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Indian Air Force Mi-17 helicopter that crashed near a helipad in Eastern Arunachal Pradesh

I don't get it with these Indian pilots. The helipad was literally a few meters away directly in-front of the helicopter. All he had to do is push the stick forward, level off and then descend as normal onto the pad. Rather, he must of had a legendary Hanuman hallucination and crashed it instead. Most likely blame it on a Tekniqi Kharabi :sarcastic:
nose was up during landing , why pilot was struggling ... from video it seems its due to landing near a mountain , and pilot was not trained landing in mountain area where airflow change rapidly at different heights confusing pilot of engine failure.

heliopter landed softly however landed 10-20 meter away from landing zone and in bushes which tripled the helicopter.

New rotor blades required
New rotor motor as it got complete shock of rotors hitting ground.
trained pilot required :-D
perhaps the pilots were unfamiliar with the area and weren’t able to compensate properly for the altitude. Speaks poorly of their pilot training, or helicopter maintenance, or perhaps they are expanding their helicopter force rapidly and less capable pilots got through, or there was a lapse in their training, but what can be expected from a force that has spend decades bogged down in the occupation of Kashmir.
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