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Indian Air Force Chief says they have detected unusual movement of Chinese Air Force

Interesting video, which gave me an idea.

While China has a well trained and equipped army, China could also do what the British and Indians have done and hire the Gurkhas to train their troops. Gurkhas along with many mercenaries around the world have combat experience which the Chinese could learn from.

The Shaheen series of exercises with Pakistan have honed both Pakistan and China air power, and in a similar manner Chinese training with Gurkhas in Mountain warfare could be a way for the elite Chinese troops to makeup for limited actual war experience. In this way the Gurkhas get employment and China gets to build a deeper bond with Nepal. Joint exercises could be held in Nepal one year and Tibet or Xinjiang the next year.
While China has a well trained and equipped army, China could also do what the British and Indians have done and hire the Gurkhas to train their troops. Gurkhas along with many mercenaries around the world have combat experience which the Chinese could learn from.
The issue is the Gorkha units in Indian Army are approximately 100000 who are considering revolting hence have been put under vigilance. They wanted to go back to Nepal and fight along side their country men.

That is our internal ISSUE

It does not involves China
Apparently it was not an internal issue. Rather an International issue and that too with someone who is going to be a super power and showing the current super power that they can fight them as well.
That is our internal ISSUE

It does not involves China

No, it is NOT an international issue. The fact that you do not understand that, is why you are in so much trouble now.

The issue is the Gorkha units in Indian Army are approximately 100000 who are considering revolting hence have been put under vigilance. They wanted to go back to Nepal and fight along side their country men.

It would be very very interesting what these Gorkha units do, if India gets rough with Nepal over the map issue. While some of them are basically doing it for a salary, loyality to your home and family will run a lot stronger than a pay check.

I didnot realise that Nepal had an army of 90k soldiers. That is alot, alot more than i originally though. Let's see.
Interesting video, which gave me an idea.

While China has a well trained and equipped army, China could also do what the British and Indians have done and hire the Gurkhas to train their troops. Gurkhas along with many mercenaries around the world have combat experience which the Chinese could learn from.

The Shaheen series of exercises with Pakistan have honed both Pakistan and China air power, and in a similar manner Chinese training with Gurkhas in Mountain warfare could be a way for the elite Chinese troops to makeup for limited actual war experience. In this way the Gurkhas get employment and China gets to build a deeper bond with Nepal. Joint exercises could be held in Nepal one year and Tibet or Xinjiang the next year.

China did hire Nepalese mercenaries in a war against one of the Indian principalities after their diplomats were slaughtered during the Tang Dynasty. I think you might be onto something.
Only of they had the mighty Rafael could India have done something about this Chinese Airforce movement.
Air Force Chief says they have detected unusual movement of Chinese Air Force, assures that strategy put in place to respond

Speaking at the annual graduation day parade at Air Force Academy, Dundigal, Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria said the Indian Air Force (IAF) had information regarding China's air bases and the deployment along the LAC.

21 June, 2020


Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria/ Image

Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria on Saturday said that they have detected unusual movement of China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) along the border in Ladakh. The Air Force chief also said they have already put in place its own strategy to respond to any contingency, reports Times of India.

Speaking at the annual graduation day parade at Air Force Academy, Dundigal, Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria said the Indian Air Force (IAF) had information regarding China’s air bases and the deployment along the LAC.

“During the summer, there are usual exercises. But at this time, we have noticed more than usual deployment. We have taken necessary action,” the Air Force chief said the rationale behindIAF moving its aircraft to the forward air bases.

The Air Force chief also clarified that India was not at war with China, but he added that they are prepared for any contingency and said that all efforts are being made to solve the situation at the LAC peacefully.

The IAF chief Bhadauria, responding to the Chinese aggression along the Line of Actual Control at PP-4 near Galwan valley on June 15, in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed, said these were “unacceptable Chinese actions”. “We will never let the sacrifice of our braves of Galwan go in vain,” he asserted.

Our Armed Forces can handle the situation: Air Force Chief
When asked if China had an advantage over India, the Air Chief said, “Rest assured, our armed forces are capable of handling the situation.”

“Have faith in the Indian Army. It has come out with information about what happened. We don’t have to give any message to the adversary because the adversary knows our capacity,” he said while adding that air patrolling in the Ladakh region has been increased.

The Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria on Saturday visited Dindigul airbase to witness the combined graduation parade in which as 123 graduating officers were awarded the President’s Commission. Eleven officers of the Indian Navy and Coast Guard also earned their wings apart from two officers of Vietnam Air Force, who too passed out.

In his speech, the Air Chief paid tributes to Colonel Santosh Babu and 19 soldiers who were killed in the clash with Chinese soldiers. “Their gallant actions in a highly challenging situation have demonstrated our resolve to protect the sovereignty of our country – at any cost,” he said.

He said the graduating officers would go straight to their units and not take a break. “The security scenario in our region mandates our armed forces to remain prepared and vigilant at all times,” he added.

