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Indian Air Force grounds 100 MiG-27 jets

What I know is that HAL produced ones were roughly 40% cheaper than the imported ones. May be the addition of avionics etc later on increased the price.

Can check from Janes Defence Weekly Volume 47, Issue 4, 27 January Pg 34
Can check from Janes Defence Weekly Volume 47, Issue 4, 27 January Pg 34

Unfortunately I am not a subscriber, so can you provide a link?

This link states the ~40% reduction in cost.
The Su-30MKI Info Page - Vayu Sena

And I did a little more searching, so it seems that initially rumors were there that the complete indigenization would double the price. So they opted to import some parts from Russia. But nowhere it is clear that what is the actual cost of production and is it completely indigenized or some parts are being imported. May be the problem was in opening production facilities, which HAL had none at that time for any part.
Unfortunately I am not a subscriber, so can you provide a link?

This link states the ~40% reduction in cost.
The Su-30MKI Info Page - Vayu Sena

I read it in my university Library. Can not provide the link. Can any other member help?
Well imran bhai you can call them whatever u want but the irony is what will u call mmrca or pakfa :cheers:

yaar i am not hatefull .i just ask simple qes if its harm i am sorry:)
spend millions and than ground them..what a waste.
Grounding the aircraft means, it is a waste??????? Surprising comment from a senior member.
ofcourse they are not permanently grounded I am surprised IAF spent millions of dollars on upgrades and updates and now they grounded atleast 100 of them until complete inspections...correct move but matter should have been resolved and found out soon after upgrades or professionalism didn't take place in this case..
ofcourse they are not permanently grounded I am surprised IAF spent millions of dollars on upgrades and updates and now they grounded atleast 100 of them until complete inspections...correct move but matter should have been resolved and found out soon after upgrades or professionalism didn't take place in this case..
What does the upgrades have to do with it the problem? Not all upgraded Migs 27 (btw 2 squads only) was grounded, but the whole fleet, so it must be a general problem and not with the modernised parts.
And the grounding is just for the safty of the pilots till the problem solved, same procedure like in any other airforce!
The west will bankrupt India with expensive weapon systems then the west will sanction India for not falling into line. When your reserves are said to be $100 billion how can you spend $50 billion year on year and not feel the pinch. The west is after your reserves by hook or crook to keep their workforce in jobs.
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