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How do you know people by dressing.Putting all the blame on the most poor and defenseless people is simply running away from problem.Most of the rape incidents reported in Kerala have nothing to do with immigrants.

I said educated..... not poor..... a

Do not get confused between posters.... When did i say about kerala?????? Please go thru my entire post before commenting... i think u got confused with some other posters... and lets not discuss states here (not atleast at my cost)... lets discuss the issue here....
What the hell.... in gurgaon???????? What has gone wrong with this guys???????

Gurgaon is worse than Delhi.

In 2010, a newly appointed young pilot of a famous jetliner was treating his girlfriend and his sister with dinner in a posh restaurant. Some, about 4, locals entered the restaurant, got drunk, and started misbehaving with the two girls in a very dirty fashion. When the pilot intervened, they pounced at him at once, and beat him so bad, his knee was broken beyond repair. Those 4 who ruined his evening, and his life, were relatives of a local politician. No police case could be initiated against them since the police too is local.

This very year, two guys from Gurgaon shot and killed a newly fathered toll worker from MP at Delhi-Gurgaon highway toll booth.

They got caught only after the CCTV showed the toll worker shot, and was hyped by the media.

And then the case of a reporter getting harassed right in front of camera, it was posted here on PDF as well. Did they look like outsiders? They are all locals who understand how the corruption has incapacitated the police; anyone with money can take advantage.

Mind you, in the recent rape case, had the rapists been rich, they would never have gotten caught!
Strange. Why exactly are you putting this video up in a Pakistani forum? Share the video on FB or tweet it if you feel it's necessary but what reaction were you expecting in here? Don't unnecessarily feed the trolls, there are numerous threads running on the topic already.

I care about my country not about trolls on some forum including this. Don't bother about India's image on PDF if the video is what going on in my country......
I care about my country not about trolls on some forum including this. Don't bother about India's image on PDF if the video is what going on in my country......

Being concerned is fine but have you seen the volume of rape threads being opened in here? You could've merely made your point in any one of those. Is there a need to open an another one?
delhi is a ****@hole when it comes to crime against women and its our national capital .

i have to say that these UP , bihari bhaiyas have to be taught some manners on how to behave with a girl , they are disgusting .
Being concerned is all fine but have you seen the volume of rape threads being opened in here? You could've merely made your point in any one of those. What is the need to open an another one?
Rape threads are coming because it is happening in India. All threads are for different cases I think... but this one is with a live video..... people should be aware....................... If my thread spread consciousness to about 100 Indians.... thats enough for me.... Its more important to India and Indians than DRDO launching K-15 or Agni-V.
there is huge wave of this kinda incidents,never heard this kinda incidents 6-8 yrs back :hitwall:

i think i should apply for asylum with family in norway or sweden as these countries are safest :lol:
Strange. Why exactly are you putting this video up in a Pakistani forum? Share the video on FB or tweet it if you feel it's necessary but what reaction were you expecting in here? Don't unnecessarily feed the trolls, there are numerous threads running on the topic already.

This was the thinking that prevailed for decades and the dirt remained hidden. It kept piling up because we did not talk about it out of the fear that others might laugh at us. But the end result - it has become a norm, just as suicide bombing in Pakistan has become a norm and people remain unaffected.

Do you even know how is it that the culprits got caught overnight in the recent rape case? It was so because the incident has become big in the international media.

It is very much your way of thinking that has led this country to this day when the Capital of India is internationally known as Rape Capital, and very justifiably too!
delhi is a ****@hole when it comes to crime against women and its our national capital .

i have to say that these UP , bihari bhaiyas have to be taught some manners on how to behave with a girl , they are disgusting .

Shift the capital to Bangalore, much safer than the rapecapital.
Rape threads are coming because it is happening in India. All threads are for different cases I think... but this one is with a live video..... people should be aware....................... If my thread spread consciousness to about 100 Indians.... thats enough for me.... Its more important to India and Indians than DRDO launching K-15 or Agni-V.

I understand your sentiment but there is a time and more importantly, a place to discuss these things with a neutral outlook. All your thread will eventually come down to is folks slinging mud on each other and the respective states they belong to. What good is going to come out of that?
dirty biharis and ups .... scum of India, scum of of humanity, deport them into the ocean.... filthiest people I have ever seen, now these scum is even invading my beautiful Kerala....

shut the fu*k up you fool....go google rape and incest in kerala and you will finds thousands of that kinda news....so you are no saint either.....never ever try to post such shity posts again....
Shift the capital to Bangalore, much safer than the rapecapital.

That does'nt solve the problem. Problem is deep rooted somewhere else -

male chauvinist attitude, windfall wealth got from selling land to industrial zones/ construction projects, arrogance of power, gender bias practiced at homes, lack of education and most importantly values, poverty, unemployment, burgeoning population. The spokes are stuck within each other and is not so easy. But it is heavily dependent on political class to take up the challenges for major part to be complemented by our judiciary. We as a society are part of this game.
I understand your sentiment but there is a time, and more importantly, a place to discuss these things with a neutral outlook. All your thread will eventually come down to is folks slinging mud on each other and the respective states they belong to. What good is going to come out of that?
Its on page 4, still doing good..... so far trolls run away..... thats enough. My job done on PDF. I after that they eventually start slinging mud on each other from now... I don't care.... just wanted to say ...... save our sisters ...... save the power of India....
Its on page 4, still doing good..... so far trolls run away..... thats enough. My job done on PDF. I after that they eventually start slinging mud on each other from now... I don't care.... just wanted to say ...... save our sisters ...... save the power of India....
Don't worry. They can't troll on this topic. We gave those trolls handful today morning.

But I advice all threads get merged so that we can have all the posts at one place.
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