Indian Air Force moves its assets to forward bases
Amidst the current tension with China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the Indian Air Force had deployed its newly acquired Apache attack helicopter and upgraded MiG-29s in Ladakh.

These Apache helicopters were deployed to provide air support to the Indian Army troops. The patrolling was in line with the recent decision of the IAF to move its assets including fighter jets to the forward bases and airfields in wake of the ongoing dispute between India and China at LAC.

The critical front-line assets of the IAF, including the Sukhoi-30 MKI, Mirage 2000 and Jaguar fighter jets were all put to the advanced positions so that they are ready to fly in a very short notice to carry out operations if needed.


What is the use? Modi has already said there was no incursion.
Air Force Chief says they have detected unusual movement of Chinese Air Force, assures that strategy put in place to respond

Speaking at the annual graduation day parade at Air Force Academy, Dundigal, Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria said the Indian Air Force (IAF) had information regarding China's air bases and the deployment along the LAC.

21 June, 2020


Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria/ Image

Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria on Saturday said that they have detected unusual movement of China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) along the border in Ladakh. The Air Force chief also said they have already put in place its own strategy to respond to any contingency, reports Times of India.

Speaking at the annual graduation day parade at Air Force Academy, Dundigal, Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria said the Indian Air Force (IAF) had information regarding China’s air bases and the deployment along the LAC.

“During the summer, there are usual exercises. But at this time, we have noticed more than usual deployment. We have taken necessary action,” the Air Force chief said the rationale behindIAF moving its aircraft to the forward air bases.

The Air Force chief also clarified that India was not at war with China, but he added that they are prepared for any contingency and said that all efforts are being made to solve the situation at the LAC peacefully.

The IAF chief Bhadauria, responding to the Chinese aggression along the Line of Actual Control at PP-4 near Galwan valley on June 15, in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed, said these were “unacceptable Chinese actions”. “We will never let the sacrifice of our braves of Galwan go in vain,” he asserted.

Our Armed Forces can handle the situation: Air Force Chief
When asked if China had an advantage over India, the Air Chief said, “Rest assured, our armed forces are capable of handling the situation.”

“Have faith in the Indian Army. It has come out with information about what happened. We don’t have to give any message to the adversary because the adversary knows our capacity,” he said while adding that air patrolling in the Ladakh region has been increased.

The Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria on Saturday visited Dindigul airbase to witness the combined graduation parade in which as 123 graduating officers were awarded the President’s Commission. Eleven officers of the Indian Navy and Coast Guard also earned their wings apart from two officers of Vietnam Air Force, who too passed out.

In his speech, the Air Chief paid tributes to Colonel Santosh Babu and 19 soldiers who were killed in the clash with Chinese soldiers. “Their gallant actions in a highly challenging situation have demonstrated our resolve to protect the sovereignty of our country – at any cost,” he said.

He said the graduating officers would go straight to their units and not take a break. “The security scenario in our region mandates our armed forces to remain prepared and vigilant at all times,” he added.

Indian Air Force moves its assets to forward bases
Amidst the current tension with China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the Indian Air Force had deployed its newly acquired Apache attack helicopter and upgraded MiG-29s in Ladakh.

These Apache helicopters were deployed to provide air support to the Indian Army troops. The patrolling was in line with the recent decision of the IAF to move its assets including fighter jets to the forward bases and airfields in wake of the ongoing dispute between India and China at LAC.

The critical front-line assets of the IAF, including the Sukhoi-30 MKI, Mirage 2000 and Jaguar fighter jets were all put to the advanced positions so that they are ready to fly in a very short notice to carry out operations if needed.


Major Indian surrender coming sooon!!!
The issue is the Gorkha units in Indian Army are approximately 100000 who are considering revolting hence have been put under vigilance. They wanted to go back to Nepal and fight along side their country men.

Apparently it was not an internal issue. Rather an International issue and that too with someone who is going to be a super power and showing the current super power that they can fight them as well.

The Chinese could pay Nepal as well as give a pay increase over what the Indians pay to the Gurkha soldiers, to bring them back and work with/for the Chinese to train Chinese troops in mountain warfare. A good opforce to train against as well.

Even more so, the Chinese could pay the Gurkha’s to work as a “Chinese foreign legion” under Chinese officers protecting Chinese interests world wide similar to what the British did. It would also tie Nepal into China’s orbit for the long term.

Pulling 100,000 out of the enemy’s army and into your army (on an exclusive basis, I.e. Nepal agrees to not allow any Nepalis to fight in the Indian army anymore) for a mere $1-2 Billion a year and then employing them to guard your facilities abroad kills more than two birds with one stone and is a strategy IMHO Sun Tzu would approve, “subduing the enemy without fighting is the highest form of warfare”

This is a strategy China could do as well to bring in other mercenaries to train their troops in exercises, acting as the Opposing force. Except in The Gurkhas case, they could actually serve on behalf of the Chinese as they do for the British military, or how foreigners serve for the French in the French foreign legion.
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