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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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So tell me if India doesn't produce or use ak's,RPGs or explosives ?:lol:
Or maybe you examined the weapon personally to know about their origin?

Who said it took 25 hours ?:lol: you are imagining things now!

P.S; more explosions & firing being heard ... Day 3..:lol:

The attack took place on the evening of 22 May at around 20:30

At 13:00 hrs, when the operation officially ended, 18 sailors were reported to have been killed and 16 others wounded.[16] In all, it took approximately 16 hours to secure the base ..They used rocket-propelled grenades to damage and destroy several warplanes and premiere anti-submarine and marine surveillance aircraft – the US-made P-3C Orion.[14] Several multimillion-dollar aircraft were set ablaze.[:lol:
Are you seriously laugh? :rofl:

AK7 never went into mass production back then, Ghatak, the recent AK copy went into production a year ago.

India has been importing AK from Eastern European countries like Bulgaria.


No, India doesnt produce RPG series, but the Swedish Carl Gustavs.

Your authorities blatantly lied to your public. I have even seen a AK74u as being an Indian weapon in a video. :rofl:

I couldn't find a 74 in the video .. Neither fund them mentioning Indian made 47s... I could only hear media reporting rifles,ammunition and explosives of Russian and Indian origin...

Maybe they were talking about AK ammunition,explosives recovered etc ... Think beyond your usual doucebagery..
Hoe would in know? Ofb isn't the only ordinance factory in India either... And even if it somehow was... Maybe it's not listed on its website... There are a million products not mentioned on POF,HIT,PAC,KSY,GIDS etc websites either yet we know that they produce them..

Do you know anything about India's defence industry? Public sector OFB factories have a complete monopoly in small arms, armored, simple ammunition, etc. manufacturing. Just like HAL has/had a monopoly in defence aerospace assembly.

Yes, it's all from OFB, designs from DRDO or license produced. RPGs, AKs, PKMs, certain mortars, etc, etc. are not made. All of which is shown, which is the hilarious part.

They know your public and reporters dont know shit, it's easy to lie. And they do it -

I couldn't find a 74 in the video

Not in that video, in another one which I cant find now. Trust me, it was hilarious.:rofl:
The attack took place on the evening of 22 May at around 20:30

At 13:00 hrs, when the operation officially ended, 18 sailors were reported to have been killed and 16 others wounded.[16] In all, it took approximately 16 hours to secure the base ..They used rocket-propelled grenades to damage and destroy several warplanes and premiere anti-submarine and marine surveillance aircraft – the US-made P-3C Orion.[14] Several multimillion-dollar aircraft were set ablaze.[:lol:

So you are quoting Wikipedia .. Which says 16 hours?

BC .. If the same number of terrorists,armed with syicide vests and heavy weapons had entered iaf base ... Im sure India would have remained constipated for a month rather than 3 (probably will take another 3 days)..:lol:
So you are quoting Wikipedia .. Which says 16 hours?

BC .. If the same number of terrorists,armed with syicide vests and heavy weapons had entered iaf base ... Im sure India would have remained constipated for a month rather than 3 (probably will take another 3 days)..:lol:

And most of them surrendered! Isn't that odd, fidayeen attackers surrendering.

That's something some idiots here won't understand.
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