that LOTR movie.
:D With their masks those men look like the Easterlings from the two towers. The Easterlings even had elephants.

In LOTR there were very few elven and dwarf people. Some but not many men of Rohan and Gondor. HUGE numbers of Orcs and goblins and a significant number of Easterlings and Corsairs.

Every movie, novel and even history is littered with racism, hatred and us vs them. Teach them to hate when they are young and their minds still forming.

JASDF Chief, General Izutsu Shunji visiting India (interesting timing?)




JASDF has had a very busy last few years
I'm a bit surprised this hasn't been reported:

View attachment 697760

So then good luck if they want to do it alone!

It has, we had a good laugh about it on the Indian Defence thread.....
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